"Unconscious" Flying Objects? - Alternative View

"Unconscious" Flying Objects? - Alternative View
"Unconscious" Flying Objects? - Alternative View

Video: "Unconscious" Flying Objects? - Alternative View

Video: Trading From Levels of Energy & The Unconscious Mind 2024, October

A separate "sphere of activity" of UFOs is their strange and still completely unexplained interest in animals. It's hard to say if only pets are being attacked by UFOs? Stories with wild inhabitants of forests, waters, prairies and jungles do not reach ufologists, although they may well take place in these places.

When this phenomenon was first reported in the western United States in the 1970s, it seemed to the public as odd as the later reports in England about the wheels found on the ears.

Several cases of abduction of cattle occurred in the last century. In one of them, in front of the farmer's eyes, the enlonauts, without leaving the "plate", threw a lasso around the calf's neck and began to lift the animal onto the ship. According to the "testimony" of the owner, he repulsed the attack on this first attempt. However, the next day I found the same calf behind the shed - dead, with a throat cut in a circle and completely bled.

In this century, however, the insane interest of UFOs in pets is not calculated by "accidents." Mass mockery of our smaller brothers can hardly even be called a "trend" - it's some kind of collapse!

Here is the case with birds. On April 5, 1975, farmer B. Billo (USA, Carolina) went to the barn late at night to ask for feed for the poultry. And he noticed at the same time the strange behavior of the dog, which never refused to accompany the owner to the poultry house, but this time, almost verbally, refused to go with him. Not attaching much importance to this, Billo did his simple operation with filling the feed and went to bed. However, the next morning he found ten geese and three chickens dead.

Probably half of our former collective farmers would not have taken any legal steps on such a seemingly insignificant occasion. They would simply quarrel with those who were suspected of atrocities, and ask the chairman for material assistance. Americans are not like that! B. Billo reported to the police, and an investigation began. The bodies of the birds were taken for examination, and the Federal Department of Agriculture of the State of Carolina was involved in the case, since it turned out that the same wounds, a quarter inch in size, were found on the bird carcasses, but without signs of blood coming out. One goose was found completely separate from the rest of the "company" - in a neighboring house, which was temporarily not used by the farmer. The bird's upper body was cut as if it had been done with a very sharp knife, or possibly a laser instrument.

The investigation ended in nothing: neither the police nor the agricultural department could explain the discovered wounds and cut, but, most importantly, they remained firmly convinced that none of the known earthly "forces" capable of committing this crime would have coped with the panic, which is necessary should have embraced the goose flock. And neither the farmer nor any of his family heard any noise in the poultry house in the evening and at night. And the already mentioned dog did not react to what was happening in the poultry yard … The incident was classified as an act of aliens, because of which it became known to ufologists.

However, cases of poultry are very rare. And most often they are explained by earthly reasons.

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But there are tens of thousands of stories with large animals in North and South America and Australia alone! As a rule, animals are not abducted, but abandoned (although there are certainly abductions), most often the corpses of cattle are bled, and round or oval holes are found on the body, indicating that pieces of fabric of the correct shape have been cut out of them with an unknown tool. Autopsy reveals: in many cases, UFOs take away various internal organs of animals for unknown purposes.

There are many examples of the same head-abduction. The heads of the animals are cut in the same way as Billo's goose was cut in Carolina. Carcasses are disfigured by falling from a height: the "cosmites" do not bother to land in order to throw out an unnecessary corpse, and they do it from the air.

The ruthless way in which the transfer of a pet to the "plate" occurs, which ufologists have known for so long, was confirmed with a man!

The animals were found not only dead, but also sadistically mutilated. Researcher Ed Sanders wrote: “Tongues, eyes, ears, tails, genitals - everything was clearly cut off like a tailor's scissors. The groats were as if drilled with geological drills."

Many animals died: in one small area of Colorado, fifty mutilated individuals were found in one year. At least one death was caused by nerve gas, others were the result of chemicals that cause degeneration. Coyotes and buzzards do not touch these rapidly decaying animals.

The reason and purpose of these outrages remained unknown. Some claim that UFOs have been seen in the area where the injuries were observed. Bearden blames the "tulpoid symbology" psychotronically emitted from the US collective dream repository. Others blame strange, unknown, but unfortunately human "blood cults" for this. However, human sadism and slavish imitation tendencies do not explain all deaths. The meticulousness, number, and geographic scope of the mutilations suggest a gang of skilled criminal surgeons to quickly move from one remote site to another in order to perform a mindlessly brutal virtuoso operation of illegal cattle killing. Since this is unlikely, the phenomenon remains unexplained.

Two cases from Brazil. A certain Hermelindo was walking down the street when a humanoid descended from a UFO hovering above him along a rope or rope and attacked the unfortunate man. The bartender, accustomed to all sorts of antics of tipsy visitors, managed to cope with the attacker, reflecting his superhuman strength. But the villain had already done his job: he hooked Hermelindo with a hook, and the "accomplices" began to drag the bartender onto the ship. Having contrived, the bartender "jumped" from the hook and hastened to escape. The enlonauts were left with a nose. This was in 1976. But the farmer Gianuncio, on the contrary, almost lost his nose when they began to draw him into a UFO in the same way. The fact is that in despair, the farmer grabbed the trunk of a palm tree, wrapping his legs and arms around it, and did not release it until the "cosmites" lagged behind him. And they behaved very unceremoniously: they "drove" the farmer along a tree trunk,and when that did not help, they splashed boiling water on him. After all that happened, Gianuncio was sick for a long time and severely. Especially due to the fact that the bark of the palm tree tore off a significant amount of his skin.

German Kolchin tells about this and other cases of insolent and open attacks on people in his book “The UFO Phenomenon. View from Russia”.

In Peru, not far from the capital, enlonauts in 1991 forcibly dragged two miners into a UFO by pulling them out of a car. The miners are named Rosarri and De Pozo. Putting earthlings on tables, the aliens pumped out a huge amount of blood from them, took, as if for research, samples of skin and nails. The method of sucking blood from "cosmites" is simple: they "pump" it directly through the skin. This process in different described cases differs in varying degrees of pain. Often the "experimental" is in unbearable pain.

Mexico. Six "insectlike" creatures in the same year, 1991, dragged the mother and daughter into the ship and, after keeping them on a metal table for 4 hours, pumped out a large amount of blood from both.

The same year. Ryazan. The girl was alone in the house. A powerful beam hit from above (you must understand, from behind the window?), And an "unknown force" tore the girl off the floor. Immediately she felt as if someone's hands were "ripping the skin off her back." It was unbearable, and she began to scream. A voice coming from nowhere demanded that the girl endure, otherwise “it will be worse” … The parents who returned home found their daughter unconscious. She was lying naked on the floor. The girl's whole back was crimson …

A year earlier in Italy, near the town of Belluno, a worker named Provenzano had disappeared. The search did not yield any results. But they did not look for him for long: two days later Provenzano was found, but there was no living place on him … He did not remember anything, so the doctors applied the method of regressive hypnosis to him. In these sessions, Provenzano recalled that he was under examination by green-gray creatures (again "gray"!). In addition to taking all sorts of “samples” from him, like almost everyone who had visited such “laboratories,” he was also subjected to the action of electric discharges and radiation, dipped into a hot liquid, and smeared his skin with various caustic reagents.

In the same year, 1990, Boldyrev, a locksmith at a shipyard in the village of Slavyanka, near Vladivostok, was kidnapped three times in four months! Each time he was on a UFO for three days. All three trips had a detrimental effect on human health. In addition to the bleeding wounds left on his body, something more terrible happened to him: if after the second abduction he nevertheless regained consciousness after a few days, then after the third his speech slowed down, his gait ceased to be natural, becoming "mechanical", and he no longer recognized his mother and wife. Ufologists showed Boldyrev on Nakhodka television.

Natasha Barinova from Nalchik miraculously escaped the abduction in 1989 (they threw a very light and strong net with hexagonal cells over her). The girl began to scream, and that saved her. And the Swede Ente Jonson was helped in 1984 by the fact that during the struggle with six enlonauts who were trying to get him out of the car, he suddenly lost consciousness. They fell behind! In light of the well-known tendency for the enlonauts to “turn off” the memory of the “experimental”, we dare to doubt: have we lagged behind?..

In 1965, they tried to kidnap a farmer in Argentina. There were five of them, but the farmer was not alone: a neighbor who saw the abduction, without thinking twice, took out a gun and began to shoot back at the enlonauts. The wildest thing in this story is not that the "cosmites" tried to kidnap a person, not that they did it rudely and unceremoniously, and not that the neighbor used weapons. It's amazing that … they returned for the farmer, and the whole story of fighting and shooting repeated itself! By the way, here, too, the neighbor defended his neighbor. We would like to learn from Latin Americans …

There is a theory of the origin of UFOs, which considers the object itself to be a living being, which produces, if necessary, everything that an eyewitness sees inside the object: enlonauts, tables and chairs, devices, screens, and so on. Something like the "kfulu" beetle of the American science fiction writer Robert Sheckley: the beetle he invented feeds on thoughts and emotions …

After acquaintance with the events indicated in this chapter, one involuntarily comes to the conclusion that none of the enlonauts is capable of thinking independently, but acts meaningfully only to a certain extent - in the dose that the "plate" being that materialized him released him. And the often observed cases when the "mother" body of a UFO "spews out" many small objects from itself are very similar to "childbirth" …

It is difficult not to count as robots those "invaders" who were deceived by the accidental loss of consciousness by the Swede Johnson: a person with a disabled consciousness instantly ceased to be of interest to them. There is a feeling that the cosmites were programmed to … a moving object! The corpse (and what is a loss of consciousness, if not a temporary shutdown: on their "radars" Johnson stopped "blinking") they absolutely did not need.

It is not known whether the UFO creature is conscious, or behaves in about the same way as you and me, when, for example, we want to eat: we have no power to stop or start the process of saliva production. It is done on an instinctive level. Even brighter is the example of leukocytes in our blood: the fact that the "team" of "defenders" of the body against the virus and other nasty things has entered the fight, we most often are not even informed, and only the discharge of pus or a rise in temperature tells us that that such a struggle is being waged or has been fought within us.

Are the "gray" enlonauts the leukocytes of UFOs? Are UFOs the planet's white blood cells? And how many times have they intervened during earthly history since the time of the pharaohs? This is said, of course, only as "information for thought." Suddenly, there is still a rational kernel in the assumption, and someone will develop it in the right direction …

However, we will continue about the outrages (it cannot be called otherwise). So far "rare", but there are abductions identical to animal abductions. This also suggests the "unconsciousness" of the enlonauts. Found in various parts of the globe over the past five or six years, human corpses are characterized by similar signs: deep round wounds on the body (very similar to wounds in cattle), the absence of certain internal organs, removed, as it sometimes seems, directly through the skin (in which, for example, healers can be suspected!), as well as complete exsanguination. And although in Brazil there are "only" 12 such corpses, we believe that on a global scale, the number of finds will be very impressive.

"Secrets of UFOs", A. Varakin and others.
