Portals For Special Services - Alternative View

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Portals For Special Services - Alternative View
Portals For Special Services - Alternative View

Video: Portals For Special Services - Alternative View

Video: Portals For Special Services - Alternative View
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There are theories that through black holes one can get into other space-time dimensions. But is it only theories? Perhaps such trips have been carried out for a long time, and at the official level? Only here information about them can be strictly classified.

Wardencliff: Save the President

Probably, many have read the novel by Stephen King "11/22/63", the hero of which traveled back in time to save John F. Kennedy from death. But this almost came true in reality! They only tried to save another American president - Abraham Lincoln. This mission was undertaken by two serious scientists - Nikola Tesla and Herman Hollerith.

Tesla and Hollerith worked together on Project Wardencliff. At the same time, Hollerith was not at all a physicist, like his companion. He went down in history as the creator of the electrical tabulating system. It is to him that we owe the invention of punch cards for computers and equipment for working with them. Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896, which later became IBM. He also came up with the first motto for this company - “People should think, machines should work.

Herman Hollerith was an adventurer by nature, and he was interested in Nikola Tesla's idea of time travel. This is how Wardencliff was born. Hollerith not only participated in the project, but invested money in it. He dreamed of improving the world and did not want to share glory with anyone. But without Tesla, who possessed the necessary knowledge, he could not do. In the end they assembled a device capable of generating … black holes! The latter were to serve as portals to the past. Travel to the future has not yet been discussed. Hollerith called the machine the Time Puncher.

Work on the device was completed in the fall of 1903. We decided that Herman would go first into the past. This happened on December 17, 1903. Hollerith traveled to the Mesozoic and returned. The whole voyage took a quarter of an hour.

The next decision was made to move Hollerith in April 1865. Now the researchers were faced with a specific task - to prevent death at the hands of the assassin of President Lincoln. To get the energy necessary for a new journey, the companions illegally connected to the power line of a neighboring village. Electricity went out in the village, and Herman ended up at the Ford Theater, where Lincoln arrived at that time to watch the play "My American Cousin." Upon his return, Hollerith recounted with enthusiasm how he had thrown a bottle of whiskey at John Booth's killer and pierced his skull.

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However, when Hollerith and Tesla visited the library the next day to revisit Lincoln's biography, it turned out to be unchanged. The date of the president's death was the same - April 15, 1865, the killer was the actor John Booth.

Over the next three years, the friends conducted several more experiments, but the result remained the same. In the end, Tesla suspected Hollerith of an elementary lie: maybe he was just writing his own time travel stories?

Hollerith never returned to the project. And Tesla spent another 15 years doing theoretical calculations. And here is what he came to: when you try to change the past, reality branches. But over time, the "branches" begin to strive for identity, "synchronize" with each other. So, in a parallel reality created by Hollerith's intervention, Lincoln drank whiskey during the performance and broke his neck, stumbling on the stairs when leaving the theater box. In order not to disclose the true cause of death, the dead president was shot in the head and blamed it all on the same Booth.

One way or another, the Wardencliff project was considered a failure. Almost all the documentation on it was destroyed in a fire in Tesla's laboratory (most likely on purpose).

Portal to Mars

According to one Michael Relphy, he once worked for the CIA and participated in experiments related to chronic travel. For several years in a row, he was teleported to Mars using a portal built according to Tesla's drawings. Other people were sent there as well. In the strictest secrecy, they built a colony on the Red Planet. Those who left the project had their memory erased, but by some miracle Relfi managed to remember everything …

Another "eyewitness", Dr. Basiago, says that even schoolchildren took part in the secret project of "teleportation to Mars", although they showed increased abilities in the sciences. The US government believed that the colonization of Mars would give the country political superiority over other states.

Strange disappearances

Recently David Paulides. until 2009, who served at the San Jose police station, drew attention to a strange pattern associated with the disappearances of people in North America. After analyzing more than two thousand cases, he found that mostly people disappeared in certain places, most often near water bodies in parks. If people were found alive, then they experienced memory loss. If dead bodies were found, then the cause of death was difficult to determine.

At the same time, people or corpses often ended up in difficult-to-pass places or they were found in the territory that had been thoroughly combed by search engines before. So, once the body of a little boy was found on the trunk of a fallen tree blocking the path, which had been repeatedly examined before.

The people found often did not have clothes and shoes on. Dogs, as a rule, could not take the trail of the missing. In some cases, the bloodhounds behaved strangely: they walked around the alleged disappearance site in circles, and then simply sat on the ground.

In some cases, a person disappeared in one place and after a very short time appeared in another, at a considerable distance from the first.

So, on April 10, 1952, two-year-old Keith Parkins disappeared from the courtyard of her house in Ritter. He was last seen running behind the shed. After 19 hours, the child was found 24 kilometers from the house, lying face down on the ice-covered surface of the pond. Fortunately, the baby was alive.

On July 13, 1957, Keith Parkins' age David Allen Scott disappeared in an area near the Sierra Nevada mountains. His father only went to the van for a couple of minutes, and when he returned, the child was gone. David was found only three days later at the top of one of the mountains. Of course, he himself could not climb there.

Men in the water

In cases where people were found dead, the bodies were often found lying in the water. So, 24-year-old student Jelani Brison left the house of his friends late on April 17, 2009. A few days later, his body was found in a pond on a golf course in Anoka, Minnesota. In one of the neighboring courtyards they found his cap, in another - boots. Although the field was splattered with mud due to the rains, Brison's socks remained perfectly clean. Medical examination showed that the cause of death was not drowning. By the way, there were other similar cases in the area.

In his book Missing Persons: Strange Coincidences, Paulides examines the phenomenon of the disappearance of young men, who tend to disappear in urban areas by the water. The largest number of such incidents occurred in the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Everything happened according to the same scenario: the guy drank in a bar with friends, no one remembered how he left the bar, and a few days later the missing person was found dead in the water. At the same time, the examination showed that the body had lain in the water for only a day or two, while much more time passed from the moment of disappearance to discovery.

Paulides was also interested in the case of the "deaths in the Manchester Canal", which was widely covered by the British media. In recent years, several dozen dead, mostly male, have been found in the Manchester canal. The official version was that all these people died at the hands of a serial killer who allegedly pushed his victims into the water. The alleged maniac was even given a nickname - The Dropper.

But Paulides was skeptical about this hypothesis. The channel is too shallow for strong, healthy men to easily drown in it, he says.

- Of course, for many cases it is easy to find a rational explanation, but when it comes to hundreds of identical incidents, the perspective changes, - the researcher believes.

But what if we assume that all these people became voluntary or involuntary participants in experiments to open portals in space-time? This can explain all the "weirdness".

D. Kuntseva