UFO Underwater - Alternative View

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UFO Underwater - Alternative View
UFO Underwater - Alternative View

Video: UFO Underwater - Alternative View

Video: UFO Underwater - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, October

UFO - submarine ghosts under water

Psychologically, sailors have long been ready to meet sea monsters in the seas and oceans and even engage in battle with them. Which, in fact, happened at times - if you trust the messages from the ship's logs. But at the same time, seafarers were absolutely not ready to meet in the depths of the sea with underwater technical devices, surpassing them in the same proportion as the mythical sea serpent - an earthworm! Less than anything, the admirals expected to meet unidentified "flying" objects under water!

But if unidentified underwater objects (NGOs) were all the same in the path of warships, then, most likely, an order to open fire should have been expected from the combat admirals.

• 1960, January - if you believe the information that was received by professor-ufologist Andrzej Mostovich (Poland), patrol ships of the Argentine Navy found two submarines of unusual shape using ultrasonic sonar radars. One of which was lying on the ground, the second made some complex movements around it.

A group of anti-submarine ships approached the area where the submarines were located, and after they could not achieve the surfacing of the submarines with ordinary means of communication and warnings, they used depth charges. A lot of them were blown up and it seemed that those who were under water did not have the slightest chance to survive. The more was the amazement of the sailors when both "submarines" surfaced and began to leave. Huge spherical wheelhouses towered above the water, boat hulls were also of unprecedented shape. The Argentines began pursuit, but could not keep up with them and opened fire from guns. The submarines sank again, and miracles began to happen on the sonar screens: at first there were two, then four, and finally as many as six. All this submarine fleet, at incredible speeds, disappeared into the depths of the Atlantic.

However, this "submarine" (or similar) appeared two weeks later in the Caribbean, and two months later - in the Mediterranean. And at the end of 1960, ships of the American Pacific Fleet tried to chase her in the Seattle area - with the same success.

• 1964 - in the Atlantic off the coast of Puerto Rico, according to the researcher N. Posysaev, there was an incident with a UFO during the exercises of anti-submarine ships of the 9th aircraft carrier formation of the US Navy. The report of the American analyst professor Anderson notes that the compound was suddenly attacked by a powerful submarine. This happened off the coast of Puerto Rico, when the leader of the group, the aircraft carrier Wasp, surrounded by escort ships, was just preparing to repel the attack. But not from a depth of 5 km! The officers were alarmed: there were no submarines in those days, as there are not now, capable of diving to a depth of more than one and a half kilometers. The unknown submarine, according to reports, developed a speed of 280 km / h (150 knots, modern submarines develop a speed of no more than 45 knots). She walked under the escort ships and rushed into the ocean expanses, dropping 2 km within a few minutes.

Such a drop, according to the laws of hydrodynamics, would inevitably have to destroy the most durable case, because it is accompanied by a huge increase in pressure. But the unknown ship ignored these laws. The last fact embarrassed the admirals, and they gave the order to cancel bombing and the use of homing torpedoes, apparently having reasoned that it was impossible to fight against such "submarines" using conventional means. For history, after this incident, there are dozens of eyewitness accounts, reports and reports from the commander of the Atlantic Fleet of the US Navy in Norfolk, as well as entries in 13 submarine logbooks and aircraft logs about an "ultra-fast submarine with one propeller or similar device" …

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• 1972 year in the polar regions of the Atlantic conducted naval maneuvers "Deep Freeze". The exercises took place among pack ice and were supported by icebreakers. On board one of them was the famous polar explorer Rubene J. Villela. Suddenly, breaking through an almost 3-meter thickness of ice, a spherical silvery body flew out of the depths and disappeared into the sky at incredible speed. “The object was at least 12 yards in diameter, but the hole it punched was much larger. He carried huge blocks of ice with him to a height of 20 - 30 yards, while the cold water in the hole was covered with clouds of steam, probably from the red-hot casing of this ball … "Since there were almost no people on the upper deck of the icebreaker due to the frost, only Villela, the helmsman and officer of the watch, could observe this phenomenon.

The departure of such objects from under the water was recorded earlier, as evidenced by the entries in the ship's logs.

• 1825, August 12, at 3.30 am - sailors twice saw the rise of round glowing red balls.

• 1845 June 18 - South of Sicily, the crew of the vessel "Victoria" observed the slow rise of three dazzling discs, linked by thin glowing rods.

• 1967, July 20 - The crew of the ship Naviero (Argentina) near the Brazilian coast recorded a brightly glowing "cigar" 105-110 feet (35-37 m) in length near and below them.

• 1975, November 15, at 16 o'clock - not far from Marseille, 17 people witnessed the departure of a 10-meter silvery disc from under the water.

• 1990 - the departure of three UFOs from the water of the Bering Strait to the south of its narrowest point (according to some reports, there is an anomalous zone near Cape St. Lawrence) was observed visually and through binoculars by Academician R. F. Avramenko and his colleagues.

• In the 1970s, the Soviet scientific vessel "Vladimir Vorobiev" recorded an unknown body in the Arabian Sea. The echo sounder confirmed the presence of some mass under the keel at a depth of 20 meters. At the same time, the team watched for half an hour a bright white spot rotating counterclockwise and breaking into eight parts.

• 1977, February 28 - the newspaper "Vechernyaya Odessa" published an interview with the captain of the motor ship "Anton Makarenko" Yevgeny Lysenko, in which he said that once at two o'clock in the morning, five crew members were eyewitnesses of an even larger glow. The luminous spoked wheel had a center of rotation behind the ship, and its radius of rotation was more than 12 miles!

An indirect proof that the source of energy for the rotating circles on the surface of the water was precisely UFOs are the cases of observation in the air and under water of brightly luminous objects with diverging circles around. So, for example, from the book by J. Piccard and R. Dietz "Depth of 7 miles", which was published in 1963, it is said that divers at a depth of 700 fathoms observed a large disk with numerous luminous points.

UFO dives, ascent and takeoffs have been repeatedly recorded by the Soviet military. Such phenomena, for example, were repeatedly detected by the devices of the satellite tracking base of the anti-space defense forces. The base was located at some distance from the Pamir Lake Sarez, which has a depth of up to 500 m, and its servicemen did not know whether anyone else had observed these phenomena near the lake or from its surface. Occasionally there have been incidents between the Navy and UFOs at times when their interests were at odds. Fortunately, this did not lead to any serious consequences; besides, the number of military clashes between naval ships and alien ships is much less than the number of combat engagements of aircraft with UFOs.

• 1989, end of December - a triangular UFO came under fire from naval artillery over Tikhaya Bay near Vladivostok. Not responding to the "rudeness", the object quickly moved towards the city.

• A similar incident on October 7, 1977 also ended without consequences. This time due to the fact that the radio operators of the floating base of the Northern Fleet "Volga" for 18 minutes could not call for help from aviation. All this time, the base was blocked by nine UFOs, as soon as they finished their round dance over the ship, the connection was restored, and the called reconnaissance aircraft, of course, did not record anything unusual in the sky …

In addition to observing “just UFOs” above and under water, there are also observations of strange humanoid creatures. Although, this is not surprising - if humanoids are sometimes seen and photographed on the ground near the landing sites of UFOs, why not see them under water near the landing sites (on the water or on the bottom) of the same objects? It's true, but with one "but". No one and nowhere saw how "underwater humanoids" came out (swam) out of UFOs, that is, the involvement of one in the other has not yet been established.

• 1982, summer - the head of the diving service of the troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense, Major General V. Demyanenko, at the district gathering, examined the actions of his colleagues. Not long before that, on the western shore of Lake Baikal, scout divers during training and combat dives in the icy water of the lake more than once met unknown divers in tight-fitting silver overalls, in everything similar to people, but huge dew, up to three meters. At a depth of about 50 m, they did not have scuba gear or any other apparatus, only a spherical helmet on their head. We moved at high speeds, observing the area of the slopes. The worried command decided to detain the "unidentified divers", for which seven divers, under the command of an officer, tried to throw a net over one of them. The result was disastrous - all the attackers were thrown to the surface of the water by some powerful impulse. Due to a sharp drop in pressure and decompression sickness, the entire group was seriously injured: four divers became disabled, three died.

Soon after the incident, a corresponding order was issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, which criticized the "initiative" of submariners of the Siberian and Trans-Baikal districts and where, among other things, deep-water lakes were listed in which submariners should be careful, because in these lakes there were descents and ascent of disks and balls, underwater glow and other anomalous phenomena. This case is the only known contact of the Navy with anomalous phenomena that resulted in human casualties.

In the hypotheses that interpret such UFO activity in the water areas of the globe, there is a whole range of explanations: from the fact that aliens are simply hiding under water from air defense detection systems, and at the same time mining minerals from the bottom, to the version of the existence of an independent humanoid underwater civilization on the ocean floor … There is no generally accepted hypothesis, and this is understandable if only because the secrets of the depths of the ocean have been studied very poorly to this day, much worse than the space of the nearby Cosmos …