Envy - This Comparison Is - Alternative View

Envy - This Comparison Is - Alternative View
Envy - This Comparison Is - Alternative View

Video: Envy - This Comparison Is - Alternative View

Video: Envy - This Comparison Is - Alternative View
Video: Stop comparing! Be the best YOU! | Rachel Smets | TEDxHarderwijk 2024, June

And we were taught to constantly compare. We were conditioned to always compare. Someone has a better house, someone has a more beautiful body, someone has more money, someone is more charismatic … Continue to compare yourself with everyone you meet in life, and then strong envy will come out - this is a by-product of conditioning comparisons. But if you stop comparing, then envy will disappear. Then you just know who you are and that's it! You are not like anyone, and there is no need for that. It is good that you are not comparing yourself to trees, otherwise your envy will become enormous: why are you not green? And why is it so difficult to live, and where are the flowers of this life?

It's good that you don't compare yourself to birds, rivers, mountains, otherwise you will suffer. You compare yourself only with people, you have been conditioned to compare only with people, otherwise your envy and dissatisfaction with yourself would grow and grow. You would be so filled with envy that you could not live from this burden at all. Comparison is nonsense, because each person is unique and inimitable. As soon as you realize this, then envy will begin to disappear. Each is unique and inimitable. You are you, and there is no one like you anymore. You don't have to be anyone else.

Existence creates only originals, it does not believe in carbon-copy copies …

And yet, everyone is jealous of someone. Because of envy, hell arises, and because of envy, we become so insignificant to ourselves. But why are thoughts of others in the first place in your head? This is because you are not allowing your own energy to flow harmoniously, you are not allowing your bliss to grow, you are not allowing your essence to bloom. You feel emptiness inside and look at everyone and everything only outside - superficially. Because you can only see what is outside …

Because of envy, you are constantly suffering - you become unpleasant to others. Through jealousy, you become fake, because you start to pretend. You start pretending to be what you do not have, what you cannot have, which is unnatural for you. By imitating others, competing with them, you become more and more artificial. If someone has something and you don't, then the only way to have it is to get a cheap replacement for it …

Stop comparing, and envy disappears, insignificance disappears, falsehood disappears. But you can drop it if you only start to grow your inner wealth, there is no other way. Become more natural, more true. Accept and love yourself as Existence has made you, and then, in an instant, the doors of heaven will open for you. They were always open, you just didn't look at them …