Our Ancestors - Aliens - Alternative View

Our Ancestors - Aliens - Alternative View
Our Ancestors - Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Our Ancestors - Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Our Ancestors - Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Are Our Gods Actually Aliens? – Sadhguru Answers 2024, October

According to one of the versions available in science, people living on the territory of planet Earth are aliens. Once upon a time, ancestors flew to it from Space and stayed here to live. If this is the case, then why is nothing reported in any of the available sources about this flight? The appearance of people from nowhere speaks of a high level of development of their thinking and scientific and technical knowledge. With all this, humanity has gone through all stages of development from the primitive system to modern man. Why did people forget the knowledge that they owned perfectly? Most likely, the loss of information occurred due to natural disasters. Now no one can determine the purpose and time of arrival of our ancestors to planet Earth. But, reading the texts of ancient legends, one can catch barely noticeable fragments of knowledge about the Universe, the authenticity of which has now been proven by scientists.

In Chinese handwritten works there are many points of interest for science, which, according to scientists, could be taken from an unearthly civilization. According to one of the Chinese legends, their country was founded by aliens who flew from the moon. And in the works of Chinese authors, luminous balls with entities inside were repeatedly mentioned.

On the one hand, the version that the entire population of the Earth is nothing more than guests on the planet is alarming, but on the other hand, scientists have found a number of confirming facts. In the photos taken from satellites, you can see structures similar to pyramids, built in a special way. They are not created by nature, man is involved in their appearance. Some researchers believe that our ancestors could initially start building life on these planets, but eventually settled on Earth. Years will pass, and an exact answer to these questions will be received.

Not so long ago it became known about a unique find on Earth in the form of debris from an aircraft of alien origin. According to scientists, representatives of ancient civilizations sent him to explore our planet, as modern scientists are doing now, launching such devices on objects under study. The presence of such facts gives reason to believe in the theory that people on Earth are aliens.

Supporters of this theory confirm it with more and more new facts. By itself, a person does not adapt well to the conditions of life on Earth, freezes or, conversely, suffers from exhausting heat. Modern man is far from nature and has practically no connection with it. Everything, without which the life of people in our time is difficult to imagine, was created by human hands. A person's harmonious relationship does not develop with nature, but with technology that makes his daily life easier. A person in his history constantly has to fight and prove some facts, create and destroy what he has created.

Having come to Earth, people had no choice but to start adapting to the conditions that were on the planet at that time. It was important for a person to survive and adapt the environment for himself. The attraction of the planet is another difficulty for humanity, which he has to fight daily. People suffer from diseases such as varicose veins, scoliosis and osteochondrosis, which are the result of too high gravity for them on the planet. Diseases from which a huge number of people on the planet suffer are not characteristic of any other animal. But, despite the difficulties, man, as a rational being, was able to rise above nature through scientific and technical developments.

Having appeared on Earth, man began to successfully use the planet's natural resources for his own purposes. He is lucky that there is a huge variety of resources, unlike other planets, with more severe conditions for life.

Some scientists are inclined to believe that from the very beginning the life of people on Earth is under the close control of representatives of the Cosmos. But why they are doing this, the researchers cannot answer unanimously and constantly disagree on this matter.

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One of the versions, announced by scientists, is that people were sent from another planet to Earth for punishment, like in prison. That is why the process of the birth of a new person is so painful. The size of the head of a newborn baby is too large, so at birth, the baby himself or his mother may die. No animal in the world faces such a problem. Some animals can be in the sun for a very long time, which cannot be said about a person who gets burns during prolonged exposure to the sun. One of the reasons why people are on planet Earth and bear this punishment is their innate cruelty and belligerence.

Another interesting version, put forward by scientists, speaks of the alien roots of mankind. The first inhabitants of the earth were aliens, who over time, having reached certain heights in their development, began to enter into an intimate relationship with representatives of ancient civilizations. As a result of such connections, children-hybrids were born, who were distinguished among their peers by their special intelligence. Scientists say that even now there are not so few people among people whose ancestors were aliens. Mental development of a high level, the presence of unique abilities, according to researchers, is one of the distinctive features of people in whose family there were aliens.

It is now impossible to determine the veracity of all these advanced versions, but it makes no sense to deny their possible probability. Modern science does not have a sufficient amount of knowledge in this direction, so any of the versions has the right to be put forward. Every year scientists make discoveries that bring mankind closer to the solution of its origin. The answer will be found over time, but whatever it may be, a person must understand how lucky he is to be an earthling, and not an inhabitant of some other planet.

The Earth, like a planet, is unique and beautiful, it has no equal in the Universe. A person needs to learn to value their planet and treat its resources as if they were their own.