Society Has Been Degrading For More Than A Year - Alternative View

Society Has Been Degrading For More Than A Year - Alternative View
Society Has Been Degrading For More Than A Year - Alternative View

Video: Society Has Been Degrading For More Than A Year - Alternative View

Video: Society Has Been Degrading For More Than A Year - Alternative View
Video: Dating women made me understand men 2024, July

- In Russia, 1 million people die every year because of alcohol and its consequences.

- 50% of children are born sick.

- Old people and veterans live in poverty.

- Young people do not care, they think life is wonderful, under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

- Children and adults get dumb thanks to the media and social networks.

- Around the hatred and violence. We seem to be taught this in life.

People who are aware of all this need to unite and help those who do not yet understand this.

In the Russian Federation there are 4 million homeless people, 3 million beggars, 3 million street and station prostitutes, about 1.5 million Russian women “work” on a panel of countries in Europe and Asia. 6 million Russian citizens suffer from mental disorders, 5 million are drug addicts, more than 6 million have AIDS.

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Every day 10 thousand abortions are performed in the Russian Federation, 7 million marriages in the Russian Federation are childless. More than 80 thousand murders are committed a year. About 30 thousand people die in road accidents.

About 100 thousand Russians die annually from drug overdose.

About 3 million people commit crimes in Russia every year. There are over 1 million prisoners in the country - more than in the USSR during the period of Stalinist repressions. The Russian Federation ranks first in the world in terms of the repressiveness of the law enforcement system - 800-810 prisoners per 100 thousand population.

The consumption of alcohol in the Russian Federation is 14 liters of conventional alcohol per person per year [according to other sources - 18 liters]. The physical degradation of the nation begins from the level of 8 liters.

There are 31 million children under 18 living in Russia. No more than 30 percent are healthy, 3.5 million are disabled, 1 million are drug addicts. There are 750 thousand orphans [more than at the end of the Great Patriotic War, when there were 678 thousand orphans].

Two million children are illiterate. About five million street children. In Russia one and a half million officials - three times more than in the USSR. About $ 33.5 billion is spent annually on bribes and bribery of officials.

For coal production, Russia “reached” the level of 1957, for the production of trucks - 1937, combines - 1933, tractors - 1931, wagons and fabrics - 1910, shoes - 1900. The aviation, radio-electronic and automobile industries were almost completely destroyed.

Unfortunately, you only know:

The success of the Olympic team, how Putin returned Crimea, Russia rises from its knees … That is, they let you know what they need, so that you know, no more.
