Transmigration Machine - Alternative View

Transmigration Machine - Alternative View
Transmigration Machine - Alternative View

Video: Transmigration Machine - Alternative View

Video: Transmigration Machine - Alternative View

Transmigration of souls exists and can be controlled. The machine for reincarnation is going to be patented by Russian scientists. According to the researchers, today the machine for moving the soul in space is still in the project, but the chances that it will be possible to implement it are very high, which means that now humanity will not die, but be reborn. How soon can we all learn everything about our past lives? What is needed for this? How much will such a service cost?

Since ancient times, people have strived for immortality and today the dream of mankind can come true. But we are talking about the immortality of the soul, not the body. Russian scientists have proved that reincarnation is not fiction or myth, it really exists. Moreover, the process of the soul's transition from one body to another can be controlled. Do we have the right to take on the function of God and how can this end?

Followers of Indian religions believe in reincarnation: Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism. They believe that in the next life a person gets the body he deserves.

Russian researchers have turned upside down traditional ideas about reincarnation. They are sure that the choice of a body for subsequent reincarnation happens by chance. The soul of the deceased passes into the body of a five-month-old embryo (it is during this period that the fetus begins to form the brain).

However, this notion of reincarnation kills its essence. The main teaching about reincarnation is that a person himself has the ability to influence his subsequent incarnations (this is not a random process), a person can be reborn anywhere on the planet.

Samsara wheel
Samsara wheel

Samsara wheel.

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Usually adults do not remember their previous lives and incarnations, but doctors and scientists often record the memories of children about their past lives. Children of five or seven years of age talk with frightening certainty about where they lived, what they did and how they died. The memory of previous lives disappears by the age of 8.

In other matters, according to some researchers, memories of past lives periodically emerge in absolutely every person. At such moments it seems that what is happening now has happened before, scientists call this phenomenon déjà vu.

Origen Adamant
Origen Adamant

Origen Adamant.

In contrast to eastern beliefs, reincarnation is traditionally rejected in European culture, but this was not always the case. The Greek theologian Origen Adamant believed that sinners in their next lives are born as animals or plants, and only the righteous reach the Kingdom of God. On May 5, 553, the Patriarch of the Church of Constantinople recognized the belief in reincarnation as a mortal sin.

Now all that we know about reincarnation is no more than just hypotheses, but if transmigration of souls does exist, should a person interfere in a process whose nature is not clear to us?