Mysticism "Nakhimov" - Alternative View

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Mysticism "Nakhimov" - Alternative View
Mysticism "Nakhimov" - Alternative View

Video: Mysticism "Nakhimov" - Alternative View

Video: Mysticism
Video: The naval prevalence of Venice and Genoa 2024, October

Almost all ships bearing the name of Admiral Nakhimov were shipwrecked. The first on this list was a cargo schooner, built in Odessa in 1895 and transporting grain to the shores of Turkey, which two years after being launched during a storm sank with a crew near the Bosphorus.


The second was the battleship Admiral Nakhimov, which during the Battle of Tsushima in 1905 received several holes, but did not go to the bottom.

The ship was surrounded by Japanese destroyers and offered to surrender, but the commander of the cruiser N. Rodionov landed the crew in the lowered boats, opened the kingstones and went to the bottom together with the cruiser. As they say, the story turned out to be not alien to mysticism, since the captain was thrown up by the pressure of water, and he remained alive.


The third on the list was the light cruiser Admiral Nakhimov, laid down at the Nikolaev shipyards in 1912. From the very beginning he was haunted by various kinds of troubles. So, for example, not yet fully completed ship, retreating white

the guards decided to tow it to Odessa, but they hurried and put it firmly aground.

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The ship was completed only under the Soviets in 1926, deciding to give it a new name - "Chervona Ukraine", but the mystical curse of the first name remained with it. On November 12, 1941, the ship was killed by a direct hit from a German aerial bomb while it was on the roadstead in the Tsemesskaya Bay.

The next cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov", built after the Great Patriotic War, in the 1950s, was used to test the atomic depth bomb, which was detonated under its bottom. The ship survived, but began to "glow" as a result of strong radioactive contamination. Decontamination did not help, and the cruiser was used as a target, firing missiles in June 1961.


The tragic list was continued by the civilian research vessel "Nakhimov", which under mysterious circumstances sank at the pier. In 1973, it became heavily iced up and overturned. Only half of the crew escaped.

Sixth in the gloomy list was the large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Nakhimov", built in 1971 at shipyards in Leningrad. In 1986, on maneuvers in poor visibility conditions, the ship collided with our submarine and, having received a huge hole below the waterline, made it to base with great difficulty. The repair and modernization of the ship that had begun were deemed impractical, and in 1993 the ship was sold to a private Indian company for scrap.

However, his misadventures did not end, because in the same year, on the way to the place of his butchering, the ship ran aground. It was established that even long before the write-off of the ill-fated ship, various kinds of minor accidents constantly happened on it - either the devices began to fail, then someone from the crew suddenly fell overboard. Many claimed that they repeatedly saw the ghost of a sailor in an old sailor's uniform in the lower rooms of the ship, which added mysticism to this whole story …

The last incident to date was the tragic story of the tug "Admiral Nakhimov", which for some unknown reason capsized and sank in the Sea of Azov in early December 2003.

None of the people who were on it drowned - all the victims were caught by a passing ship. Experts could not attribute this to a storm, since the sea state at that time did not exceed two points and could not be the cause of the accident.


But the most significant in terms of the number of victims was the disaster that happened in 1986 with the cruise liner "Admiral Nakhimov", heading from Novorossiysk to Sochi and packed with tourists. In Tsemesskaya Bay, he collided with the dry-cargo ship "Peter Vasev".

The Vasev itself was almost not injured, and the Admiral Nakhimov received a gigantic hole and sank to the bottom within a few minutes, dragging 423 people with it, and some of the passengers who fell from the deck were simply chopped up by the propellers of the running engine. The captain of the ill-fated ship survived, although he did not know how to swim at all …


After the disaster, it was established that there was a shortage of lifeboats on the ship, and those that were there were severely rusted and even rusted to their racks: it was almost impossible to tear them off the deck. And if there were enough serviceable lifeboats, very few would have managed to use them, since the liner sank to the bottom in 8 minutes.

During the investigation of the drowned ship, two divers were killed, after which all search work at the bottom was stopped. Today, the entire area of the shipwreck within a radius of about half a kilometer is officially considered the burial place of victims of the disaster, where any work that disturb the peace of the dead is prohibited.

A few months before the tragedy, the Leningrad publishing house "Sudostroenie" published a book by Walter Lord "The Last Night", which tells about the sinking of the "Titanic", several copies of which were later found among the passengers' belongings by divers. It is no coincidence that this ship was called the "Russian Titanic".

It is also curious that shortly before the crash, the Mosfilm film studio chartered this ship for filming the feature film Catastrophe.


After the terrible tragedy with the Admiral Nakhimov cruise ship, the New Athos monks remembered the old prophecy of Elder Tikhon. The fact is that not far from Novorossiysk, the Bolsheviks at one time drowned a barge with 400 monks. And the elder allegedly predicted then that at the site of the tragic massacre in more than 50 years, the largest disaster on the Black Sea would happen …

The passengers who survived the tragedy recalled how two storks flew into the ship and sat on the mast, who were not frightened by either the music from the bar, or human voices. At this time, one of the passengers said: "The birds are sitting apart - this is for separation …" A little later, in the crash of the liner, this passenger's wife and child died.

Nowadays, there is only one ship with this mystical name - the heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov", which, however, has been undergoing modernization and repair since 1999, and its nuclear reactors have been shut down.

Esoteric reasons

Parapsychologists have long been interested in the mysticism of the Nakhimovs. I must say, in the history of the navy, this happened not so rarely. This phenomenon belongs to the researchers to the category of synchronicity - a rare and inexplicable from the standpoint of official science and the most common sense of the consistency of events, their recurrence in time in different versions.

According to one of the most famous versions, the ships with the name "Admiral Nakhimov" became victims of the "curse of the name".

What is the fault of Pavel Nakhimov?

It is known that PS Nakhimov was a true patriot of Russia, he could not imagine life without the sea, giving the navy all his spiritual aspirations, money savings and all his free time. He expected and demanded the same from his subordinates, surprised that someone thinks and behaves differently.

For him, it was a terrible blow to the decision of the command to sink Russian warships at the entrance to the Sevastopol Bay during the Crimean War in 1854, in order to block the way to the coast of the Anglo-French squadron. But there was no other way for Russia at that time.

Shocked to tears, the admiral, surrounded by a large number of officers and sailors, allegedly exclaimed in their hearts: "Never again will my foot be on the deck of a ship!.." And so it happened: soon the famous admiral was killed by a bullet from a French shooter.

There is an assumption that after the sinking of the Russian ships, Nakhimov, who was experiencing severe mental pain, began to deliberately seek death on the redoubts of the coast, where all the guns from the doomed ships were redirected. Nakhimov, being in a state of mental breakdown, called himself an unsuccessful admiral and asked not to give his name to any ships …

Arkady Vyatkin
