Egyptian Military Doctors Claim That AIDS Is Curable - Alternative View

Egyptian Military Doctors Claim That AIDS Is Curable - Alternative View
Egyptian Military Doctors Claim That AIDS Is Curable - Alternative View

Video: Egyptian Military Doctors Claim That AIDS Is Curable - Alternative View

Video: Egyptian Military Doctors Claim That AIDS Is Curable - Alternative View
Video: Egypt's Military Medics Claim to Have HIV/Aids Cure 2024, June

Egyptian military doctors recently announced the completion of testing of drugs and equipment for the treatment of HIV and hepatitis C. One of the two leaders of a recently top-secret project, Colonel of the Egyptian Armed Forces Medical Service, Ahmed Amin, revealed the essence of the invention.

The technology tested by Egyptian military doctors is called Complete Curing Device, or CCD for short. With the help of this technology, according to its creators, human immunodeficiency viruses and hepatitis C viruses are tracked and then destroyed, as well as complete complex therapy is carried out.

The Voice of Russia correspondent became the first foreign journalist to interview the leaders of a recently top-secret project. The conversation in the Engineering Department of the Armed Forces was attended by both creators of the unique technology - General of the Medical Service Ibrahim Abdel-Ata and Colonel of the Medical Service Ahmed Amin.

Traces of the former secrecy are still present: photographing of the interlocutors is prohibited (although the photo of General Ibrahim was previously circulated in the Egyptian media). Colonel Ahmed Amin spoke about the technology. His boss was always there, but only listened attentively:

- The Engineering Department of the Armed Forces has created and has already tested two devices. One of them, which was developed under my supervision, detects viruses, and the other destroys these viruses. This second device was developed under the leadership of General of the Medical Service Ibrahim Abdel-Ata. The comprehensive treatment program also uses specially formulated medications. It should be noted that both medicines and equipment have already passed absolutely all stages of testing.

This has been testing on samples, on animals, and finally on humans. This applies to both HIV and the hepatitis C virus. The drugs have also been tested for toxicity levels for all of their ingredients. We also tested the stability of recovery for 33 months after treatment. In total, the development of our method took about 20 years.

By the way, as General of the Medical Service Ibrahim Abdel-Ata has already reported, about 70% of chemical analyzes of medicines were carried out in Russian laboratories in Dubna.

Before we began to test the effectiveness of the treatment device in humans, we received all the necessary certificates. Without them, we could not check the operation of the apparatus on a person. All of these certificates are held by the Ministry of Health in Egypt.

Promotional video:

I can report that already at the stage of testing the method on animals, we found a clear confirmation that after a course of treatment, viruses in the body disappear. Our scientists studied the chemical bonds within the virus and the chemical bonds of blood components. They found a technique that allows you to break the chemical bonds inside the virus, and at the same time not harm the blood components.

Outwardly, our machine is a bit like a dialysis machine. Treatment period is six months. First, the patient takes medication for 10 days. Then, for 15-25 days, depending on the patient's condition, every day for one hour the patient is treated with our device. And then - again medicines before the expiration of six months.

In all the patients we tested, the viruses disappeared from the body after the course of treatment.

- How affordable will such treatment be? And is it possible to treat other infectious diseases using this method - at least theoretically?

- Simultaneously with the cure of the disease caused by the underlying infection, the development of secondary diseases provoked by this disease stops. For example, diabetes or visual impairment. Our technique does not directly target secondary infections and other secondary diseases. It removes the virus that caused the primary disease - and then the secondary diseases stop developing and are treatable.

We have not studied the issue of cost, but of course there will be a significant difference compared to prices in the West. A simple worker will be able to be treated without material problems. And it will be soon. First, we are going to launch the equipment in one or two military hospitals, and then, I think, we will expand, and the apparatus will appear in civilian hospitals. Officially, we begin to treat patients from July 1, God forbid.