Who's Knocking On My Door? - Alternative View

Who's Knocking On My Door? - Alternative View
Who's Knocking On My Door? - Alternative View

Video: Who's Knocking On My Door? - Alternative View

Video: Who's Knocking On My Door? - Alternative View
Video: Knockin' On Heaven's Door 2024, October

“During my life I have heard a lot from people about ghosts, brownies, goblin, etc., but I took everything for fiction, because in my 40 years of life I have never met anything like that. But after forty I believed - dozens of people who visited my dacha witnessed what I will tell you about.

Ten years ago, my old cherished dream came true - I finally bought a dacha for a fairly low price, although it is located in a prestigious area in the suburban area and on the lake.

Nearby there are mountains, a forest where you can pick mushrooms and berries. True, the building itself is from the 30s and of an incomprehensible purpose: either a former barn, or a building for keeping livestock, later converted into housing. And one more oddity: there were no plantings on the site, desolation everywhere, mountains of garbage. Yes, and the process of buying and selling itself was somehow chaotic, the former owner was in a hurry somewhere, muttered something and constantly averted her eyes.

In May the weather was hot, and I moved to the dacha. On Friday, having arrived early from work, spent late hours with the greenhouse, went to bed somewhere around midnight.

I just closed my eyes and wanted to sleep, I hear a knock on the door, then again. Who is this, I think? Neighbors, I guess. The knock was repeated. I got out of bed, turned on the light, opened - no one. I went to bed again, I seemed to start falling asleep, suddenly I hear someone's breathing and feel how someone’s hands are trying to pull the blanket off me.

I pulled the blanket over my head, I think - I need to quickly fall asleep. And again the same thing: someone is clearly trying to pull the blanket off me, through the fabric I even felt the fingers of someone else's hands. And so almost all night: I get up, turn on the light - no one. Only in the morning, all exhausted, fell asleep deeply.

After dinner I went to my friend, with whom we had worked together for many years, and told about the night incident. At first he laughed, and then he says, they say, I take my cot, my linen and in the evening I will be with you.

At about 9 o'clock my friend arrived. We worked with him until 11 o'clock, I cooked dinner, and we waited for midnight. Exactly at midnight there was another knock at the door, then again and again. I got up, opened the door - no one. But with our souls we feel: someone has appeared in the house, someone else has appeared. We went to bed - put a cot in the kitchen for a comrade, went to his bedroom, hoping that the night would pass peacefully. And again the same thing: just beginning to fall asleep, I feel someone's hands and hear heavy breathing. This was repeated five times. I got up, turned on the light - no one. I took a mattress, a pillow, went to my friend's kitchen and instantly fell asleep in a sound sleep …

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Over time, I got to know my neighbors, and once a neighbor came to the site - an old man. It was he who told the story of the dacha.

Old Believers lived in these places many years ago. They built my house, lived in it for a long time, were born here, died, and then left somewhere. After that, the neighbor said, as far as he can remember, this dacha was sold many times, for some reason no one stayed here for more than two years - apparently, a bad place. In response to my story about what had happened, he said: probably, someone's spirit is wandering, get used to it, he will not do anything bad.

And for many years now I have been settling in this dacha, overcame my fear and got used to night knocks, I always open the door, but I only sleep in the kitchen, I go into the bedroom occasionally, do the cleaning and again into my kitchen - this is my place where it is quiet and calm. During this time, many people visited me, and everyone was surprised at this phenomenon, but what it really is, no one can understand."

Gennady Shivkov, Republic of Sakha, Yakutsk