The Magical Power Of Floromancy - Alternative View

The Magical Power Of Floromancy - Alternative View
The Magical Power Of Floromancy - Alternative View

Video: The Magical Power Of Floromancy - Alternative View

Video: The Magical Power Of Floromancy - Alternative View
Video: Цветочек Magic Blooms. Танцующий и разговаривающий цветок 2024, October

Having grown various plants in your own garden, you can be convinced of the power of Floromancy - a magical science that studies the forces of influence of plants on a person.

Most of the blue and blue colors are subject to Venus. They will attract a particle of her powerful influence into your garden, bring peace, happiness, love. Forget-me-not, nigella, periwinkle contribute to the arrangement of heart affairs.

But the queen of the flowers of love is of course the rose. You can use its power if you do the following. Pick three love flowers by the light of the full moon. Dry them and sew them into a pale blue or emerald green silk rectangular pouch, wear it around your neck or, say, attach to the inside of your underwear. This amulet will help you in love affairs.

If you are preoccupied with money problems, plant plants belonging to the sign of Jupiter, the ruler of luck and prosperity. These are lilacs, honeysuckle, almonds.

Probably, in every house there is a place for indoor plants, the main thing is to have the desire and patience to take care of them. Geranium is rightfully considered one of the most common domestic plants. Its bright red flowers radiate vitality and strength. She will give them away when you feel bad, and thus support you. Pink geranium favors love, white geranium favors the birth of children.

Miniature roses can be grown. They perfectly replace garden ones, no worse than they will help to win someone's love or friendship.

In our age, many suffer from nightmares, unreasonable fears. Cyclamen will help to dispel them. He will serve you faithfully, driving away bad dreams.

If fun and joy have left your home, if sadness and boredom have settled in it, if your well-being is often unimportant, then floromancy can help you here too. Take two bunches of vibrant golden yellow or orange flowers, imbued with the power and light of their lord, the Sun. Place vases with them in opposite ends of the room, and place mirrors behind them, so much so that both vases are visible in each. You will feel that a stream of solar energy will immediately enter the room. The particles of the power of the daylight transferred to the flowers are enough to dispel the unfriendly atmosphere, improve your well-being and mood. The magical effect will continue as long as the flowers remain fresh. As soon as they begin to fade, they should be removed immediately, because at this time their influence will already become negative.

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You can repeat this simple witchcraft with any other colors, choosing them depending on the energy of which of the planets you want to attract to help.

How to deal with the forces of evil? There are many recipes for this. Some prefer to wear talismans and amulets, others - to burn a mixture of fragrant herbs, and still others - to put mental energy blocks. I'm going to tell you about a simple rustic way that housewives in Western Europe used in the old days.

There is a persistent belief that onions and garlic ward off evil spirits or deprive them of their magical powers. Therefore, in the old days, a woman would never have eaten an onion that was peeled the day before and lay all night. She was afraid that the onion had absorbed an evil influence and it could poison the person who eats it.

The onion spell is based on this belief. If fate has ceased to favor you and it seems to you that either evil spirits or your enemies are to blame, perform the following ritual. Take three small onions, peel them and hang them in different places in your home. With experience, like this: one in the kitchen, another in the bedroom, the third in the living room. Keep in mind that you have to hang them in a special way: pierce the bulb with a thick needle with red thread, then tie the thread in a loop around the bulb. The bulbs must hang for seven nights. Then they need to be removed and each put on a separate sheet of blank paper. Then it's cool to salt and burn over a bright fire.

It is possible for an infinitely long time to enumerate plants that can help a person in a particular matter, fulfill desires, protect from bad influences. Therefore, it would be better to say about the general line of conduct. The most successful will be such a selection of plants, which will include representatives of all planets. In astrology there are only seven of them - five real plus the Sun and the Moon. In addition to the fact that each of them is subject to plants with flowers of a strictly defined color, the planet has its own day of the week. Sun - Sunday, Moon - Monday, Mars - Tuesday, Mercury - Wednesday, Jupiter - Thursday, Venus - Friday, Saturn - Saturday. This means in our case that on the corresponding days the plants will receive most of all the magical energy emitted by the ruler planet …

From the book: “XX century. Chronicle of the inexplicable. Opening after opening”. Nikolai Nepomniachtchi