Secrets Of The Ahnenerbe In The Nesvizh Castle Of Belarus - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Ahnenerbe In The Nesvizh Castle Of Belarus - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Ahnenerbe In The Nesvizh Castle Of Belarus - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Ahnenerbe In The Nesvizh Castle Of Belarus - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Ahnenerbe In The Nesvizh Castle Of Belarus - Alternative View
Video: Nesvizh Castle Belarus 2024, June

Secrets of the Ahnenerbe. 1942 year. The Second World War. Nesvizh Castle. Deaf, gloomy, pre-autumn Belarusian night.

Around the castle - posts, sentries march, intently peering into the blackness of the park. The branches of the trees rustle angrily, and the pale pancake moon looks from above with an evil eye. Suddenly - shooting! The soldiers, just dignified along the fence, run away, firing back. The night is full of screams and noise. Most often, one panicky phrase is heard:

"Schwartz Frau!" - "Black woman!"

A female figure emerges from behind the ancient tree trunks covered with moss. A long dress sways silently, small legs step without a single rustle, puffy sleeves froze, as if carved out of stone. The woman raises her small, graceful head, and black dead eye sockets look out from a gentle face, shining with moonlight.

This is Barbara Radziwill, the Black Lady of the Nesvizh Castle, one of the most famous Belarusian ghosts.


But what does Juliet of the Belarusian Middle Ages do in the night park? Why does it scare the German soldiers? For a century she has appeared as a messenger of misfortune or as a guardian of women's morality and ethics. The Germans are still not in danger, and there are no women in the castle to instill in them the rules of behavior.

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The ghost of Barbara did not begin to appear to the Germans at all when they - the proud conquerors - occupied the Radziwills castle. The beautiful queen appeared at the same time as the Ahnenerbe agents who had arrived at the castle.


Secrets of the Ahnenerbe

The Ahnenerbe is a notorious mystical organization that was under the patronage of Rosenberg and the personal control of Hitler. Ahnenerbe is not only a robbery of values and cultural heritage. Ahnenerbe was mainly engaged in the occult sciences and related relics.

Ahnenerbe was looking for the Ark of the Covenant and the Spear of Destiny (the spear of Longinus, the very one that killed Jesus, and on which, according to legend, the blood of the Son of God was preserved). Ahnenerbe was looking for a sword in the Ryazan region, the owner of which, according to legend, is invulnerable in battle.

This organization has spread its tentacles all over the world, collecting religious and mystical relics that give power, allow you to rule people, guaranteeing victory.

What interested Anenerbe in the empty Nesvizh castle? Let's step back along the timeline a little more.

… 1812. Napoleon's army retreats, breaks through with battles to France. After Moscow was abandoned, it became clear to everyone - the emperor had lost the war, Russia had once again won.

Dominik Radziwill, the last of the family, is forced to flee with the French. Poland supported France in this war (Nesvizh at that time was on the territory of Poland), despite the fact that it promised to be an ally of Russia on oath. But the Poles fought in the French army, and the last of the Radziwills must leave the ancestral castle at the mercy of the victor.


But he is Radziwill! And the Radziwills are a kind of cruel, tough, authoritarian rulers. The Radziwills never gave up theirs, held on to their teeth and claws, pulling them out of any thirsty hands - be they peasants or kings. And Dominik, being Radziwill, simply could not leave anything valuable to the hated winners.

All the treasures, all the values and relics of the Radziwills were hidden before the retreat. And there were many treasures … After all, the Radziwills family became famous for their extraordinary, fantastic wealth. There is even an expression in Belarus: "Radziwill's extravagance" is the most reckless, thoughtless extravagance, when money is thrown into the wind, and without the slightest regret.

The Radziwills covered the roofs of the palace with gold leaf. Stanislav Radziwill, wishing to cheer up his guests, arranged a "winter skiing" in the summer - the road for the illusion of a snow cover was sprinkled with salt, and a sleigh was rolled along it. Considering that at that time there were no salt mines in Belarus, and salt was worth its weight in gold, it would have been cheaper for Stanislav to cover the road with gold coins.

The treasure buried by Dominik Radziwill in 1812 is huge. It includes the main relic of the Radziwill family - the statues of the twelve apostles. The statues are entirely cast in gold and are worth much more than their own weight in this precious metal.


The treasure also includes numerous occult relics - many Radziwills were fond of secret sciences, looking for dark knowledge, thirsting for power. Among the Radziwill treasures there were other items of great value and common for everyday life of the Belarusian magnates of those times: church vestments, stiff from gold and precious stones, bowls and diskos, tiaras, various relics, like a particle of the genuine Cross, the relics of many saints in precious arks …

And this is not counting the usual values: gold, silver, precious stones, jewelry.

Initially, the treasure was searched for back in 1812 - immediately after the capture of Nesvizh by Russian troops. They dug through the entire park of the castle, all the adjacent territories - nothing. Treasure hunters returned to the Radziwills' castle with enviable regularity, almost the same as to Lake Semlevskoe, where, according to legend, Napoleon's treasure lies.

For the same treasure I came to Nesvizh Ahnenerbe. The statues of the twelve apostles of cast gold did not allow either Rosenberg or Hitler himself to sleep. The relics hidden by Dominic made the head of the Ahnenerbe grit his teeth.

The Germans combed almost all of Nesvizh with metal detectors. But the only thing that they found from ancient times is the ghost of Barbara Radziwill, stubbornly surviving the invaders from the family nest.

Perhaps Barbara began to appear to the Germans precisely because she did not want to allow the Radziwills' treasure to fall into their hands? After all, they say that all the treasures are guarded by ghosts, what can we say about the treasure of the Radziwills! Moreover, they have their own ancestral ghost, and besides, they have a queen.

The treasure has not yet been found, and there is no indication of its whereabouts. Only one thing is known: Dominik Radziwill really buried all the ancestral treasures and did it somewhere near the castle. But where? This is a question that some of the descendants of Ostap Bender will someday answer.

And someday the twelve golden apostles will see the light again. Will Barbara Radziwill be happy about this?