Sun - The Source Of All Living Things Or Just A Mechanism? - Alternative View

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Sun - The Source Of All Living Things Or Just A Mechanism? - Alternative View
Sun - The Source Of All Living Things Or Just A Mechanism? - Alternative View

Video: Sun - The Source Of All Living Things Or Just A Mechanism? - Alternative View

Video: Sun - The Source Of All Living Things Or Just A Mechanism? - Alternative View
Video: Why Don't We Live Around a Red Sun? Featuring Prof. David Kipping from Cool Worlds 2024, October

There is probably no need to give scientific arguments that our star plays an exclusive role in the organization of life on planet Earth. At the same time, scientists do not dare to say the same about the entire solar system and even more so other systems or galaxies, and even try to emphasize that humanity is the only living species in the universe.

The sun sprays billions of calories of energy around itself, some of which reaches the Earth. The rays are cleared by the upper layers of the atmosphere from the harmful hard ultraviolet radiation and warm up the planet's surface. If we imagine that the star suddenly went out, and the energy supply chain was disrupted, then in the very near future all life on the planet will die out, as its surface will quickly cool. Cold will come even in those regions where there has always been a hot climate, and only insignificant heat will remain in areas with active volcanic activity, where the thermal energy of the inner layers comes to the surface.

In the understanding of the people of the Middle Ages, the Sun is the center of the Universe. This is exactly how the notorious system of the ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy taught and was actively supported by medieval church hierarchs, since such a teaching absolutely corresponded to the "correct" interpretation of the world order. Of course, all this is not true, and today everyone knows that the Earth is not the center of the Universe. On the contrary, it is located almost on its very outskirts, and the Sun does not revolve around the planet. But even in the 15th century, they were easily sent to the stake for this on charges of collaboration with the devil.

At the same time, despite all the disagreements between religious movements, the Sun has always been given central importance and its exclusiveness has been emphasized. This is especially clearly expressed in the so-called "native beliefs", where everything is based on the worship of nature. The ancient Egyptian sun god Ra, the Greek Helios, the Slavic Yarilo - these and other names have always emphasized the love of the heavenly body and showed that at all times, the planet's population understood the importance of the presence of the Sun.

What can scientists say about the sun?

Unfortunately, humanity has made little progress in the study of the mechanics of celestial bodies, preferring to pay more attention to the invention of new gadgets. In the same area, basically everything is based on theories and hypotheses, since in 95% of cases, any observations and research occur in a visual way. Until now, the planets of the terrestrial group and even their own satellite, the Moon, remain almost unexplored, what then can we say about such celestial bodies as the Sun?

The study of the star is possible only with orbital or terrestrial telescopes, since already at a distance of 145 million kilometers a person will die from heat and radiation exposure. At a distance of 5 million kilometers, the spacecraft will simply burn out. The temperature on the surface of the star reaches 6 million degrees, explosions and other processes caused by a mixture of hydrogen and helium constantly occur here. The most recent data, which nevertheless received by scientists with the help of the latest satellites, indicate the presence in orbit of the star of some artificial formations resembling satellites. Observers were puzzled by the fact that these forms landed on the surface of the star, although NASA experts say that this is just a defect in photographic photography.

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Heat is a necessary building block for life to begin. This postulate is known from school, but it is used as an argument, not only by supporters of Darwinism, but also by its opponents. In the case of the theory of evolution, life itself arose as soon as conditions appeared for this, including a comfortable temperature. These statements indicate a similarity with theories of a religious nature, where it is argued that all life in the system began precisely with the formation of a star. Purely scientific theories also confirm that the system was formed as a result of a big bang, which first formed the sun, and already under its influence all the planets. Interestingly, in ancient times, there was a statement that the gods live on this star. This is quite consistent with the theory of participation in the origin of life on Earth of the highest mind,as well as pictures of strange objects in the orbit of the star.

I must say that the entire solar system is a very delicate mechanism, where each detail has its own purpose and is connected with other elements. All celestial bodies are tied to each other by magnetic bonds, while the center of attraction is the Sun. In fact, the star is nothing more than a huge thermonuclear reactor that supplies heat to the entire system and, thanks to the processes taking place inside it, powerful magnetic bonds are generated.

If the photographs mentioned above do indeed capture artificial satellites, then it is quite possible to assume that these mechanisms perform a service role, performing some kind of technological operations.

It is no secret that humanity is still absolutely not ready for the knowledge of some new technologies and is in a rather backward technical state. It threatens even its own planet more than space asteroids, destroying resources and polluting the environment at an alarming rate. It is possible that the impossibility of exploring outer space and, in particular, the Sun close up is just a kind of protection that people can overcome only if they choose the right vector of development.