Think Alternatively And How Do You Live? - Alternative View

Think Alternatively And How Do You Live? - Alternative View
Think Alternatively And How Do You Live? - Alternative View

Video: Think Alternatively And How Do You Live? - Alternative View

Video: Think Alternatively And How Do You Live? - Alternative View
Video: DO NOT say "how are you?"! Ask the question in a better way! 2024, October

By an alternative way of life, we mean one in which:

- a person lives in abundance (has everything in abundance that he needs for life)

- a person lives in harmony with himself and the people around him, nature, space;

- A person lives in love and manifests it in his thoughts, words, actions.

- a person has the opportunity to make the path of self-awareness from a separate personality to an infinite, eternal essence, a particle of the Whole, one with the entire Universe.

- a person does not need to achieve anything, develop something, achieve something, struggle with something inside or outside

- A person moves by getting rid of conventions and restrictions to the Truth and endless Love, which he is.

My immortal soul came to planet Earth 35 years ago. Today I am a man who has a wife, 2 sons and a daughter. I no longer wish and cannot live in the System - I do not want to be a part of modern civilization. I am happy that by the time I realized what a nightmare humanity is living in, I found myself far from cities, in the Siberian taiga.

Promotional video:

I, just like you, strive for Knowledge, Development and Happiness. These three simple truths, like air necessary for everyone, are impossible in the conditions of modern civilization, which is controlled by "social parasites". Impossible for several reasons.

The first of them is that almost all of the world's population lives in cities in unnatural conditions, in an inharmonious environment. The rest of the few live in villages, deserts, slums, in lonely private mansions. Humanity is artificially withdrawn from its natural habitat - nature. At the same time, from generation to generation, the knowledge and skills of a normal life are etched away from people and habits, principles and rules alien to their essence are implanted.

You, reading this message and dreaming of making repairs in your apartment, just imagine to what low level a person has been deposed, who, living in a cardboard, stone or concrete box, being in a state of complete idiocy, happily pastes the walls of his box with colored pieces of paper. As if to distribute wallpaper to the monkeys sitting in the cages of the zoo and say: "You are free … to paste over the walls of your cages in any color!"


Moreover, if you choose a wallpaper or tile color for your cell that repeats natural elements and motives, then you are not completely lost yet.. Doctors say not for nothing. Green is calming. So, on a subconscious level, you are still striving home. Remember him. All subsequent information is intended to remind you of your origins, of your true home.

This message is not a call for revolution. After reading and recognizing everything that has been said here, you should not start fighting the system or resisting civilization. Because such actions are doomed to failure. There can be no war for peace.

The purpose of this message is to awaken your ancestral memory. Help you see your life today and all its nightmares from the outside. All her lies and horrors. So that your awareness woke up, your heart sank and you really wanted to return home. Into the unity of nature and the universe.

My task is to tell you not about how to break out of the system, but about how to make a willful decision to leave it. Just open the door and RETURN HOME at any time.

The second reason is no less important than the first is this. Each of the people existing today on planet earth is a slave. It doesn't matter if you work for yourself or for your uncle. In any case, the fruits of your activity do not belong to you.

The most priceless thing you own - your life - has been stolen from the moment you were born.

There is only one way I can do something to change the terrifying picture of the world on the planet. By changing yourself, your life - to show others your way. Share your knowledge and experience! This is what I am doing here, creating a natural settlement "Altai-Zvenigorod".

What is today's reality?

Modern history is a frank, shocking lie, a lie in which the truth is hidden, facts are replaced.

The main political system in modern states is democracy - a clever deception, a trap, into which billions of people fall. In this system, the rights of every person, given to him by birth, have been replaced. Every person who is born on the planet earth (starting from the most barbaric process of childbirth, mandatory vaccinations, measurements, registration, etc.) is forcibly, deliberately exposed to information zombie, changes at the genetic level, thereby being led away from his destiny.

Over the past 60 years, the entire so-called planet "Earth" is artificially transferred to a mode of low vibrations and sound. Each person individually and the whole society as a whole is driven by cunning, veiled manipulations, outright intimidation and outright coercion to the level of “a person who is dissatisfied with the stomach”, to the level of stupid consumption, thoughtless waste of sexual energy.

November 1926: An orderly flock of sheep walking along the Kingsway in London. One independent animal prefers the pavement. (Photo by Fox Photos / Getty Images)
November 1926: An orderly flock of sheep walking along the Kingsway in London. One independent animal prefers the pavement. (Photo by Fox Photos / Getty Images)

November 1926: An orderly flock of sheep walking along the Kingsway in London. One independent animal prefers the pavement. (Photo by Fox Photos / Getty Images).

Everything, I emphasize, absolutely all people, with the help of modern media, the education system, credit banking systems, various trainings on time management, self-development, positive thinking, leadership, business success, family relationships, no matter how crazy it sounds, are brought to the emotional level of dissatisfaction, that is, the discrepancy between what you have and what you supposedly want or what you are supposedly striving for (since all aspirations and wishes are artificially and skillfully imposed on us).

The possibilities inherent in the body of each person are dulled, turned off, atrophied. Modern system

You are an immortal soul, demoted to the level of a typical detail in the general mechanism.


Your behavior, desires, aspirations, conscious and unconscious reactions, thoughts are openly hypocritically controlled by embedding You in the concrete framework of the systemic social function that you are currently performing. And it doesn't matter who you are a janitor, miner, teacher, businessman, deputy, banker, oligarch or president. You have been taught to react in this way, to think in such a way and to behave in that way, in accordance with the rules of your role.

If you still doubt this and think that you are free to choose yourself: “What to do and think? Who to be? And how to behave? - let's look at the situation from the other side.

The entire system as a whole, like any modern country (part of this system), from Zimbabwe to Russia or the United States, spends enormous resources: monetary, human, material - in order to give you an "education". But this is not education. This is fooling and convenient integration of you into the system. With this “education” the system guarantees to itself that you will function properly and exactly as programmed by the system.

At the same time, when it comes to the fact that a guaranteed system of free education gives you or your children the opportunity to become who you want, get a job, do business, achieve or achieve something, this is again an outright lie.

The only thing that you can choose after going through this education system is which of the roles you have already prepared for you you will play. The system does not give any right to choose, any knowledge. By the word knowledge I mean true, direct knowledge that was yesterday, exists today and will be so tomorrow. They are unchanged in this universe.

Just imagine that a new personality that appeared on this planet, from birth to the age of 25, is the period when her basic outlook is formed, the mechanism of world perception is determined in general, abilities develop, talents are discovered, principles, character and foundations of behavior are formed in the community - unique years that affect the whole subsequent life, actions, aspirations, dreams, desires, it is during these years that the system hammers into you or your children exactly what it needs.

If you think this is not the case, try not to send your child to school. Or it is even easier NOT to REGISTER it after birth … (You will be forced to do it by any means. Even the help that you are given at the birth of a baby is pure “enticement.” All this money, both you and your children will more than work out and return to the system.


Over the past several hundred years, a system of the most severe control over a person has been introduced throughout the world in the form of a system for issuing certificates, passports, numbers, codes and other pieces of paper. The implantation of chips, the issuance of biopasparts to babies is no longer a fantasy. DNA registration is not fiction. Today's terrible reality is that "Without a piece of paper you are nothing." Although it is precisely your lack of a passport, registrations, etc. - in fact, the only way to escape from the tenacious clutches of the system and become invisible to it.

Today's health care system - first of all, performs the function of worsening your health: Starting from obstetrics, vaccinations, ending with a doctor's appointment and taking pills. In the last three hundred years of the existence of healers and the so-called health care system, the duration of a person's life on planet Earth has been halved.

The pension system in all countries is not intended to provide a high standard of living for the elderly. (in all countries, pension funds consistently receive less funding) it is not profitable for the system to support an elderly disabled person, since it is not profitable - there are a lot of costs, and income is zero. The system needs a workable mechanism from which you can milk the maximum. But since mechanisms tend to wear out, then by the age of 50 your working capacity tends to zero. Accordingly, the system needs you to live the minimum required number of years, reproduce similar mechanisms for yourself (no more and no less than the system requires), work out its service life and die as quickly as possible. All subsystems - health care, education, employment, mass media, pension provision, as well as centralized water supply,provision of food and others are aimed exactly at this.

You can easily find confirmation of the above, delving into the vastness of the Internet, or simply by stopping for an hour and comparing the above with your personal experience. If you agree with this, then I hasten to warn you to be prepared for the fact that all your relatives, relatives and friends, most likely, will not support you and will not even want to listen and understand. And that's okay. Just as modern man is pulled out of his natural habitat, like a tree from the earth, so his consciousness is artificially put into sleep mode, for reality is truly terrible. If you take a closer look at the people around you and even try to check this in practice with them in practice, you will easily make sure that they are sleeping, acting unconsciously, and will reject this information with all their might, because it, like an alarm clock, destroys that dream,in which they live. In the modern world, there are few people of strong will, since their will is suppressed every second, namely the Will is necessary to become conscious, to wake up, to understand what is happening to you and around you and to make a decision to change it.

Modern man is kept at the level of a child. He is not allowed to become an adult. Because becoming an adult means taking responsibility for yourself, your actions, actions, thoughts. Being in the city you are not responsible for the water in the tap, the heat in the radiators, you are not responsible for your health, for the knowledge and development of your children. You are not responsible for the decisions of deputies, ministers, presidents who directly influence your fate. They have already thought about everything for you and prepared everything. All this together is a system that in all aspects affects your life and destiny. You are not able to influence this system, because you did not create it and you do not control it.

If you still do not fully understand the perverse logic of those who control the system - social parasites, let's look at all this from the point of view of the economy, the economy of your personal life, your well-being, well-being and abundance. Living in nature, I can give you a lot of examples, but I will give you only a few: one of the basic standards of the economic model on planet earth is the so-called inflation - that is, the devaluation of the results of your work. In this case, inflation is presented to the common man as a kind of natural self-existing phenomenon. But this is not so. Inflation, creeping or galloping, is a completely artificial concept, introduced for the supposedly legal weaning of the fruits of human labor.

Personally, having realized this simple truth, I was in a state of shock for a week, because I myself once was a part of the system, functioned as a businessman and applied the concept of inflation in calculations. And the casket just opened.

Imagine a grain of wheat. Throwing it in the ground in the spring, you will receive 30 grains in the fall. Now imagine a potato. Planting one potato in the spring will yield about 10 potatoes in the fall. Or you have two goats and a goat. In a year, you may have seven heads in the herd. In another year - 16, and in another year - 38. The simplest arithmetic calculations will show you that the size of the planned inflation per year is set just at a level slightly exceeding the natural growth rate. Accordingly, all your aspirations for abundance and prosperity will be doomed to failure as long as you continue to live and function according to the rules of this system. No matter how much abundance you have, the system already has the tools to take it away from you and a little more so that you will return to the system again and again to work for its benefit.

We are sold to the system for food. We give up our freedom so that there is no need to carry water from a stream, but simply turn the handle of the tap. I have a wonderful dog, and she gave me her freedom for the fact that I feed her. She guards my house and plays with the children. She's probably almost happy. Almost … After all, she is not free. But we are not dogs, no matter how beautiful they are. We are human beings with free will, given to us by birthright by a human.

Everything said in this message, all the examples and truths I have experienced, felt, realized. That's my experience. Therefore, you - Do not believe everything that I have said here. As the Buddha said, “Come and see for yourself. Don't take anything for granted. Believe because you understand, you experience and you yourself are convinced of the truth. Don't believe just because Buddha said so. Do not accept what I say just out of respect for me. As gold is tested by fire, so you test my words with the fire of spiritual experience."


You are a free man. Turn on your will. Awake. Come back home.

Author: SHAMAN
