Our Thoughts Are The Key To Health And Disease - Alternative View

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Our Thoughts Are The Key To Health And Disease - Alternative View
Our Thoughts Are The Key To Health And Disease - Alternative View

Video: Our Thoughts Are The Key To Health And Disease - Alternative View

Video: Our Thoughts Are The Key To Health And Disease - Alternative View
Video: How to make diseases disappear | Rangan Chatterjee | TEDxLiverpool 2024, October

Alexander Dorodny lives in Israel. He is an experienced psychotherapist and coach. What is this unfamiliar word - "coach" - you ask. This is a specialist who, in the process of a conversation built in a special way, helps the one who turned to him for help to reveal and effectively use his strengths and, as a result, create his own happy life scenario.

Coaching is a method of counseling and training, during which advice and tough recommendations are not given, and the search for a solution to the problem is carried out together with the person who asked for advice.

Smart cells

- For more than 20 years of work, I have repeatedly become convinced that in order for your life and health to change for the better, first of all, you need to make your thoughts different. And today we will talk about how to properly use your energy and subconsciousness to keep you healthy.

But, probably, in order to effectively use the power of the brain, you need to understand how it works?

- Not at all necessary! After all, most people, for example, have little idea of how a carburetor or an ignition system works, but nevertheless they masterfully drive a car. The same is true with brain power - anyone can master the basics of this system and successfully apply them in practice in everyday life.

Modern science has proven that the process of thinking takes place not only in the cells of the brain, but also in every cell of our body. That is, we think with our whole being. Understand that every, even the smallest cell of the body, which cannot be seen with the naked eye, has creative, reproductive and self-healing abilities that completely determine the state of the body created from these "bricks".

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That is, our thoughts serve as a direct guide to action for billions of body cells?

- Sure! Any belief or motive that drives a person is reflected in them. The cells of the body vibrate in unison with every thought, emotion that takes hold of us. That is why with our thoughts we can force cells to become healthy, or we can begin to destroy them.

By the way, surgeons have long noticed that after a battle, the wounds of the winners heal much faster than the losers. And as a consequence of thoughts, certain emotions - anxiety, fear, sadness, depression - greatly accelerate the development of physical illness and intensify chronic ailments. Suppose depression responds even in the smallest and farthest cell of our body, throws every organ out of balance and brings the whole body into a state of weakness and decline. Clinical depression can lead a person to a continuous process of self-destruction.

Doctors have also known for a long time the specific forms of cancer that arise from negative thoughts. Moreover, in this case, not only dormant forms can be activated, but new ones can also arise there. where previously no risk of tumor development was observed.

Thus, the great French oncologist Theodore Truffler refers to a case when a patient, who had no predisposition to cancer, developed it in himself, grieving over two sons who died in the war. His grief turned an ordinary rash into a veritable skin cancer.

Who do you think is at high risk of cancer?

- My observations (confirmed, by the way, by scientific research) have shown that those who have been in the area of hostilities for a long time, especially people who have lost relatives or close friends, or, say, those whose loved one became disabled due to severe injuries. Regret, a mixture of anxiety, grief and anxiety, increases the tendency towards cancer and is the cause of the appearance of tumors even in those who did not have any predisposition to this disease.

Caution: jealousy

- However, the emergence of cancer is provoked not only by despondency, fear and great grief, but also hatred, discontent, obsessive jealousy and other negative emotions, which, alas, many are exposed to today.

Can hatred or jealousy lead a person to illness?

Sure! Psychosomatic causes such as hatred or jealousy are caused by many types of diseases of the skin, liver, brain and heart, kidney failure, and indigestion. After all, any negative feelings, as a result of thoughts, affect the blood and other body fluids, constantly "poisoning" it, and ultimately take away strength, spur the development of dormant diseases.

First of all, a disease, even at first glance incurable, must be accepted. Not to resist mentally, not to despair, namely to accept: I am not sick with cancer, but my body. I still have many years ahead of me, I have a lot to do in my life.

Our consciousness accepts such a turn of thoughts calmly, and very often the body begins to fight cancer itself, and treatment and healing methods are more successful.

Today, doctors have collected a huge number of observations, when even hopelessly sick people, with their mental attitude to the cells that make up different organs, forced them to function correctly or … disrupted their work. They prolonged their life or, on the contrary, reduced it …

Therefore, our ability to control and change our own attitudes and emotions serves two purposes: happiness and health?

- However, before you take the first steps towards managing your thoughts, you must really feel their power and importance. You really have to believe that a bad thought hurts you and a good one helps you. And each - I emphasize, each! - an emerging thought decides your future destiny. After all, a person can convince himself of anything by repeating a statement long enough and often.

What you think about before going to bed is especially important. After instilling your desires into the subconscious, you will be surprised how quickly they begin to be realized!

One of the greatest misfortunes that happens to a person is that he himself kills the belief in the power of his own ability to resist disease. Many in every possible way prepare for the appearance of ailments, expect them and, in their own way, even anticipate. We only need to walk a couple of blocks to the clinic, pharmacies are on every corner, and the temptation to go to the doctor or buy a lot of drugs for the slightest symptoms of mild illness is very great.

Stop thinking about problems

So it turns out that many are becoming more and more dependent on outside help in the fight for health and control over their physical condition …

- Stop thinking about problems if you don't want them to poison your life. Don't think about poverty if you want to achieve prosperity. Don't look for illness in yourself. Tell yourself firmly, once and for all, that you don't have

Cancer cells start dividing if a person is in a stressful situation for a long time nothing to do with everything that you are afraid of. Your fears are your enemies. Drive them away forever, even from the darkest and smallest corners of your consciousness. Forget about them. Think good things with perseverance, and you will be surprised how quickly your health will improve and things will take off.

“The power of words is one of the greatest gifts. Stop using the power of words against yourself,”- said in one of the lectures Dr. Joseph Murphy, scientist, theologian and author of many motivating aphorisms. The same goes for the power of thought.

It's no secret that there are lucky and losers in the world. What do you think is the reason?

- It's just that the lucky ones believe in the power of the subconscious (whatever they call it) and in the fact that there is abundance in the world, there will be enough blessings for everyone and that everything will turn out fine! Losers are sure that nothing good will happen in their lives … And as follows from the Scriptures, everyone gets it according to his faith.

But how to change your thoughts, where to start?

- Write your requests down on paper. There is no need to make a long list of claims to life, limit yourself to three or four directions. For example, such: “My blood pressure is normal”, “I have lost 20 kilograms and I look like (say) Nadezhda Babkina”, “I have my own apartment”, etc.

Read and mentally repeat these three phrases every day for five minutes without being distracted by anything else. They should be as short and concise as possible. The effect will increase if you accompany affirmations with mental pictures. If you regularly put plans written by your hand into your subconscious mind, a miracle will really happen!

Interviewed by Svetlana Vasilyeva
