The Pilot Of A US Navy Aircraft Carrier Collided With A UFO That Was Larger Than Any Aircraft Carrier - Alternative View

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The Pilot Of A US Navy Aircraft Carrier Collided With A UFO That Was Larger Than Any Aircraft Carrier - Alternative View
The Pilot Of A US Navy Aircraft Carrier Collided With A UFO That Was Larger Than Any Aircraft Carrier - Alternative View

Video: The Pilot Of A US Navy Aircraft Carrier Collided With A UFO That Was Larger Than Any Aircraft Carrier - Alternative View

Video: The Pilot Of A US Navy Aircraft Carrier Collided With A UFO That Was Larger Than Any Aircraft Carrier - Alternative View
Video: How To Survive Airplane Crash - Ditching, Fire, Jungle and Arctic 2024, October

On November 14, 2004, while USS Nimitz was in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of southern California, pilots flew in from an aircraft carrier witnessed the appearance of an unidentified flying object, which was recorded by both the surveillance systems of the Super Hornet fighters and the surveillance systems of the aircraft carrier.

In 2015, the first public announcement of the incident was made by one of the pilots, and in 2017 a video of the incident was leaked online. After much controversy, denials and discussions, the US Navy command admitted that the recording was completely real, and the event itself went down in history as the USS Nimitz UFO incident.

However, it seems that such an incident was not the only one. As David Fravor, commander of the aircraft carrier's helicopter squadron, tells in a special interview with, in the late 1990s his subordinate witnessed an even more surprising encounter with unidentified objects - a helicopter pilot, both with the help of instruments and visually, watched a huge mass rise from the ocean floor.


In an interview with Joe Rogan, Commander Fravor said that his pilot was flying a CH-53 and was about to pick up the BQM-74 Chukar, a special cruise missile target used by the US Navy:


A diver was dropped from the helicopter and connected a lifting cable to the rocket when, from a height of 50 feet, the pilot saw "a huge dark mass rising from the depths." But, as soon as the helicopter started moving and lifted the rocket, the mass began to sink to the bottom again.

Promotional video:

Fravor said that he did not strongly believe the pilot and decided that it all seemed to him and there was either some kind of anomaly of visibility, or an error in the instruments. However, a few months later, he himself witnessed a similar incident:

“We took the spent torpedo and lowered a diver to it on a winch, when I saw a gigantic mass rising from the bottom. And it was not a submarine: the mass was some kind of circular, and I had seen submarines many times before and could not be confused with anything."

“I started yelling through the internal warning system so that we would get up urgently, while the diver was shouting to us 'What the hell is going on?' Meanwhile, this huge object somehow pulled the torpedo into itself, strongly pulling the winch cable. It was only when the torpedo hovered a few feet from the water that the huge object loosened its grip and went down again. I breathed a sigh of relief."

Editorial comment

As our readers well know without - UFOs, or rather not even flying, but floating objects in the seas are not uncommon, and RenTV is full of stories with military cosmonauts who tell naval tales about such encounters. But in this situation, it is not a “man in uniform” who speaks, but a real US Navy officer who is responsible for his words and who does not want to be written off as a nutcase.

In other words, there are some “Martians” in the ocean and with them everything looks like in the famous science fiction movie The Abyss, where such a round thing rises from the bottom in the final scene and the rescue ship looks like an abandoned child's toy on it:


The second important point is the reason why the pilot appeared in the newspaper / on television and began to talk about the incident, which has been highly classified for more than 20 years. Without a command from above, the military could not do this, but why was such an order given? This is already a big question, and so far it seems that some kind of global disclosure is being prepared and the public is gradually being taught to “older brothers in mind”.

Finally, the third and that we always remind - there are some “Martians” on Earth and it would be very naive to think that “Martians” are in themselves, and natives are in themselves. Most likely these guys in cork helmets and foil space suits completely control the native leaders and the “Martians” are the main object of world politics. It seems that they are the ones who make all the global political decisions, and not the uncles and aunts that are shown on TV.

In the light of the above, we do not exclude that soon the “Martians” will also be shown on TV, so we are following the development of events.