Humanoids In A Cemetery In The Queens Area - Alternative View

Humanoids In A Cemetery In The Queens Area - Alternative View
Humanoids In A Cemetery In The Queens Area - Alternative View

Video: Humanoids In A Cemetery In The Queens Area - Alternative View

Video: Humanoids In A Cemetery In The Queens Area - Alternative View
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Ronnie, a New Yorker.

The story, which he told in the audio podcast "Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis", happened not to him, but to the husband of a friend of his mother.

“He worked as a truck driver in the trucking service and was always accompanied by a group of two loader guys. That night they were supposed to bring a trailer from the Queens area to another area.

They drove up to the desired building and it was on a small dead-end street on the outskirts. The city cemetery was located next to the street. One guy went to the building to get the cargo documents there, and the rest were waiting in the parking lot.

It was boring and the men involuntarily looked around and then something attracted their attention to the cemetery. I must say that it was late night or early morning, about 4.30 or 5 o'clock and it was still dark.

The driver first noticed something unusual in the cemetery. He got out of the cab and walked over to the remaining loader, who was smoking near the truck. He asked him if he also saw an incomprehensible strong glow among the gravestones in the cemetery. He said yes.

The driver was seized with strong curiosity and he wanted to drive closer to the cemetery, but it turned out that the truck would not pass there. And then two men decided to walk there. They walked quite a bit and were still close to the street when the cemetery light went out.

And then they saw three tall, humanoid beings in front of them. It was the creature in front, and the others were a little further away from it. They were under two meters tall and it seemed to the men that they said something like "Everything will be fine", although their faces were motionless and their lips did not open.

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They were naked and had a pale grayish skin. The eyewitness did not describe in detail the appearance of the creatures, but said that he had seen them perfectly, since there was a lamp post nearby. Both men were shocked by what they saw, and the loader guy was so scared that he ran back to the truck and climbed inside.


When he ran away, three creatures suddenly disappeared somewhere, and a little in the distance in the cemetery that strange light came on again. The driver then also returned to the truck and just in time, as at that moment the second loader left the building with the documents. He was very surprised to see two of his colleagues pale with fright.

They began to tell him that “they had just seen something that would drive him crazy” and began to tell everything in detail. He didn’t quite believe them, but said that they had definitely seen something strange.

I found out about this story by accident. We had a big holiday and my mother invited her friend, and she came with her husband. At some point, he told us that he saw something shocking, but he is afraid to tell this story, as he will be considered crazy.

After he told us everything, he said that the frightened loader had a lot of stress after that night and he still tries not to drive past this place. According to him, the loader's psyche was completely ruined, the person suffered mentally and it is likely to remain with him for life.

I have known this man for some time, he is an ordinary hard worker and seems to be an honest person. He is not like those who make up stories for the sake of popularity, attention, or anything else."