Are Kids Who Have Imaginary Friends Susceptible To Mysticism? - Alternative View

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Are Kids Who Have Imaginary Friends Susceptible To Mysticism? - Alternative View
Are Kids Who Have Imaginary Friends Susceptible To Mysticism? - Alternative View

Video: Are Kids Who Have Imaginary Friends Susceptible To Mysticism? - Alternative View

Video: Are Kids Who Have Imaginary Friends Susceptible To Mysticism? - Alternative View
Video: The Real Reason Kids Have Imaginary Friends 2024, October

As soon as a child enters this world, he immediately begins to learn. Even if he is not yet speaking, he looks at the world with wide eyes, trying to peer into every part of the unknown. He sees how the wind moves the leaves on the trees, how the dog wags its tail in greeting, and how the mother opens her mouth and smiles while talking.


What happens when children are alone in a room?

In fast rewind mode, you rewind the moments of your life back to the time when you were a child and could be aware of some moments. You were playing alone in your room, you could hear not only the ticking of the wall clock, but the deafening sound of silence. You could not understand in any way why this sound is so strange and why it appears when the parents are not in the room? Who is behind it and what do they want to tell you?


The birth of paranormal stories

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But as soon as you tell your mother about the strange sensations, she immediately translated everything into a joke: “Silly girl, stop playing with your imaginary friends! There is no one there, you read too many fairy tales. Most children trust their parents unconditionally and never visit the attic or the farthest room in the house again. But some babies are so clean and open that they continue to follow the signs and clues that someone throws out of the secret sleeve. Are children not afraid to listen to the voices in their heads, are they not afraid to go out the gate and go down to the river in the hope of finding something amazing?

Parents write off all these stories on a violent childhood fantasy and imagination, which constantly requires food. But scientists who consider the paranormal do not agree with this. Here is what expert Jason Hawes says: “Many times when I contacted people describing paranormal situations, I was informed that children see non-existent friends, talk to them and even play some strange games. This shocked and alarmed the parents. Do adults want to understand why their children are doing this?"


Can mysticism be a part of a child's life?

Our today's expert explains that a child from an early age may have extrasensory abilities or may simply be of a supersensitive nature. However, the most likely explanation for this phenomenon is that babies play with invisible friends because they have inquisitive open minds. The child really believes that fairytale heroes can be among us in real guise and that it is not mom and dad, but Santa Claus puts a gift for him under the New Year tree and draws patterns on the window with a staff.


What if a child talks about non-existent friends?

The best that parents can do is to acknowledge the child's right to see what is not available to adults. Accept your children for who they are, do not make fun of their stupidity and do not try to change their ideas. This world would have more psychics if no one intervened in the existing state of affairs. Let the children grow up with faith in otherworldly forces, let them discover their abilities. Parents who do not believe in the paranormal deprive their offspring of the chance to learn not to be afraid of something unknown and unknown. Do not destroy these beliefs, and then the children will teach you what you yourself did not learn in your distant childhood.

Inga Kaisina