A Metal Spiral, Millions Of Years Old, Was Discovered In East Kazakhstan - Alternative View

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A Metal Spiral, Millions Of Years Old, Was Discovered In East Kazakhstan - Alternative View
A Metal Spiral, Millions Of Years Old, Was Discovered In East Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Video: A Metal Spiral, Millions Of Years Old, Was Discovered In East Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Video: A Metal Spiral, Millions Of Years Old, Was Discovered In East Kazakhstan - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Advanced India | 9700BC Origins of Vedic Lost Technology 2024, October

Yerbolat Kassenov, a resident of the village of Ulken Naryn in the East Kazakhstan region, while collecting building stone at the Sadlo pass, to the east of the regional center, found an unusual heavy, black stone, resembling flint in density. The stone attracted attention to itself by the fact that it has a cut, inside which there is a metal spiral. Moreover, the structure of the stone in the places where it comes out is not broken.

Amazing stone

Erbolat Imataevich from the Katon-Karagai region of the East Kazakhstan region handed over the find to the local branch of the East Kazakhstan Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. At first, experts mistook the spiral for a petrified mollusc, but then they realized that it was metal. Imagine the surprise of the museum workers when on the Internet they found information about exactly the same stone with a "bolt" inside, found in Russia, whose age, according to the results of X-ray structural and radiocarbon analyzes, is more than 300 million years!

“There are also several man-made holes on the stone, from 0.6 to 1.0 cm in diameter and 0.5 to 0.3 cm in depth,” comments the director of the museum, Oralgazy Kazhayev. - The slot has a cylindrical shape, the spiral consists of 11 turns, its length is 201 mm. The coil resembles the tungsten filament of an incandescent lamp, only much thicker than those found in conventional lighting fixtures.

Obviously, it got into the rock before it hardened and turned to stone. The bolt was supposed to have a shell of an unknown material. Like the bulb of modern incandescent lamps. After millions of years, it apparently collapsed, and only a clear cylindrical shape remained. Probably, at the ends of the spiral there are some contacts hidden in the rock. In any case, without its destruction it is impossible to determine visually …

One thing is clear: the stone hides in itself an artificially created technical detail with a huge age. It is excluded that this is a modern part that could get into the rock from explosions during the construction of the road.


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- To answer this question, you need to do a lot of research. To begin with, I intend to take the stone to the laboratory of the geological team, which is located in the suburb of Ablaketka, Ust-Kamenogorsk, - added O. Kazhaev.

Kaluga phenomenon

A similar sensational find in 2014 was made by the Russian expedition of the MAI-Cosmopoisk Center, combing fields in the south of the Kaluga region in search of meteorite fragments. One of the members of the expedition, Dmitry Kurkov, then decided to inspect a seemingly ordinary piece of stone. His curiosity led to events that could turn our understanding of earthly and cosmic history. The stone was taken to the scientists for examination. The analysis has revealed that the age of the "bolt" is more than 300 - 320 million years. It was found that he also got into the rock before it hardened, and, therefore, his age is in no way less than the age of the stone. The "bolt" could not find itself in it later, because the structure of the stone was not disturbed by it.

A scrupulous chemical analysis showed that over the past time the iron atoms have diffused, that is, moved inside the stone to a depth of one and a half centimeters, and silicon atoms that came from the stone have taken their place 51. As a result, an oval ferrous “cocoon” has formed, and is now perfectly distinguishable. For paleontologists and lithological geologists, this is a common phenomenon: they know that everything inside a stone for millions of years sooner or later becomes stone.

I must say that at first, when it came to the entry of such a product into the breed of 300 million years ago, everyone had doubts. But they quickly disappeared after microscopic and X-ray studies. Moreover, in addition to the "bolt" and next to it, the skeptics discovered several more technogenic formations, including two strange microscopic balls with square holes.

In short, the same thing as on the Ulkennaryn stone, which has not yet been taken to any laboratory. But the stone from Kaluga has consistently visited the paleontological, zoological, physical-technical, aviation-technological institutes, the Paleontological and Biological museums, laboratories and design bureaus, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow State University, as well as several dozen more specialists in various fields of knowledge. In all technical institutes there was not a single specialist who doubted that in front of him was an artificial product that somehow got inside the stone.

Iron bolt 300 million years old, found in Russia
Iron bolt 300 million years old, found in Russia

Iron bolt 300 million years old, found in Russia

But there was even more impressive proof of the unusualness of the phenomenon: X-rays clearly showed that there are other “bolts” inside the stone, now hidden from view!

Artifacts of "forbidden" archeology

On Earth at different times, there were other amazing finds that are not included in the circle of the known or studied by science, and therefore related to the so-called "forbidden" archeology. Many of them suggest the existence of extraterrestrial or prehistoric civilizations with highly developed technologies. Here are just some of the archival data described in the blog of the Archaeological Club under the nickname Hyperborea on May 28, 2014:

“In 1844, a steel nail was found in the Kinguda Quarry in Milfield, northern Britain, as reported by Sir David Brewster, about an inch (2.5 cm) embedded with a head in hard sandstone. The tip of the nail came out into a layer of boulder clay, being almost completely eaten away by rust …

In 1851, in Dorchester (USA), among the fragments of stones chipped from a rock by an explosion, to the great amazement of the audience, the following were discovered: “2 fragments of a metal object torn in half by the explosion. When joined, the pieces formed a bell vessel 4.5 inches (114 mm) high, 6.5 inches (165 mm) wide at the base, and 2.5 inches (64 mm) at the apex and about 1/8 inch (3 mm) thick walls.). The metal of the vessel looked like zinc or an alloy with a significant addition of silver. Six images of a flower or bouquet covered with pure silver were distinguished on the surface, and around the lower part of the vessel was a vine or a wreath, also covered with silver. The carvings and plating were excellently done by an unknown craftsman. This strange vessel of mysterious origin was recovered from a layer of rock that was at a depth of 15 feet (4.5 m) before the explosion …

In 1968, in Utah (USA), William Meister discovered two distinct human footprints in boots. Moreover, the left boot with its heel stepped on the trilobite, the remains of which were petrified along with the imprint. Trilobites - arthropods, similar to modern crustaceans, lived on our planet 400-500 million years ago …

Ancient platinum jewelry has been found in Ecuador. Remember that the melting point of platinum is about + 1800 ° C, and then it will become clear to you that without the appropriate technology, Indian craftsmen simply could not create such a decoration.

In Iraq, during the excavations … the oldest of all known galvanic elements was found, which is about 4 thousand years old. Inside the ceramic vases are cylinders of sheet copper, and inside them are iron rods. The edges of the copper cylinder are connected by an alloy of lead and tin, which has only now become widely known to modern electricians and radio engineers under the name "tretnik". The ancients used bitumen as an insulator. The electrolyte has now disappeared (dried up and weathered), but when a solution of copper sulfate was poured into such vessels, the found battery immediately gave current … By the way, in the same place, in Iraq, the first samples of electroplated coatings were found. How could the ancients know about the methods of obtaining and using electricity?.."

And what about the imprint of a boot tread in sandstone, found in the Gobi Desert, whose age is estimated at 10 million years, as reported by the Soviet writer Alexander Petrovich Kazantsev?

Or a similar imprint, but already in blocks of limestone, in the state of Nevada (USA) … A porcelain high-voltage glass overgrown with fossilized mollusks … In coal mines in Russia, the finds were no less strange: plastic columns, an iron meter-long cylinder with round inclusions of yellow metal …

And an aluminum hatchet, 20 thousand years old, similar to the paw of a spacecraft, found during excavations near the Murysh River, which is two kilometers from the city of Ayuda in Romania? For the first time, aluminum was obtained by Hans Oersted in 1825 by the action of potassium amalgam on aluminum chloride, followed by the removal of mercury. And now it is obtained by electrothermal means. And aluminum has an incredibly chemically resistant film on the air-metal interface.

The characteristics of these items indicate their origin from a culture with a higher level of technology than that reached in the Middle Ages or ancient times.

An original hypothesis

Let's return, however, to the Bolshenarym stone. Museum director Oralgazy Kazhayev, an enthusiastic and erudite person, put forward his hypothesis about the origin of the object.

“When there weren't even dinosaurs on Earth, equipment was already moving on it,” he said. “Or at least something that used tungsten coils, induction coils and obscure metal balls. I think the alleged tungsten bolt once served as a lighting fixture. Judging by the thickness of the spiral on it, it could illuminate space at a distance of 100 - 150 kilometers. Over 300 million years, the shell collapsed, and tungsten, which does not lend itself to corrosion, remained intact.

The hypothesis of Oralgazy Kazhayev is unlikely to seem absurd to anyone, if you give another example well-known to science. Gold miner and professional geologist Mikhail Koshman discovered several strange miniature springs at a mine in Chukotka. They lay at the bottom of the stream under a layer of sediments, the age of which is estimated at least 10 thousand years. Grooves with melted edges were visible on the springs.


Doctor of Mineralogical Sciences Margarita Novogorodova and Senior Researcher Vladimir Karpenko from the Mineralogical Museum. Fersman, having examined one of the springs on an electron scanning microscope, concluded that it was “an obvious technogenic gene, tungsten plus mercury. More than 90 percent of the spring is tungsten. The rest is mercury. Tungsten and mercury. Everything seems to be clear. After all, humanity has long been using mercury-tungsten lamps. For example, these are used in spotlights. Similar lamps still hang from street lighting poles in many cities - they give more light than conventional lamps of the same wattage. But the incandescent spirals in them are no different from those in ordinary lamps - they are made entirely of tungsten (mercury is added to the discharge flask to argon). But there are no tungsten-mercury spirals. That,that actually the prospectors found.

In our daily life, we simply throw away used lamps in a landfill. Perhaps representatives of unearthly civilizations did the same?


Who, after all, “littered” the Devonian or Carboniferous period of the Paleozoic era with metal objects on Earth? If UFOs now fly anywhere and anytime, about which there is a mass of evidence, then why should they not appear on Earth millions of years ago? There could be many civilizations in the Universe that could fly to the Earth and … litter here.

“Suppose that aliens from other worlds, galaxies once decided to make the Earth habitable,” O. Kazhaev continues to develop his hypothesis. - The Bible says that the Earth had a water shell. Genesis 1: 6-7 says: “And God said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and let it separate the water from the water. And God created the firmament; And he separated the water that is under the firmament from the water that is above the firmament. And it became so”. The conditions described in this verse are best illustrated by the sphere of dense water vapor that surrounded the earth. Thanks to this, the Earth was protected by a water shield, which provided a subtropical greenhouse effect.

Perhaps this shell was created by aliens to cool our planet. Then they brought in plants, mostly mushrooms. Under the influence of the resulting greenhouse effect, they grew rapidly, reaching enormous heights and sizes, but had a weak root system. The mushrooms fell, and under the influence of dampness they turned into a viscous liquid mass, which flowed into the crevices and depressions of the earth, filling the voids. What turned out to be below, over millions of years turned into oil deposits, similar to the Caspian, and what remained on the surface, under the influence of external natural factors, became coal (it is no coincidence that scientists talk about the same protein origin of oil and coal).

But the Earth was changing all the time. Through a myriad of earthquakes, volcanoes, fractures and flooding of continents, mountain rises and influx of seas. 65 million years ago, an asteroid that fell to Earth in the area of modern southern Mexico, having formed a funnel 350 kilometers in diameter, provoked faults and volcanoes, covered the earth with smog, smoke and ash for years, as a result of which the dinosaurs became extinct. It was then that the alien intelligent beings used these powerful lighting devices to study the Earth, directing rays of light from a height …

Fragments of some of these petrified lanterns have survived to this day. Including the one found in Ulken Naryn …

Shamil Bagautdinov