Aliens Disguise Themselves As Earthlings In Order Not To Frighten People - Alternative View

Aliens Disguise Themselves As Earthlings In Order Not To Frighten People - Alternative View
Aliens Disguise Themselves As Earthlings In Order Not To Frighten People - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Disguise Themselves As Earthlings In Order Not To Frighten People - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Disguise Themselves As Earthlings In Order Not To Frighten People - Alternative View
Video: Alien Movies On Netflix That Should Be Required Viewing 2024, October

If you suddenly saw your own double or the double of a person you know well, this does not mean that you have encountered a ghost.

Perhaps these are aliens from other planets who deliberately change their appearance when they come into contact with us, say ufologists. In the early 90s, a wave of such episodes swept across Russia and the near abroad …

Let us recall the famous science fiction film "Contact", the heroine of which communicates with an alien in the guise of her deceased father. The interlocutor explains that it "will be easier for her." Indeed, it is easier for us to accept a familiar image than to adapt to something new and unknown … Perhaps aliens or those whom we take for them are able to “read” information from our brain and take on a familiar appearance for us.

The episode in Dalnegorsk received wide publicity. There, duplicates of her children, dressed in silver overalls, appeared in the apartment of one of the residents. They behaved strangely, and when an angry woman, who considered it all just a prank, swung at them, she was shocked … As soon as the real children returned from the store, in ordinary clothes, the intruders disappeared …

In the Ogre region (Latvia), a woman in a clearing ran into three doubles at once: her own mother and herself with a small daughter in her arms. The figures stood motionless and looked like ghosts. Soon, three creatures in white overalls, about 160 centimeters in height, came out of the forest. Approaching the doubles, they silently began to examine them, and then again disappeared into the forest. Copies of people immediately disappeared into thin air …

In the Kyrgyz village of Aleksandrovka, three sixth-grade girls, having gone for a walk after school, met a man about 2.5 meters tall in a gray shiny overalls. Suddenly, in his place was the grandfather of their classmate Lyuba, whose name was Nikolai. He invited his girlfriends to the house in front of which they, it turns out, were standing, and treated them to a cake.

Suddenly the door creaked, and grandfather Nikolai, along with the treat, disappeared somewhere. But on the table instead of a cake appeared some kind of apparatus with a red light and a button. And the "house" began to rise into the air. Frightened, one of the girls pressed the button of an unknown device, and the friends somehow found themselves on the street, where it was already dark …

Nadezhda B. from the Tyumen region on August 4, 1990 woke up early in the morning from a knock on the door. My husband was not at home, he worked the night shift. Asking who was there, Nadezhda heard the voice of her old friend, Oleg. She wanted to open the door, but something stopped her … Nadya knew that Oleg had left the city for a long time on business, and then he would hardly have bothered people so early …

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She felt scared. Then she asked Oleg to come to the window. He complied with her request. As it seemed to her, it really was Oleg. But for some reason, without a beard and with hair much lighter than the Olegovs. And besides, he looked younger than Oleg, as Nadia remembered him. Pressing his face against the glass, he frowned at Nadezhda.

It all seemed very strange. Nadya shouted through the window that she did not recognize Oleg and did not let him into the house. “Oleg” continued to insist in a demanding tone that she open the door. Then Nadezhda ordered: "Show your passport!" “I don't have my passport with me,” the guest replied. - Open immediately, I need you! We need to talk urgently! " And he began to knock on the door again.

Nadezhda did not know what to do. Finally she decided to ask Oleg about the various facts of his life and, if the answers are correct, still let him in. He correctly named the names of family and friends, but it turned out that he does not remember any of the events that happened over the past three years. For example, she does not know that Nadia has a child … At the same time, the impostor constantly, but somehow hysterically demanded to open the door. Nadezhda still did not give in and did not reveal to him.

A week passed, and one day, going shopping in the city center, Nadezhda met the real Oleg. He was, as always, with a beard, his hair color was the same. And this time he did not seem younger than his years. Oleg said that only yesterday he returned from a business trip …

Ufologists believe that aliens can specially disguise themselves as doubles, so that it would be easier for them to make contact with a person or abduct him. But such a disguise is most often easily exposed: “doubles”, despite their external resemblance, usually differ in non-standard clothes and behavior, often resemble robots, are inadequate in communication …

External metamorphoses can be a test of the psychological reaction of people to an emergency situation. Although, perhaps, this is just a flaw on the part of "brothers in mind" …