Alexander Blok And His Belief In Mysticism - Alternative View

Alexander Blok And His Belief In Mysticism - Alternative View
Alexander Blok And His Belief In Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Alexander Blok And His Belief In Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Alexander Blok And His Belief In Mysticism - Alternative View
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The genius poet of the Silver Age, an adherent of symbolism, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (November 16, 1880 - August 7, 1921) lived a short, but full of creativity life. The whole world knows his poems, poems and dramas. He is the herald of "unheard-of changes in Russia" who saw them at the beginning of the last century.

All the shocks of the first years of the XX century passed through the soul of the poet, brought confusion, changed his worldview, left a mark on his work. However, in addition to poetry, he left as his descendant also something that still has to smash their heads for lovers of everything mysterious, inexplicable and unknown.

The wife of Alexander Alexandrovich, Lyubov Dmitrievna Blok, left many memories of her wife, who became a legendary person during her lifetime. You can find very curious moments in them.

For example, the career of a poet for the young Alexander was predicted by … an ordinary railway station gypsy. It was still in his teens, when he played with the boys near the city station.


The boys amused themselves by teasing the elderly gypsies who traded in their not too honest craft, and then ran away. One day they stuck to an old gypsy woman who, being angry, first began to shout at them, and then suddenly stopped and beckoned Blok with her bony finger: "Come on, you, or this way."

The boy wanted to turn around and run away - he was scared, but the boys began to provoke him and he took several steps towards him. The fortune-teller put her hand on his head and said: “Get rid of this company, it is not yours. Half of the fools will die before they know their first love, and the rest will suffer all their lives. And fame and fame await you - if you are not with them. By the way, for the first time you yourself will fall in love with an adult woman, the same age as your mother”…

In the future, Blok told his wife that from the same company, four guys really died before they reached the age of 16, and two more drank themselves at an older age. And he first fell in love in 1897, while vacationing with his mother in the German resort town of Bad Nauheim. His heart was captured by Ksenia Mikhailovna Sadovskaya - a well-known pianist at that time, by the way, married, mother of three children. She was 38 years old, like the mother of young Sasha.

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In general, Blok very much believed in gypsy magic, believed that dark-skinned women in colorful scarves had their own, special gift. True, he perfectly understood that he could be deceived. Therefore, he always, meeting a gypsy woman on the street, he himself handed her money, which he was ready to thank, and asked to tell fortunes. But as soon as the gypsy tried to get hold of her "client", hint at the evil eye, damage or ask for gold, he immediately sent her home.

In 1901, Blok, without going into details, left the following note in his drafts: “Until now, the mysticism that saturates the air of the last years of the old and the first years of the new century has been incomprehensible to me; I was worried about the signs that I saw in nature, but I considered all this "subjective" and carefully guarded from everyone. Now the events of fate were revealed to me, I saw a sign from above”.

It is not clear what exactly the poet meant. But, perhaps, his wife shed light on the secret, who once wrote in her memoirs: “Alexander Alexandrovich often sees dreams that come true. He can describe a house that he has never seen and in which he will only find himself. And how many changes in human destinies he saw even before the events took place … But he does not like to talk on this topic, as, indeed, to talk about mysticism in general."

Nevertheless, it is believed that it was Blok's hobbies for mysticism that led in 1903 to the creation of a large cycle of lyric works with characteristic titles: "Visions", "Divination", "Witchcraft".

In 1913, on the eve of the First World War, the poet was very interested in rumors about Grigory Rasputin, and he desired to meet with him. He wrote several letters to Grigory Efimovich with a request for an audience, invited him to a meeting and was even ready to pay all travel and accommodation expenses.

He also asked all his acquaintances to organize the meeting, including very influential people and officials, but the meeting never took place, about which he also left a couple of lines in one of his last diaries. "It is a pity that I could not see Rasputin - after this meeting my life and my work would never have been the same as before."

It is possible that Blok simply believed that the miracle healer Rasputin would cure him of all the diseases that simply “burned” him alive. Doctors diagnosed him with asthma, cardiovascular failure, nervous disorders and a terrible disease of that time - scurvy.

After the murder of Rasputin, Blok generally refused medical treatment, relying on fate. He stopped writing, there was not enough money to live on, he was simply starving. As a result, weakened immunity, which could not cope with the onset of pneumonia.

In 1921, the genius poet died. This is the official version. Among the people, the death of Blok gave rise to many misinterpretations. There were versions that Rasputin took him with him, that he was poisoned by enemies, it was assumed that venereal diseases led him to death. And Blok's own diagnosis was, of course, prophetic: "The poet is dying because he has nothing else to breathe."
