The Magic Of The Word - Thought Is Material - Alternative View

The Magic Of The Word - Thought Is Material - Alternative View
The Magic Of The Word - Thought Is Material - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of The Word - Thought Is Material - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of The Word - Thought Is Material - Alternative View
Video: 🟢Кофе с комментариями 🟢 Новые проекты 2024, October

Jesus once uttered one of his most enigmatic sayings: “For whoever has, to him it will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. It looks illogical, but it is the ultimate truth. When you are happy, the highest happiness is available to you; when you are unhappy, you get more unhappiness. When you are happy, more is given to you: the gate is open. Grace is poured out on you. The grace of the Lord descends on you when you dance, and do not stand in the pose of a martyr. God loves life. He is life. And every moment He creates life.

“We were born by chance and after that we will be like not former ones:

breath in our nostrils - smoke, and the word is a spark in the movement of our heart."

The Wisdom of Solomon 2: 2

Thought is powerful and creative. And since thoughts are measured by the word and are manifested by the word, they are associated with speech, with language. At first it is very difficult to influence thoughts, but through a word, through repetition, you can create a certain thought-form that will affect our life. Speech is much easier to control than thoughts. But thoughts can be controlled through speech. And if we succeed in working with words, we will be able to control the processes of thinking. By changing your thinking, you can change life itself.

There is tremendous power in the spoken words. Many people don't even know how big it is. With the help of the word, we continuously create something in our life. However, we rarely pay attention to what we say and how. We don’t think about the choice of words. Therefore, to achieve Success, we must learn the language of Success. We should carefully observe what language we use in internal dialogue and in dialogue with other people.

It is easy to see that the manner of communicating with oneself, the mood of the internal dialogue, is imprinted by representations and experiences received at an early age. How we communicate with ourselves is very important because it is the basis of the spoken words. Internal dialogue creates a certain mental attitude in which we live and which attracts certain situations to us. If we humiliate ourselves, do not love ourselves, then our life becomes unhappy. But if we love and value ourselves, it becomes a source of joy.

Promotional video:

In no case should parents, relatives or the state be blamed for their failures. In doing so, you will stagnate, you will remain with the same problems and disappointments. Accusations do not bring relief. They only take away your creative energy.

Pay close attention to what you say in your inner and outer dialogue. If you find in your vocabulary words with negative, destructive connotations, or words that limit your success and interfere with your realization, remove them. Of course, this speech control technique requires attention and energy. But everyone who wants to succeed may not convey the stories he has heard with negative connotations, not convey gossip, free himself from abusive words that destroy any achievements with their terrible power.

Try to avoid words that create conditions: "if", "would"; exclude the word "should" from the dictionary, as everything that we do on duty generates a subconscious desire to avoid it. Use the words "I want", "I choose", "I have decided" instead. The word "choose" will fundamentally change your life. Say more often, "I choose success." Too often people overuse the word "but". Asserting something, we then say a short: "But …" - and provide conflicting information. Monitor the appearance of any "not".

Avoid grumbling and complaining, especially in the morning, because you are setting a program for the whole day. Pay attention to the words and thoughts you use before bed. It is better to repeat bright, healing and inspiring words than wretched, sad and unclean words.