Why Do Predictions Come True? - Alternative View

Why Do Predictions Come True? - Alternative View
Why Do Predictions Come True? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Predictions Come True? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Predictions Come True? - Alternative View
Video: When what you Dream comes True - Sadhguru 2024, October

There is such a thing as the Pygmalion effect, when a person who is convinced of the correctness of information behaves in such a way that it is confirmed. The name of this phenomenon is associated with the sculptor Pygmalion, who once created a magnificent statue of a very beautiful girl. He was so fascinated by his own creation that he decided that in life he had no chance to meet the same beauty. Pygmalion asked Aphrodite to revive the statue, and the goddess of love responded to his pleas. This is how his beloved Galatea appeared. This is a story about how passionate desire and faith helps to make your wildest dreams come true.

The phenomenon when expectations are justified is called the Pygmalion effect. In life, the phenomenon manifests itself in the form of come true predictions. Its essence lies in the fact that the expectation makes you move in the right direction and provokes the fulfillment of the prophecy.

To confirm this assumption, American psychologists conducted an experiment. In one of the schools in San Francisco, several students were selected. Psychologists told the teachers that these children will definitely appear in the near future as intellectual luminaries. The educators were surprised because the chosen students were not very different. The children were randomly selected by psychologists, but when they came to this school again, it turned out that the participants in the experiment began to have a very high level of IQ.

This is proof that if you believe you can get what you want. School teachers believed in the giftedness of children and passed them on to their expectations, and they met them. In the same way, the worst expectations are fulfilled, children from disadvantaged families often become hostages of negative predictions of their future life. The optimistic attitude of doctors and managers is very important, then their expectations can do wonders.

Svetlana Yaroslavskaya