Why Do We Still Speak Words In Our Minds When We Think? - Alternative View

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Why Do We Still Speak Words In Our Minds When We Think? - Alternative View
Why Do We Still Speak Words In Our Minds When We Think? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do We Still Speak Words In Our Minds When We Think? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do We Still Speak Words In Our Minds When We Think? - Alternative View
Video: Can You Think Complex Thoughts Without Language? | 1984 - George Orwell 2024, October

Have you ever thought about what is happening in your head at the moment when the work of thoughts is done? Think about how you duplicate your thoughts with words. For example, when you go to work in the morning, you mentally instruct yourself to check if the iron is still on. Or, maybe, already on the street, you scold yourself for leaving your mobile phone at home. Psychologist Charles Fernyhough described the phenomenon of the inner voice in his new book. The expert does not see anything reprehensible in this phenomenon. You will be surprised, but people can say words to themselves very often. This takes about a quarter of the waking time. So why, when we start thinking, does the word duplicate thought?

A quarter of the time people repeat their thoughts in words

This question has always interested Charles Fernyhaw. The specialist conducted interdisciplinary research, as a result of which several explanations of the phenomenon appeared at once. As we already know, a person spends about a quarter of their waking hours with thoughts turned to themselves. And some people talk to themselves much more often. The simplest explanation of the phenomenon can be attributed to the existence of language. Words serve as a way of communication between people. But if we want to control our actions and actions, why not talk to ourselves?


When a husband says to his wife, “You look tired, stay at home,” his response is helpful because it provides valuable advice. But if a spouse is thinking about how demanding her boss is and whether it's time to change jobs, only she hears these questions spinning in her head. If you think self-talk helps us make decisions, then take a look at experimental rats. Rodents go through difficult mazes without being reminded of the upcoming left turn. But the human brain is a more complex mechanism, and it cannot do without language reminders when reasoning.


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It increases motivation

According to our today's expert, there are several reasons why you are talking to yourself. Firstly, it is motivation and concentration. For example, this phenomenon is most common among athletes. A meta-analysis has shown that athletes who tune themselves before starts by self-talk improve their performance. This technique is especially relevant in complex technical forms, where exorbitant concentration is required before executing the program. Figure skating, artistic gymnastics or playing golf immediately come to mind. By the way, if you are a sports fan and often watch the competition, you can find evidence.

Body and emotion management

When you are preparing for an important event or presentation, you often use this technique: stand in front of the mirror and rehearse your speech. This is how you gain self-confidence. Rehearsal helps regulate mood and improves concentration. But if you are already in front of the doors of the audience, it is unlikely that during a free minute you will begin to utter the words of the speech aloud. In order to stay calm, you will repeat them mentally. Now think about how people behave before the interview. We are often worried and mentally order ourselves to pull ourselves together. We use these internal commands to control our own body.


Additional tool

However, our today's expert has not yet figured out why thought-orders must necessarily be clothed in words. Dr. Fernyhough put forward the assumption that dialogue with oneself can act as a special tool that increases a person's motivation. With the help of mental words, we direct ourselves along the path of self-improvement. It seems that visualization, skill, or passion may not be enough to achieve the best results in any business.

Internal dialogue helps to overcome doubts and find the most rational way of action. When you start a “conversation,” most often you are speaking from the perspective of a child seeking advice from a wise teacher. An imaginary sage replaces a real interlocutor, because the word was invented as a way of communication between two or more people. Therefore, the specifics of the dialogue, even if it occurs in our head, must be preserved. Here is the opinion of Charles Fernyhaw: "When you are in a conversation with yourself, you leave your own consciousness for a moment to look at what is happening from the outside."


Appeals of conscience

The simplest confirmation of the words of our expert is an appeal to a person of his own conscience. For example, when a hand reaches for a third slice of pizza or a glass of wine, the "inner guard" immediately warns of the consequences. It is easy for us to imagine certain thoughts that may exist without words or visualization, but they are not all about our own actions. They are hazy, ghostly and distant. But the choice between specific options is hard to imagine without polemics or debates. That is why our mind calls on the word for help.

The brain does the same job as in real dialogue

There is interesting neurological evidence to support the power of the voice that occurs in a person's head. In one of the scientific experiments, the participants were given a scenario according to which they had to choose one of two sequels. The volunteers pretended to have returned to the alma mater and talked about their achievements. It could be a monologue during a speech in front of an audience or a dialogue with an old professor. This study prompted imaginary thoughts to act, but at the same time scientists recorded the work of the parts of the brain.

As a result, neuroimaging showed that in the dialogue scripts, those areas of the brain that are responsible for communicating with other people were activated. In other words, the person who is talking to himself really thinks that he is communicating with a third party. According to scientists, these dialogical thoughts have special properties. It’s like an imaginary friend appears in your mind who gives the command to stop being nervous before the interview, or a mentor who gives valuable advice. But in reality, these people are not around, so the brain mimics these useful dialogues.


It's too early to talk about concrete conclusions

Dr. Fernyhough warns that it is too early to talk about concrete findings. It is very difficult to study human thoughts, and the opinion of the people themselves will always be subjective. There is no reason to believe that when a reporter asks a football goalkeeper about his thoughts after a penalty kicked, he will accurately reproduce them. And even more so, no one will ever be able to interview the inner voice of a person that has stuck in his head. It is believed that our brains are full of voices, and when we establish dialogues, we internalize other people. You may be having an invisible conversation with Charles Fernyhaw at the moment.

Inga Kaisina