Moon - An Alien Base? - Alternative View

Moon - An Alien Base? - Alternative View
Moon - An Alien Base? - Alternative View

Video: Moon - An Alien Base? - Alternative View

Video: Moon - An Alien Base? - Alternative View
Video: Apollo 13 Views of the Moon in 4K 2024, October

So who's the stranger on the moon? - "You can live there." - Anomalous phenomena on our satellite over the last century. - Werner von Braun: "Extraterrestrial forces interfere with us." “Or maybe aliens are better at observing articles on behavior on the moon than Washington? - Could you think of an alternative to Star Wars?

The question arises, why did the Americans, who embarked on the exploration of the moon, make it clear that this is not just undesirable, but unacceptable? Let's try to understand the logic of aliens. If they aim to observe and control the Earth, it is impossible to find more convenient strategic positions than the Moon with its inaccessibility for earthlings. From here the Earth is in full view. With the speeds that our "guests" possess, there are no problems for them of transferring their fleets to any point on our Earth, of which they have accumulated a great many. The moon for them is the main base and staging post on the way to their other positions; it is a warehouse of equipment, weapons and what they manage to get on Earth. And then suddenly there are earthlings themselves with their moon rovers and atomic bombs, which intend to blow up literally two steps away …

It must be assumed that the aliens' interest in the Moon arose not in recent decades, but long ago, therefore, they consider it their duty and primary duty not to allow strangers to "their territory", mastered in advance. The surface part of the Moon is the least vulnerable to tectonic shifts, to moonquakes, which can affect its deepest parts. By the way, on Earth everything is just the opposite. And yet - under a crust of several meters, the temperature of the lunar rock remains constant - minus 20 degrees. This is quite acceptable for the construction of shelters, dwellings, laboratories.

But this is not enough. Scientists suggest that there may be vast voids under the lunar surface. The volume of one of them is supposedly 100 cubic kilometers. Bulgarian author Dimitar Delyan in his book "Seriously about UFOs" (M., 1991) cites the opinion of the American scientist and writer Carl Sagan: "The conditions under the lunar surface should be conducive to the existence of life." That is, with the creation of an atmosphere from a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, heating and the presence of other equipment, a vast colony of intelligent beings could live here. Such a prospect was also seen for earthlings. But it is quite possible that it is already a reality for aliens.

Have we had any reason in the past to suspect that there were inhabitants on our satellite? Let's turn to what could confirm our assumptions.

In 1715 astronomers E. Louville and E. Halley observed flares on the moon in Paris and London.

On August 4, 1738, something similar to lightning appeared on the disc of the moon, according to the Royal Society in London.

On October 12, 1785, planetary researcher I. Schreter observed the following phenomenon: “After 5 hours at the border of the lunar disk and in fact in the center of the Sea of Rains, a bright flash of light suddenly and quickly appeared, which consisted of many single small sparks with the same white light, as the illuminated side of the moon, and all the while moving along a straight line facing north through the northern part of the Sea of Rains and other parts of the lunar surface. When this rain of light had passed half the way, a similar flash of light appeared in the south, exactly over the same place … The second flash was exactly the same as the first. It consisted of similar small sparks that flashed away in the same direction, exactly parallel to the north. It took about 2 seconds to change the position of the light until it crossed the edge of the telescope's field of view,the total duration of this phenomenon is 4 seconds."

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According to scientists, the speed of the flares was 265-270 km / sec, that is, extremely high, considering that the rocket flies from the Earth to the Moon at a speed of about 12 km / sec!

On July 8, 1842, during a solar eclipse, bright stripes crossed the lunar disk. This is noted in the Bureau of Longitude calendar for 1846.

In 1866, the Linnaeus crater near the lunar equator, known to all astronomers, suddenly disappeared. A gray spot has formed in its place. Then the crater reappeared, but with less distinct outlines.

There were many such incidents. G. Kolchin lists further anomalous phenomena that manifested themselves in the course of observations of the Moon:

“Back in 1869, Professor Swift from Illinois, during a solar eclipse, observed a body that separated from the moon.

In 1871, the English astronomer Birt collected many observations of unexplained phenomena on the lunar disk.

In 1873, the British Royal Society recorded flashes of light on the moon, suggesting that they were served by "intelligent beings."

In 1874, the Czech astronomer Shafarik saw a luminous object moving along the lunar disk, which then left the moon and flew into space.

In 1910, from the territory of France, a body similar to a rocket was launched from the surface of the Moon.

In 1912, the American astronomer Harris observed a dark object about 50 miles in diameter orbiting the moon, and its shadow was seen moving across the lunar surface.

In 1922, the appearance of three ramparts was noted in the crater of Archimedes, while no signs of volcanic activity were observed.

And here are some more observations already at a time close to us.

On June 17, 1931, J. Giddings made the following entry: “I was working in the courtyard of our house and accidentally looked at the moon. She was very beautiful - a clear-cut young moon. I was looking at her when suddenly some flashes of light cut through the darkness, but definitely within the shadowed part of the moon. Without mentioning my observations, I called my wife to pay attention to the young moon … She said: "Oh yes, I see lightning on the moon," adding that it appeared within the lunar disk. We were observing for another 20 or 30 minutes, during which the phenomenon was repeated at least six or seven times."

In the 26th issue of the journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Walter Haas reported the following: “On July 10, 1941, I observed an almost full moon through a 6-inch reflector at a magnification of 96 times. I saw a tiny luminous speck moving across the lunar surface. It appeared west of the Gassendi crater and traveled almost exactly to the east until it disappeared at the short wall of Gassendi. The speck was much smaller than the central Gassendi peak, and its angular diameter did not exceed 0.1 arc seconds. The brightness was constant along the entire path, the magnitude of the spot was estimated at +8. The flight duration was about one second. At about 5:41 a.m. I saw a weaker spot somewhere south of Grimaldi. The end point of the movement was clearly visible,there the spot was strikingly definite … The speed relative to the moon was at least 63 miles per second (116 676 km / s)."

In 1955, an eyewitness in Ordzhonikidze observed how some elongated luminous point separated from the upper edge of the Moon and, turning sharply to the right, quickly flew around the right side of the Moon's disk, after which it turned again abruptly and merged with the lower part of the Moon. The whole observation lasted about 6 seconds, and the flight track remained for another two seconds.

On November 26, 1956, according to the NASA catalog, a large luminous "Maltese cross" was observed on the Moon, sparkling dots, squares, triangles, colored trenches moving at a speed of 6 km / h, rays crossing craters. It looked like someone was giving a geometry lesson to earthlings.

In 1959, F. Almor and other members of the Stellar Astronomical Society of Barcelona observed a dark ellipsoidal object that maneuvered 2000 km above the lunar surface and crossed the lunar disk in 35 minutes, after which it reappeared like a satellite. Its diameter was estimated at 35 km.

In 1963, a group of astronomers at the Flagstown Observatory (Arizona) observed 31 identical luminous objects on the Moon, each 5 km long and 0.3 km wide. These objects moved in a clear formation, and small objects with a diameter of about 150 meters moved between them. In addition, giant domes were observed on the Moon, changing colors and not having a shadow, but as if absorbing sunlight.

In 1964, astronomers Harris and Cross observed a white spot moving at a speed of 32 km / h over the Sea of Tranquility for one hour, which gradually decreased in size. In the same year, another spot was observed, moving for two hours at a speed of 80 km / h.

UFO researcher F. Steckling describes how in November 1970 he observed three large, straight black stripes (or objects) in the Archimedes crater (which is about 50 miles in diameter). The stripes were in the crater for several hours, and Steckling was able to sketch them. Each of the stripes was about 20 miles long and about 3 miles wide.

Moving objects are often seen above the Sea of Tranquility. In 1964, different observers noticed them in the same area - south or southeast of Ross D crater - at least 4 times. On May 18, 1964, Harris, Cross and others observed a white spot over the Sea of Tranquility moving at a speed of 32 km / h.

On June 21 of the same year, Harris, Cross and Helland observed moving spots for more than two hours (speed 32–80 km / h).

On September 11, 1967, the Montreal group of observers and P. Jean noticed a body in the Sea of Tranquility, which looked like a dark rectangular spot, purple at the edges, 13 minutes after its disappearance, a yellow light flashed near the Sabin crater.

20 days later, Harris, in the same Sea of Tranquility, noticed a bright spot moving at a speed of 80 km / h. Only a hundred kilometers from Sabin Crater, Apollo 11 landed a year and a half later. Had NASA sent him to find out the reasons for the anomalous phenomena?

On April 25, 1972, the Passau Observatory (Germany) observed and recorded a bright light fountain in the area of the craters Aristarchus and Herodotus. Having reached an altitude of 162 km, it shifted 60 km to the side and blurred.

Another hard to explain fact. US astronauts have left five measuring complexes on the moon. On January 18, 1976, the complex installed by the Apollo 14 crew in 1971 suddenly fell silent, and a month later it started working, and more clearly. Looks like it was fixed there.

In March 1983, V. Luchko from Lvov observed through a telescope how a rather large dark body twice flew very quickly from west to east against the background of the lunar disk. And an hour later this body (or several bodies) 6 times just as quickly flew over the Moon in approximately the same direction, and the intervals between their appearances were constantly increasing. All these facts prove that over the surface of the Moon, apparently, there are flights of some unknown objects.

Do not forget that astronomers of different epochs noticed similar phenomena on the sparkling disk of the Sun. On August 9, 1762, de Rostand, a member of the Economic Society in Bern and the Medical-Physical Society in Basel, measuring the height of the Sun in a quadrant, noticed that it was emitting a paler than usual light. Directing a fourteen-foot telescope at the Sun, he was surprised to find that the eastern edge of the star was 3/16 covered by some kind of nebula surrounding a dark body. Two and a half hours later, the southern part of this body separated from the solar disk, but its northern part, shaped like a spindle, remained on the solar limb. Keeping its shape, the body moved along the Sun from east to west at a speed twice as slow as the speed of movement of sunspots. This body disappeared from the face of the Sun only on September 7. As astronomers have noted,during this period no comets were observed near or near the sun.

In the same 1762, Lichtenberg of the Royal Astronomical Society saw a round black body against the background of the Sun.

On January 6, 1818, Capel Loft noticed how a dark elliptical body was moving from east to west against the background of the solar disk.

On February 12, 1820, Steinhel observed a circular object on the solar disk surrounded by an "orange-red atmosphere" that moved across the disk for five hours.

In all these cases, the observed phenomena could not be explained by the appearance of asteroids, comets and other natural causes, and it was difficult to expect other explanations then. But now, in the light of recent observations, the hypothesis of spaceships, including very large ones, suggests itself. The same hypothesis explains some of the failures of our researchers in space that are already close to us in time.

It is worth citing a significant statement by the well-known expert in the field of rocketry Wernher von Braun, published in the magazine "Esotera" after an incomprehensible deviation of the JUNO-2 rocket from its trajectory to the Moon: hitherto assumed. I have no right to say anything more about it. In the not too distant future, we will be able to clarify something when we enter into a closer connection with these forces."

This is more than an interesting statement, which, among other things, confirms that the American government, for which Wernher von Braun, the creator of the German V-rocket, worked at the head of NASA, is making real efforts to contact with "aliens" and, most likely, not without success.

But back to the moon. It remains to add that a whole collection of observations of anomalous phenomena on its pale face was left by the famous astronomer N. Kozyrev. He noticed through a telescope the glow in various craters of the Moon, in particular, the red glow in the Alfonso crater, which is 100 kilometers in diameter, the movement of luminous masses on our satellite, and many other manifestations of the activity of forces unknown to us. He also made an assumption about the existence of extraterrestrials and offered to take seriously the problem of the actions of extraterrestrial forces.

Of course, if the other side of the Moon could be seen through telescopes … There, in a more folded and rugged terrain with deep craters, created by nature itself for the construction of interplanetary stations, laboratories, warehouses for the transport of goods, hidden from our immodest gaze of UFO landing sites, mines for the extraction of minerals - there is an ideal place for the accumulation of forces and other activities of aliens. (One can understand why Armstrong was so severely warned.)

Here, by the way, there are legal contradictions with aliens. At the 34th session of the UN General Assembly, the "Agreement on the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies" was adopted, which was opened for signature on December 18, 1979. The third article of the agreement reads:

1. The moon is used by all participating States exclusively for peaceful purposes.

2. On the moon, the threat or use of force, or any other hostile action, or the threat of hostile action, is prohibited. It is also prohibited to use the Moon to perform any such actions or apply any such threats to the Earth, the Moon, spaceships, personnel of spaceships or artificial space objects.

3. The participating States undertake not to place objects with nuclear weapons or any other types of weapons of mass destruction into orbit around the Moon or to any other flight path to or around the Moon, and not to install or use such weapons on the surface of the Moon or in its interior. …

4. It is prohibited to create military bases, structures and fortifications on the Moon, test any types of weapons and conduct military maneuvers. The use of military personnel for scientific research or any peaceful purpose is not prohibited. The use of any equipment or means necessary for the peaceful exploration and use of the moon is also not prohibited."

The question naturally arises: was the "small nuclear charge" that the Apollo 13 crew was supposed to detonate on the moon belonged to peaceful means? And did this not violate the obligation "not to install or use such weapons on the surface of the Moon or in its depths"?

At one time, the Americans considered plans to detonate an atomic device on the moon. It was at a time when the United States seemed to be losing the competition in space to the Soviet Union. When the USSR was able to launch a satellite first in the world, first weighing 84 kilograms, then weighing half a ton with the dog Laika on board, and at the beginning of 1958 - already weighing 1327 kilograms, the Americans began to think about how to fend off the "Soviet challenge" that hit the prestige USA in the midst of the Cold War. And they did not think of anything else how to carry out a nuclear explosion on the lunar surface. Leonard Raiffel, who lives in Chicago, said in an interview in May 2000 that he was involved in the development of such a project as a nuclear physicist.

“While working on the project,” said Raiffel, “we did not get to the stage of choosing a specific type of explosive device and launch vehicle, but we determined what visual effect such an explosion would have. People could see a bright flash, especially clearly visible if the explosion occurred on a new moon, when the side of the moon is facing the earth, not illuminated by the sun. Possibly, clouds of dust and lunar debris raised by the explosion above the Moon would also be visible.

Raiffel admitted that any supposedly scientific results of the explosion "could not compensate for the losses that humanity would have suffered from the radioactive contamination of the moon after the explosion." In the May issue of the English magazine Nature, there was a letter from Raiffel in response to the publication of the biography of the American astronomer and writer Carl Sagan, who was also involved in the project. The letter said: “What was the main reason that prompted the management to issue an assignment for the development of the project - the desire to impress the whole world (and first of all the USSR) or the fear that something similar might occur to our opponent, I don’t I can tell. As for the fate of the project, after the submission of the next progress report in mid-1959, we received an order to terminate them."

President Kennedy's message to Congress after Yuri Gagarin's flight also spoke about the degree of tension that had developed in US political circles under the influence of the USSR's successes in space, so undesirable for America. In this message, entitled “On Urgent National Needs,” dated May 25, 1961, the struggle in space was equated with the struggle between two systems: “If we are to win the battle that has unfolded in the world between freedom and tyranny, the dramatic achievements in space that have taken place in recent weeks, should give us all a clear understanding, as it was after the satellite in 1957, that this activity affects the minds of people everywhere on the planet, wondering which path they should take … The time has come … when our country must play a clearly leading role in space achievements,which in many ways may be the key to our future on Earth …"

And Kennedy announced plans to land American astronauts on the moon. But it was not only a wounded national pride, but also the military geopolitical goals of the United States.

On a stainless steel plate, attached to one of the rods, on which the Apollo 11 descent vehicle is held, the solemn inscription is engraved: “Here people from planet Earth first set foot on the Moon. July 1969 new era. We came in peace on behalf of all humanity."

To what extent were these assurances of peacefulness firm? We will not be too lazy to look into the American archives to get acquainted with the assessments of the largest analysts and generals from the Pentagon of the role that the American mastery of the Moon was to play. Grigory Sergeevich Khozin, one of the leading specialists in the field of humanitarian aspects of astronautics, professor, doctor of historical sciences, visited the archives of the Institute of Space Policy at the George Washington University. He was an ardent admirer of Tsiolkovsky's teachings and repeatedly spoke in scientific readings dedicated to the memory of the great scientist.

Khozin got acquainted with a number of reports of the US military-political think tank "Rand Corporation" on the importance of space exploration, in particular, the launch of a near-earth satellite. The report was commissioned by the Douglas Aircraft Company on May 2, 1946, more than ten years before the launch of the Soviet satellite, and contains a significant saying: “The launch of the satellite by the United States will excite the imagination of mankind and will surely have an impact on world events comparable to with the explosion of an atomic bomb”.

It was further emphasized that such an achievement was prepared by "the creation of an intercontinental ballistic missile." And in 1950, within the framework of the Rand project, an American scientist of Hungarian origin P. Kecskemeti already calculated how the satellite launch program would affect “the political behavior of the Soviet Union,” noting that “the danger of possible retaliatory actions from the USSR will most likely decrease” …

Kechkemeti added that the implementation of the program "could lead to a revision in favor of the United States of the balance of forces and require the Soviet side to be more willing to make concessions." And although the document "US Policy on Outer Space", approved by the President of the United States on January 26, 1960, noted that Soviet tests of spacecraft "serve the purposes of scientific research and propaganda rather than the tasks of manned astronautics or the military use of space", as the optimal In response to Soviet steps, the thoughts of American politicians and the military rushed to the moon.

The "father of the hydrogen bomb" E. Teller called for the conquest of the moon in order to create a colony there, a military base that would allow to control the space around the moon and "know what is happening on Earth." At the same time, the representative of the US Department of Defense Edson said that the "lunar fortress" could decide the outcome of the rivalry on Earth. " His colleague A. Bracker said that maps of American military bases on the Moon, covering 70 regions of the lunar surface, are being developed. As Lieutenant Colonel S. Singer explained on the pages of Air Force magazine, the basis should be the ability to strike "regardless of the enemy's actions." “Rockets on the moon,” he noted, “could be placed on launch sites under the lunar surface. Topographic characteristics of the moon,the presence of numerous craters and cracks on its surface will make it easy to choose the location for the missile bases. " And Brigadier General H. Boushi was glad that the creation of such bases would become an "insoluble problem" for the USSR. The emotion of the American strategists is evidenced by the tone of one of them in the US Congress: “I hate the very idea that the Russians will be the first on the moon. The state that is there first is likely to have decisive advantages over any potential adversary at its disposal. "who will be there first, will likely receive decisive advantages over any potential adversary. "who will be there first, will likely receive decisive advantages over any potential adversary."

One can understand why the US authorities have been especially strict about everything related to their plans regarding the Moon, including contacts with aliens.

Gordon Cooper lamented: “For many years I have lived in an atmosphere of secrecy that surrounded all astronautics. But now I can say that not a day goes by in the United States without detection of UFOs by aviation radars and space tracking stations."

Among other reasons for this secrecy, Cooper finds ethical as well as psychological:

“The authorities fear that people might imagine, God knows what, something like a terrible space invader. Their motto was and will remain: "We want to avoid panic at any cost." I think the real problem is that the authorities don't know how to admit the fact that they have been lying for years."

But the main ones remain the military-strategic considerations in relation to the Moon. For these reasons, the United States opposed a number of provisions of the Outer Space Treaty, of which it itself was a member, and argued that the treaty, although it prohibits the launching of weapons of mass destruction into space, nevertheless “does not prohibit great powers from developing military devices that will operate in outer space”(New York Times, December 11, 1966). And further: “So, for example, it does not follow from this treaty that it will be necessary to stop the launch of reconnaissance satellites, electronic intelligence satellites for eavesdropping on radio transmissions and radar signals. It also does not prevent the development of completely new spacecraft for military purposes, such as, for example, a giant mirror that will illuminate the guerrilla areas at night."

Such decisions were undoubtedly taken under the influence of the US military-industrial complex, which President Eisenhower complained about. And if Chatelain is right, who suspected that aliens had made the explosion on board a nuclear-powered ship by scanning its contents, it turns out that the "aliens" were more scrupulous in fulfilling the provisions of the "Agreement" that were not related to them than the United States of America.

But, according to Armstrong, the "aliens" have their own major interests on the moon and the ability to oust those who would like, albeit within the framework of the "Agreement", to develop the resources of the moon in earthly interests. This circumstance, given the weak space forces of earthlings, leads to the fact that many provisions of international space law risk being left without application. The priority in the development of lunar riches, as well as in the use of its territory for as yet unclear purposes, including, possibly, the military, in this case can be challenged by those who, in practice, are able to constantly be present and operate in the vastness of the satellite, which earthlings still have since considered their own.

Many provisions of the "Agreement on the Moon" may be under threat, in particular, those providing for freedom of scientific research on the satellite, as well as "the right to collect samples of mineral and other substances on the Moon and take them out from the Moon" (Article 6).

If the claims of extraterrestrials are accepted, the permissive provisions of Article 8 on the right of the participating states "to land their space objects on the Moon and launch them from the Moon", as well as, what is especially unpleasant, the right to "deploy their personnel, spacecraft, equipment, installations, stations and structures anywhere on the surface of the Moon or its interior "or" create habitable and uninhabited stations on the Moon ", that is," stake out "at least not very large areas of the lunar territory at first (Article 9). And, of course, Article 11 will begin to sound declaratively that “The moon and its natural resources are the common heritage of mankind”, that “The moon is not subject to national appropriation either by proclaiming sovereignty on it, or by use or occupation, or by any other means ".

If contacts with "aliens" are legalized, and this cannot be ruled out, then all these provisions may become a subject of discussion and settlement. After all, it may turn out that those whom we consider "guests" actually settled on the Moon earlier than we did, and then we should be considered guests here. I wonder if the discussion of these issues envisages the American program "Sigma", according to which the United States is seeking contacts with THEM?

Do our lawyers consider such prospects when they have to discuss the regime of the near-Earth and circumlunar, and then near-Martian space with "brothers in mind"? Can the planets of the solar system and their satellites not inhabited by us be called "nobody's", confining ourselves to the statement that this is "the heritage of all mankind"? Let's hear what opinion the creators of the textbook "International Space Law", published in 1999 by the publishing house "International Relations", hold on this score:

“Some lawyers consider humanity as a whole as a subject of international space law. This point of view is substantiated by the possibility of contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations, as well as by the concept of the "common heritage of mankind", which was reflected in the "Agreement on the Moon" of 1979. The controversy of this position lies in the fact that it is not clear with what other subjects humanity may have legal relations."

Of course, these provisions are put forward by lawyers in the case when "other subjects" appear, legalize and go to establish official relations with the inhabitants of the Earth. There is enough evidence that they are already here, and it is better to prepare for such an opportunity in advance, so as not to provoke a situation characterized by the saying: "Dear guests, are you tired of the hosts?" The question is different: if interlocutors from outer space appear, how will they present themselves? On behalf of which community will they speak, from which group of sentient beings? Or maybe they will consider themselves a pangalactic community with the right to disregard the interests of humanity to a greater extent than they themselves want to afford? Which of the two parties will have more convincing legal personality,and won't the problem be solved in a forceful manner? The answer to this question is directly related to the future of mankind - will it be allowed to get out of the cradle, where it is getting closer and closer, and on what principles it can act when it wants to step firmly on neighboring planets.

The situation is such that it is necessary to think about it today. If the Americans, in the person of Reagan, formulated the problem in the spirit of "Star Wars", then such a line of conduct is unlikely to be suitable for all mankind, since in this case its existence would be threatened. Russia must present an alternative to "star wars" - the peaceful coexistence of communities of intelligent beings, that is, civilizations, both in the solar system and throughout the galaxy. We, too, need to send signals to "aliens", get to know them and act, armed with the necessary knowledge about them, and not wait for events to catch us by surprise.

Let us turn again to the opinion of Gordon Cooper, which he stated in a letter sent to the UN in 1978:

“I think we need a coordinated program to collect and analyze scientific data from all over the planet in order to work out the friendliest way to contact these visitors. First, we need to demonstrate to them that, before entering the universal community, we ourselves have learned to solve our problems in peaceful ways, without wars. Recognition on their part would mean an incredible opportunity for our planet to progress rapidly in all areas … If the UN decided to take on this project and recognize this phenomenon, many qualified experts would decide to speak about it publicly and provide assistance and information …"

Alas, Cooper underestimated the power this time not of extraterrestrial, but of quite earthly forces - in their own country - that did everything to nullify the sensible initiative of their famous and courageous fellow tribesman. Apparently, other plans were already in full swing with respect to aliens, and at the UN, Cooper's attempt to make the voice of truth be heard was blocked. With bitterness, he wrote about it this way:

“I wrote a letter to the UN because I thought this organization was the best one to seriously consider UFO sightings. I still think that we should conduct these investigations centrally. However, today I am no longer sure that the UN is such an organization. They don't even take into account the opinion of the astronauts. We must create our own organization …"

If in the novel by Aitmatov "And the day lasts longer than a century …" a hypothesis is put forward that it is the Americans and the Russians who jointly do not let the extraterrestrial truth on Earth, then the true state of affairs seems to be somewhat different. The veil of silence around the problem, which is of enormous importance for the Earth, seems to be most beneficial for the power, which, striving to establish a monopolar world order, hopes to reap dividends from separate cooperation with extraterrestrial forces. There are signs, and we talked about them, that such cooperation is taking place.

But until we have accurate data, it remains to be content with assumptions and logic, which is precisely the distinctive feature of civilized thinking.

To create a general picture, it is important to know more about the plans and positions of the "aliens" themselves in the solar system. Let us assume that the Moon, especially its invisible part, is the main staging post on the way to Earth from the distant terminals of the "aliens". But where are the terminals themselves? Where are the main enterprises, which create unsurpassed (at least by us) ships in quality and efficiency - all these "plates" - "saucers", "cigars" - "cylinders", "bagels" - "rings of Saturn", "lights" - "balls", masking means, as well as laser, plasma and lighting devices, wave and other emitters, cannons that shoot wave energy (which the Americans have threatened to use in Afghanistan). Where metallized anti-overload shirts and pantaloons are sewn,Is the highest sensitivity radio equipment manufactured? Here already one moon is not enough. If not water, then the atmosphere will definitely be needed. Where to find such a planet nearby?

As in a not very difficult detective story, one solution suggests itself - MARS!

Is it correct?

"UFO. They are already here … ", Lolly Zamoyski