Khovrinskaya Hospital: A New Anomaly In Moscow - Alternative View

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Khovrinskaya Hospital: A New Anomaly In Moscow - Alternative View
Khovrinskaya Hospital: A New Anomaly In Moscow - Alternative View

Video: Khovrinskaya Hospital: A New Anomaly In Moscow - Alternative View

Video: Khovrinskaya Hospital: A New Anomaly In Moscow - Alternative View
Video: Ховринская заброшенная больница... GhostBuster | Охотник за привидениями 2024, October

Since its construction, the Khovrinskaya hospital has been infamous. The people call her "Hovrinka" or "Umbrella". This building is the oldest long-term construction in the city, abandoned many years ago. Umbrella is located in the northern district of the capital, in an area called Khovrino, at 2/1 Klinskaya Street.

Long-term construction with a bad history

Construction began on the now abandoned building back in 1980. According to the project of a group of Moscow architects in Khovrino, it was planned to build a multidisciplinary hospital for 1,300 beds. This grandiose project was expected to be an equally grandiose failure, and in the literal sense of the word.

In 1985, the ground beneath the hospital suddenly subsided. The basement and 1st floor were flooded. Due to a strange exploration error, the building was built too close to groundwater and city sewage treatment plants. They tried to rebuild the Khovrinskaya hospital 7 times, but every time a dirty liquid seeped out of the ground. Since then, the huge building has been empty and slowly sinking into the ground.

Mystical place

By a strange coincidence, the Khovrinka building is built in the form of a star with three irregular rays, which resembles a biohazard sign. It also looks a lot like the logo of the fictional corporation Umbrella from the horror movie and the game Resident Evil. For this similarity, the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital is called Umbrella.

Promotional video:

Due to the fact that the hospital was not completed, and then it also failed, many fragments are missing in it. Some interfloor ceilings are missing, reinforcement sticks out of the walls, and open elevator shafts gape with holes. The atmosphere inside is very gloomy, reminiscent of the scenery for a post-apocalyptic movie. This circumstance attracts stalkers and other fans of extreme entertainment to Khovrinka.

Black masses

According to rumors persistently spreading in Moscow in the late 80s, Khovrinka was chosen by the Nemostor Satanist club. Later, followers of another sect, the Black Cross, began to gather here. In the dark walls of a long-term construction, the servants of Satan ruled their services, sacrificed animals. Characteristic drawings (skulls, pentagrams, inscriptions "Nimostor") still adorn the walls of the building.

On one of the floors, a murdered girl with a face disfigured beyond recognition was found. Rumors immediately spread throughout the city that the sectarians began to sacrifice people. After the investigation of the crime, it turned out that Satanists had nothing to do with murder.

Nevertheless, according to legend, the Moscow authorities decided to disperse the sectarians, for which riot police officers were involved in the case. According to legend, the Satanists were driven into some kind of tunnel, after which it collapsed or sank. Allegedly, the bodies of the victims are still buried somewhere under the ruins.


In 2005, 16-year-old schoolboy Alexei Krayushkin threw himself from the roof of the hospital. This step was caused by the youth's despair due to unrequited love. On the second floor of Umbrella, a memorial has been created in his honor. This circumstance makes the already gloomy setting of the building even more ominous.

Urban legends say that an unclean spirit lives in Khovrinka. From time to time he reminds of himself, but never leaves the walls of the building. In the Khovrinskaya hospital, robberies periodically occur, homeless people live, murders occur.

Government plans

In 2004, a property dispute flared up around the long-term construction. The VPK-Technotex enterprise claimed the Khovrinka, but in the end the rights to it remained with the Moscow Property Department. Despite this dispute and the subsequent decision to resume construction, the building remained empty.

In 2015, it became known about the decision to demolish Khovrinka. At first, they tried to sell it for 1.8 billion rubles, but no one was willing to buy a gloomy place for that amount. Then they decided to allocate 1 billion rubles for the demolition of the long-term construction from the city budget. But these plans were not destined to come true.

In order to avoid the occurrence of criminal situations, the Khovrinka building is now fenced with barbed wire and guarded. This gives the place even more gloom and stimulates the further spread of urban legends about the mystical Umbrella.