The Mystery Of The "cursed Books". Part 1 - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The "cursed Books". Part 1 - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The "cursed Books". Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The "cursed Books". Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The
Video: 5 Cursed Books You Shouldn't Read Alone 2024, October

In the photo: The remains of the "Book of Thoth".

If ancient knowledge had not been lost, the world would now look different. Throughout human history, amazing books have suddenly appeared and just as suddenly disappeared

The first to draw attention to this strange phenomenon was Jacques Bergier (1912 - 1978), a specialist in tomes that have sunk into oblivion. “Books are being destroyed in fact and with such immutability,” he writes in his monograph “The Cursed Books”, “that the thought involuntarily creeps in: perhaps the reason for this phenomenon is that their content threatened the existence of earthly civilization.” Who claims to be the saviors of mankind from unnecessary, in their opinion, knowledge? According to Bergier, they can be, whatever one may say, only the mighty of this world: first the priests, then the Inquisition, now, perhaps, the special services.

So what did our ancestors know?

“Unfortunately, only fragmentary information has been preserved about this,” says Yuriy KOTSENKO, a historian, bibliographer, head of the Ancient World research center. - But they are also shocking.


Book of Thoth The Book of Thoth is the oldest of the damned. Appeared in ancient Egypt among the priests. Thoth is a deity of pre-Egyptian origin. He was portrayed as a man with the head of an ibis. According to the oldest legend, Thoth invented writing and was the chronicler of all the meetings of the gods. The book was written on 78 gold plates. And the legendary Atlanteans were considered its authors. Later, the book was copied several times on papyri. The gold tablets are gone. Copies were destroyed by the priests. Later - the Inquisition. But there were survivors.

- It is not known how accurately the ancient chroniclers conveyed the content of the original text, - Yuri Borisovich comments. - Some experts believe that the present text of the Book of Thoth has survived in the form of Tarot cards. But this is a controversial version.

The book contained the secret of unlimited power over various (!) Worlds. She also gave power over the earth, ocean and heavenly bodies. With its help, it was possible to discover secret ways of communication, raise the dead and influence other people at a distance.

Also one of the secret sciences described in the book was the technique of mastering the natural, but unknown to us functions of our own body. This science was called "psychological optics". It allowed us to transform from subhuman, which we all are, into true people. In special mirrors, which were called "the mirror of truth", only that which was bad in the face of the person looking in them was reflected. The same person who became “true” no longer saw anything in this mirror, because he had purified himself from all that was bad in himself.

RARITY STATUS TODAY: Only a few scattered pages remain from one of the first copies.

WHERE STORED: In the newly rebuilt Library of Alexandria in Egypt.


Abbot Trithemius (1462-1516), after meeting with a certain mysterious teacher who instructed him in the occult sciences, wrote a book called Steganography. Here is his own preface: “In my book, I will tell you about the ways in which I can accurately and reliably convey my will to anyone who comprehends the meaning of my science, no matter how far away he is from me, even a hundred miles away. And at the same time, no one will suspect that I have used any signs, figures or letters. And if I use the services of a messenger and this messenger is intercepted on the way, no pleas, threats, promises and even torture will force this messenger to reveal a secret, because he will not know anything about him. That is why no one person will be able to reveal the secret. And all these things, if I wish, I can easily do, and without resorting to anyone's help, and without sending a messenger. Even to a prisoner imprisoned in a deep dungeon and under vigilant guard, I am able to convey my will."

“Most likely, Trithemius really made a great discovery in the field of telepathy and hypnosis, but he shouldn't have told about it,” the historian Kotsenko believes. - The English alchemist George Ripley, who studied the works of Trithemius in full, even left such a frightened comment: "I beg those who know them (works) not to publish them!"

RARITY STATE TODAY: In 1616 the manuscript was burned. A very short summary of Steganography, dated 1621, has survived.

WHERE IT IS STORED: At the German National Library in Berlin.

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John Dee (1527 - 1609) - English mathematician, geographer, astronomer and astrologer. One of the most educated people of his time, he put forward the idea of the initial meridian - Greenwich. On May 25, 1581, a creature of inhuman nature surrounded by radiance appeared to him. It left him a black mirror that looked like a perfectly polished piece of coal. And she told the doctor that, looking into this crystal, he would see other worlds and would be able to come into contact with intelligent beings of a different, non-human nature. Dee recorded his conversations with these unearthly creatures. And some of them, entitled "The True and True Report of What Happened Over the Years Between Dr. J. Dee and Certain Spirits," was published by the English philologist Meric Cazaubon. Another part of the recordings of the conversations was burned along with the entire archive of Dee by unknown robbers.

“However, there are enough fragments of the language spoken by these creatures and which Dee called Enochic,” Kotsenko says. - It was a complete system with its own alphabet and its own grammar. Some of the texts in the Enochic language that have come down to us contain mathematical knowledge, the level of which is much higher than that which existed in the time of John Dee.

Dee also wrote that the Earth is actually not quite round. It consists of many superimposed spheres, lined up along another dimension. Between these spheres there are points, or rather, surfaces of contact, and thus Greenland in other worlds extends to infinity. That is why John Dee made numerous petitions to Queen Elizabeth, in which he convinced her that England should take possession of Greenland in order to get the door to other worlds at her disposal.

RARITY STATE TODAY: The mirror is in perfect, but inoperative condition. Unfortunately, the administration of the museum does not allow either using it or exploring it. Only the first part of the conversations with the spirits has survived.

WHERE IT IS STORED: In the British Museum in London.
