Astrologers Of The Third Reich Foresaw The Defeat Of Hitler - Alternative View

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Astrologers Of The Third Reich Foresaw The Defeat Of Hitler - Alternative View
Astrologers Of The Third Reich Foresaw The Defeat Of Hitler - Alternative View

Video: Astrologers Of The Third Reich Foresaw The Defeat Of Hitler - Alternative View

Video: Astrologers Of The Third Reich Foresaw The Defeat Of Hitler - Alternative View
Video: The kidnapping campaign of Nazi Germany | DW Documentary 2024, October

There are things that are interesting to everyone: from the homeless person to the president. This is how their fate will turn out in the future. We are talking about unconventional forecasting methods: astrology and clairvoyance, which were used and continue to be used by the arbiters of human destinies, making the most important, including military-political decisions.

With the help of astrology, the Russian-Japanese war of 1904 was predicted, the riots of 1993, Stalin and Hitler listened to the advice of astrologers. And this is not surprising, people are fascinated by astrology, they are eager to know their future and to receive a warning from the stars about the impending danger in order to avoid it or at least reduce its consequences.


Hitler showed a great interest in the esoteric sciences, Western and Eastern, and in general, by his nature, was inclined towards mysticism. It is known that in 1923 one of the German astrologers advised the future Fuhrer not to take political actions this fall.

As you know, the fascist putsch in Munich then failed. After that, Hitler and revised his attitude to astrology. He especially encouraged the development of political astrology, which gave him advice on what military-political steps to take, at what time and where to strike, assessed the success and fallacy of certain plans.


At that time, the best astrologer was considered Hitler's personal adviser, the clairvoyant Otto Hanussen. Apparently, he worked honestly for the Fuhrer and told him everything that allowed him to see his unusual gift.

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But, as you know, leaders love to be praised and even more like to blame their own mistakes on others. Hanussen painted pictures of cruel defeats to Hitler, which would lead to mistakes in politics and military plans, he even dared to talk about the impending defeat and partition of Germany.

All this was not to the liking of the Fuhrer, he had already chosen his own path and believed in his star. Hanussen fell into disgrace, and then was completely eliminated.

Soon the position of court astrologers was taken by Karl Kraft and Louis de Vol (Bill). “Fate wanted them to meet, get to know each other and even teach astrology at the same Bioradiological Institute in Germany,” writes our famous astrologer Felix Velichko. - Their views on life, however, are different. De Volle was a staunch Democrat, and Kraft sympathized with National Socialism. And one day, analyzing Hitler's horoscope, Kraft saw that in early November 1936 the Fuehrer was threatened with an attempt on his life.

Without thinking twice, Kraft sent a warning letter to Hitler. While the letter was overcoming the bureaucratic slingshots of the Third Reich, wandering from one referent to another, Hitler was actually assassinated on November 8. But he was very lucky: a powerful bomb exploded in the premises of the Munich City Hall when Hitler had already left there."

Only then did Kraft's letter fall into the hands of the Fuehrer; he became imbued with great confidence in the astrologer and began to listen to his advice.

Time passed, the paths of Kraft and de Volya parted. Shortly before World War II, de Volu managed to escape to Great Britain. In London, he offered his services to Churchill, claiming that he worked for Hitler and could predict the course of the war. The fat, intelligent and never taking a cigar out of his mouth, the British prime minister had his own ideas about the course of the war, but the idea of using a professional to find out the degree of influence of German astrologers on the ruling elite of Germany seemed tempting to him.

Intelligence reported to the powerful prime minister that a whole institute of astrologers was working for the German leader. Churchill bet on de Will and won. The astrologer calculated that Hitler made a big mistake by attacking Russia on the setting moon. This meant that the war would end in defeat for Germany. In addition, de Volle, knowing the methods of the German astrologers and their logic, told Churchill that the Fuehrer's astrologers would predict the landing of the Allied forces in the Balkans.


The Allies were indeed going to strike the first blow there. It was a great insight, and Churchill immediately believed de Will: yes, that is exactly what will happen. He immediately called the General Staff and said: "Anything but the Balkans!" And British military strategists, obedient to the will of the almighty prime minister, began to develop another plan of attack: North Africa - Sicily - Italy, the French province of Normandy.

To make it more convincing, the intelligence planted the corpse of an allegedly British officer on the Germans, whose tablet contained detailed plans for the landing of the allied forces in the Balkans. Thus, Hitler, through the chief of German intelligence, Canaris, received the "confirmation" of the astrologers' forecasts. From that moment on, he kept the best of the free divisions in the Balkans, preparing a worthy rebuff to the British. Therefore, the new directions of attacks by enemy troops came as a complete surprise to the Fuehrer.

He flew into a rage and ordered the execution of many German astrologers. Kraft was also arrested, but kept alive: the Fuehrer then released him for the next consultations, then put him in prison again. But in the end Kraft suffered the fate of Hanussen (who died in the terrible Buchenwald concentration camp in 1945), and other astrological advisers took his place.

As already mentioned, special scientific institutes worked for Hitler, whose research was aimed at harnessing not only natural, but also supernatural forces in one team for the sake of victory - from modern technology to black magic. It was to such an institute that Wilhelm Wulf was admitted in 1942, who soon became the court astrologer of the Third Reich, working first for Himmler and later for the Fuhrer.

In his memoirs, he wrote that Hitler took the predictions of astrologers so seriously that he forbade them to advise anyone other than himself: “We cannot allow astrologers to follow their own call, except for those who work for us. Astrology is the lot of a privileged minority. Wolfe was assigned the role of the disgraced Hanussen and Kraft. Aware of their fate, Wulf behaved with caution and survived the Third Reich.


The closer to the end of the war, the more difficult it was for astrologers to work with the Fuhrer - instead of objective predictions, he increasingly demanded news of an imminent victory. This is what let him down - astrologers were afraid to tell him the truth and drew incorrect optimistic forecasts.


"Ahnenerbe" … the most mysterious of all mystical organizations in the post-industrial era. It is the only known structure that has been engaged in the study of magic and mysticism with official support and funding from the state. On the Ahnenerbe, the Third Reich spent more funds than the United States on the creation of atomic weapons. The Ahnenerbe was formed by order of SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler in 1935. Here are just some of the global issues that Ahnenerbe addressed:

1. Organization of expeditions to Tibet in order to find the legendary Shambhala and master the knowledge and technologies of the sages hiding in this inaccessible country (or abode).

2. The hunt for ancient religious relics (the Spear of Fate, the Ark of the Covenant, the Grail, etc.), which were believed to have tremendous mystical and physical strength.

3. Hunt for mystical knowledge and technologies of ancient civilizations (Atlantis, Egypt, America, etc.).

4. Study and attempts at practical application of all esoteric sciences (astrology, magic, etc.) for the benefit of the Reich.

5. Establishing a connection with higher powers and using them in achieving the goals of Nazi Germany (meaning the mystical forces of the astral plane, fabulous creatures - elves, gnomes and the like).

6. Technical developments and genetic engineering (based on ancient knowledge and modern achievements): nuclear, laser, rocket, bacteriological, chemical weapons, space flights, underwater cities, the creation of werewolves, experiments on people, etc.

7. Creation of secret bases for retreat at the end of the war - in South America and Antarctica. There are authors who claim that they have survived to this day. These hidden cities have been described as colonies similar to those created by aliens in science fiction films. The neo-fascists living there have enormous scientific and technical potential, the skills of black magicians and pose a huge threat to humanity.


In March 1938, in a knight's castle near the town of Eisenach, in the strictest secrecy, a meeting was held of the best astrologers and clairvoyants of the Third Reich, who discussed the future of Germany. The event was led by the Minister of Propaganda, Dr. Joseph Goebbels (everything was organized with the approval of the Fuhrer, of course). The astrologers and Goebbels were guarded by an SS unit and a special group of radio and radio intelligence officers of the Gestapo, equipped with the latest eavesdropping devices. Unfortunately, almost all the notes, and the participants of that meeting themselves, have sunk into oblivion. But some survived told what was discussed at the "last supper".

Then, in 1938, astrologers said that Germany was on the verge of a great war. And this year itself is very convenient for the disarmament of Czechoslovakia and the liberation of the Sudetenland and Bohemia. 1939 is favorable for the capture of Poland. Warsaw will not receive support from its patrons, and the best way to defeat France is in 1940.

As for the war with Russia, the most appropriate, in the opinion of the participants in the meeting, would be 1941 and 1946. Still, 1941 was preferable, since the industry and armed forces of the USSR are becoming more powerful and by 1946 they will be so strong that the Reich cannot cope with the Soviet Union: the Russians will win on their own, without allies.

Astrologers even named the most convenient period for an attack - the second half of May 1941. All of them unanimously argued that the war can and should be won in one summer campaign - no later than the end of October.

But not everything appeared rosy in the forecasts of astrologers and clairvoyants. There were many who dissuaded the leadership of the Reich from war with the USSR. One astrologer "saw" the great losses of the Wehrmacht in the fall and winter of 1942 on the banks of a large Russian river, apparently the Volga. Another "calculated" the deaths of 500,000 German soldiers in the fields of Russia in the summer of 1943.

Astrologer Louis de Volle


Further more. Seeing that Goebbels did not touch the daredevils, their colleagues grew bolder and painted such a picture. The British and Americans will start a real war with the Reich only in 1943 (in the south), and in 1944 in the north. A military alliance between Russia, England and America is inevitable - they will be united by a common hatred of National Socialism, the Fuhrer and the Reich. However, 1946 will be a turning point in relations between Washington, London and Moscow: former allies will once again become enemies. Some warming will occur only after 1953, when Stalin dies.

Moreover, both major events - the beginning of the enmity of the Western allies with Russia and the death of the Soviet leader - will occur 8 and 15 years after this meeting, that is, in 1946 and 1953. Indeed, Winston Churchill gave a speech that marked the beginning of the Cold War in 1946, and Stalin died in 1953 …

Goebbels, seeking to obtain maximum information, condescendingly praised the astrologers and asked: "How will the coming war end for Germany?" Here, astrologers and clairvoyants had the wit to cheat, and they vaguely promised that, in the end, the country would take a new path. This will happen in May 1945; the borders of the country will change.

Hitler was not as lenient as Goebbels. After reading the reports of the meeting, in anger he threw the papers into the fireplace and ordered to send many astrologers to concentration camps, and those who said that Germany would lose the war (it will be divided into two parts, will exist in this state for 44 years, and then unite), the Fuhrer ordered shoot.

But even he could not change the fate and will of the stars. May 1945 actually confirmed all the predictions of the best astrologers in Germany. The Soviet Army liberated the peoples of Europe from the "brown plague".

Victor Potapov