Experiments On Humans By Aliens - Alternative View

Experiments On Humans By Aliens - Alternative View
Experiments On Humans By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Experiments On Humans By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Experiments On Humans By Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth 2024, October

Ufologists believe that the experiments of aliens on humans are not limited to the study of anatomy and surgical operations, after which, as a rule, no traces remain on the human body. From time to time, there are reports of more obvious manifestations of contacts of aliens from Space. They are already talking about the children of the aliens themselves, whom earthly women give birth to.

Confirmation of the above is a sensational message that came from Nepal, a state that, along with Brazil, has long been the object of close attention of ufologists around the world.

Dr. Vo Singh, the head of a scientific expedition that studied the UFO phenomenon in the mountainous regions of Nepal, in one of the villages saw and even examined with the help of modern equipment a 6-month-old baby, who, unlike his peers, already walks like an adult and with an intelligent look constantly speaks something in a language that no one understands. Outwardly, the child does not differ from his own kind, but internally …

With the help of X-rays, Singh managed to find out that the boy … lacks a heart, lungs and other organs familiar to humans! Instead, inside the chest there is a rather large formation, the name of which does not exist in earthly medicine. The mother of the unique baby is a 15-year-old local resident.

Father - "a strange creature in the guise of a handsome pale-faced youth who descended from the sky and returned to the same place." Singh's attempts to retrieve the baby from the village met with fiasco. The locals argued their refusal by the fact that by giving up the child, they thereby incur the wrath of the gods on the village.

Ufologist John Coleman writes the following about this: “Aliens are essentially clones of clones. The fact is that they cannot reproduce like humans, but are cloned for generations - one after another. As a result, many of their organs disappear over time - they simply atrophy. For example, aliens do not have an esophagus, they only take in their mouths that can dissolve or turn into liquid. In other words, the mouth serves as a stomach for them, because they have no stomach in our understanding”.

The recent incident in Italy is no less sensational. In the baby's chest immediately after birth, doctors discovered a perfectly beating artificial heart. Experts studying this phenomenon argue that they do not find a rational explanation for the presence of a mechanism in the body of a newborn. Dr. Benito de Mita told reporters at a press conference in Rome that this cannot be explained in any scientific way.

He believes that the truth may be more complex: “Our research has shown that an artificial heart is a technical perfection. Its design surpasses everything that science can do today. We do not even know the principle by which it works, we are not able to decipher the mechanism. I am convinced that it is not yet possible to make such a unique adaptation with the help of our modern science and technology."

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The monitors show an apparatus the size of a ping-pong ball, connected by a system of blood vessels. It performs all the functions of a natural heart. Little Angia is developing normally and is a model of health. She has a great appetite, she is obedient and does not give any trouble to her happy mother.

Another alien child, according to news agencies, has been living under the supervision of scientists for several years in one of the remote Hungarian villages. Mikle Bire is now in her tenth year, and she is also the "fruit of love" of an underage Earth girl and an alien. True, experts argue about this. The fact is that, unlike his Nepalese "brother", Mikla combines the features of both humans and animals, so some ufologists believe that the child is the result of forced crossing of a dugout and an animal by aliens, while others that Mikla's father is an alien, anatomically not very similar to humans.

The girl's mother can do nothing to help scientists. Under hypnosis, she only remembers that she was forcefully taken to a UFO and subjected to medical research. Then there is a failure in memory. Mikla feels great in human society, and animals and birds cling to her as to their leader. The girl understands their "speech" and translates it into the language of people. Biologists and geneticists hope to use it to thoroughly study the language of animals, which, according to preliminary data, is much richer than previously thought.

Mikla's mental abilities are already estimated at 200% in comparison with the norm established for ten-year-old children.

Alien children also live on the territory of the former USSR. However, much less is known about them, their names are classified. However, some time ago, one of the Ukrainian newspapers published a detailed scientific material about two students from Ivano-Frankivsk, who, after returning from a walk in the forest, said that they had met a UFO there. After such a message, the "contactees", of course, were first sent to a psychiatric hospital, and then, just in case, to a gynecologist. Both were pregnant.

Moreover, what is most surprising - the hymen of none of them was not damaged. After the allotted time, the girls gave birth to babies. There is little information about them. Children are very similar to each other in appearance, they have an intelligent look, keen hearing and the makings of mediums. One of the babies a few hours after birth, seeing a nurse in the ward, smiled at her and asked: "Are you my mother?" Now the children are over a year old, and each of them already has the vocabulary of an 8-year-old child.

Another girl, Nina, who spent her entire life at a secret American Air Force base, just like Mikla, is only half human, according to leading American scientists. She has "cat" eyes with a vertical pupil, a bone crest along the spine, like a reptile, membranes between the fingers.

Dr. Farley Jungbred of Washington reports that in June 2000 he received photos, documents and samples of her genetic material. “Even on a superficial examination,” says Jungbred, “it was quite obvious that there were inhuman features in her appearance that could not be explained by reasons known to science.”

Jungbred believes that Nina's mother, Jackie Hubik, was abducted by aliens. According to official figures, she disappeared in the mountains of Tennessee. Six days later, completely naked, making her way through a forest thicket, she was met by foresters. Doctors believe that Jackie was raped, but since the girl has partial memory loss, it was not possible to find out who and how attacked her. They refuse to report anything specific about the child of unearthly origin and the power of Brazil.

A small alien about 14-16 months old was discovered in the Brazilian jungle. How he got there and how he survived is a mystery. The Swiss researcher Dr. Barton Spiller found the child in the Anori area. At first, he or she (what gender the child, it was not possible to find out for certain) was mistaken for an ordinary baby, abandoned by heartless parents in the jungle. However, they later realized that his strange appearance was not at all a consequence of congenital deformity. He has pointed ears, colorless eyes that sometimes become mirrored, and a tubular nose.

The child has not yet been found to have any special abilities, but he speaks a lot and fluently, but he has not yet been able to decipher this language. You can talk about the children of alien aliens indefinitely. Not a month goes by without various media outlets writing that another "child of the Cosmos" has not been born somewhere in North America, Asia or in the Moscow region. Most of these messages are probably fakes.

But there remains another part, albeit a smaller one, but carefully documented, based on photographic and video frames, confirmed by the testimony of well-known doctors and scientists with a worldwide reputation. This part of the message leaves no doubt that alien children are reality.

“I already have a rather thick album of photographs of alien children,” says Dr. Jungbred. - If governments did not keep everything in the strictest confidence, but created an international group of scientists who could study half-blood children in a special center, the greatest discoveries would have been made. And, besides, the appearance and characteristics of the organisms of their stellar parents may have been established."

How many of them are there on Earth is unknown. It is also unknown how many of them have already matured and live side by side with us. Another thing is known: nevertheless, the aliens take most of the children born of earthly women with them. In May 2001, a young Australian woman, Megan Liker, returned home to Perth after serving four years in the army under a contract. She got married soon after. However, all of Megan's attempts to get pregnant were unsuccessful.

The gynecologist's diagnosis was overwhelming: Megan's reproductive organs are like a 60-year-old woman who gave birth to a dozen children. When the girl went to draw up the necessary documents to receive benefits after serving, another blow awaited her: there was no information that she served in the army in the archives of the Ministry of Defense. Megan almost went crazy with shock.

Her husband brought her to a psychiatrist, he put the girl into a hypnotic state, and already during the first session Megan remembered that she had spent four years not at all in the army, but … in captivity of the aliens who had abducted her! Megan said that immediately after being abducted, the aliens - with gray skin and huge eyes - performed a thorough "physical" and were sent to a huge spaceship on the invisible side of the moon. In subsequent years, Megan, along with six hundred other terrestrial women, continuously gave birth to hybrid children: in the UFO, aliens set up a real factory for the production of humanoids, using dugouts as "surrogate mothers."

Newborn mutants, according to Megan, are very similar to earthly children. The only difference is the huge eyes. Immediately after giving birth, the children were taken from their mothers. Why are they aliens? Megan does not know this, but suggests that perhaps they will be needed for the possible colonization of Earth. In the end, Megan was returned to Earth, having previously "put" in the brain the memories that all this time she spent in military service. The famous ufologist Brad Steiger claims to have conducted hypnosis sessions with 1200 people who are … the descendants of aliens!

“Almost all of their memories, dreams and visions are very similar,” Steiger notes. “They told me about a planet with two moons and the feeling that their earthly parents were not their blood parents. They also reported feeling very lonely and lost in this life. Some had vague memories of some kind of catastrophe and fire, a period of wandering and alienation. Many of the descendants of extraterrestrials said: “It seems to me that a great time will soon come. We will meet with them again very soon."

In their dreams, they heard calls: "Get ready!" It seems that the "star children" were instructed to help the rest of the earthlings prepare to meet with creatures from other worlds. " Another ufologist, Dr. Mandelker, adds to what his colleague said: "They are among us, and their mission is to prepare humanity for an amazing event - a meeting with intelligent beings from the Universe."

Based on materials from the site nepoznannogonet.ru