Who Built Arkaim And Why? (Part 2) - Alternative View

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Who Built Arkaim And Why? (Part 2) - Alternative View
Who Built Arkaim And Why? (Part 2) - Alternative View

Video: Who Built Arkaim And Why? (Part 2) - Alternative View

Video: Who Built Arkaim And Why? (Part 2) - Alternative View
Video: Arkaim The Mysterious Russian Stonehenge - UnMyst3 #2 2024, September

Part 1


This fortress - incubator was built by the Aryans - Hyperboreans who occupied the northern part of the polar island. The retired leaders of this tribe created all peoples with a predominant round-headed genotype. The leaders wore donkeys and earrings in their ears, revered the swastika as a sacred sign. The totem of this Aryan tribe was the zodiac Sagittarius. He's Perun. Known as the Fascist hand outstretched greeting, it actually depicted the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius - Perun's arrow.

The tribe's alphabet had 24 letters. The score was not in dozens, but in dozens. Which is half of 24x.

These "Ukrainians" -Augustus created Etruscans, Romans, Greeks, Phoenicians, Hittites, Poles, Kiev Rus and Rus-Varangians, Zaporozhye Cossacks and Ukrainians, Adygs, the vast majority of Chinese, Japanese, Mongols, Tatars and other round-headed peoples.

The Arkaim agglomeration of settlements was created in a very convenient place for boat transfers. The Belaya River of the Volga Basin, the Ural River of the Caspian Sea Basin and the Mius River at this place converge at a close distance with their sources. From here, along the numerous rivers included in these basins, one could get to any region of Eastern Siberia, Altai, Eastern Kazakhstan, Baikal. Along the rivers flowing into the Urals, one could descend into the basin of the Caspian Sea, and from there, along countless waterways to the regions of Iran, the Caucasus, the Volga region, etc. For the Aryans, it was not difficult for the Aryans to drag across the steppe, level as a table. The location of carefully planned towns at the crossroads of waterways indicates the degree of their knowledge of world geography.

Wheelsets found by archaeologists in several male burials of the burial ground near Arkaim speak about the haulage. The wheelset served not only as a compass and astronomical instrument. If necessary, boats were placed on it and rolled from reservoir to reservoir. It is the wheelsets standing in the boats that are depicted on many rock paintings of the North. Researchers call them "solar boats", considering that a wheel with four spokes crossed with a cross was a "sacred symbol of the sun" among people of the Stone Age. In reality, the wheels of the wheelsets exactly repeated the smoke wheel of the Aryan dwelling.

Arkaim was built in strict accordance with this main "working tool" of the Aryan leader - the wheel of the smoke hole of the family dwelling. “These are, in particular, the associations that Arkaim's plan aroused among its pioneers GB Zdanovich and IM Batanina (I quote from the Chelyabinsk collection):“This layout is close to the principle of the Mandala, one of the main sacred symbols of Buddhist philosophy. The word "mandala" itself is translated as "circle", "disc", "circular". In the Rig Veda, where it first appears, the word has many meanings: “wheel”, “ring”, “country”, “space”, “society”, “assembly” … M. Nikulina.

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Man-dala - wheel-lada on which Cro-Magnons and Aryans gave names to members of their clans. The word "man" in many languages means "man".

This "sun wheel" with a cross inside can still be seen in the chimney of a classic yurt of Asian nomads. When planning Arkaim, the Aryan leaders were guided by this very wheel, divided into 24 parts. (One should not think that the famous temple of Kizhi accidentally has 24 onion-domes, and in a day “accidentally” 24 hours). It has always, and necessarily, been oriented to the cardinal points.

In the steppe, the Aryans repeated the home technique with the installation of horizontal landmarks, which they used on their home island. Until now, in the Khibiny mountains, you can see stones standing like pillars.

Not far from the Arkaim settlement there was a similar, possibly more ancient, maternity complex. They named him Sintasha after the river on the banks of which he was. To observe the constellation Ursa Major and Sirius, the Sun, the Moon, other planets and stars, a "nine-story pyramid with a base of 72 meters and a height of more than 9 meters, decorated with a dome and a pillar on top, was built." K. K. Bystrushkin The people of the gods. Yekaterinburg. 2000. The dome with the pillar clearly repeated the dome of the Aryan dwelling.

The artificial hill was essential for observing the sun, moon, planets and stars.

Arkaim was built with mathematical meticulousness typical of the Aryans and has strict astronomical references. This demonstrates how well they had a developed understanding of the dependence of human communities on the Cosmos. Apparently, these ideas have become a real science. In the “Book of Enoch”, whose age coincides with the time of construction of Arkaim, a circular solar calendar is described referring to the 48th parallel. Even in the Paleolithic, it was used by the ancestors of the Aryans who lived in the interfluve of the Volga and Don. Based on the same wheel calendar, the Aryans built an incubator for the production of modern humans. This is evidenced by the number of rooms in the inner castle of Arkaim. There are 25 of them, like the letters in the Latin alphabet.

The maternity hospital was very thoughtfully planned. To prevent wild women in labor from breaking out, the fortress was carefully fortified from the inside. They were strong beasts and had to be properly kept. Stupefying and sedative potions could suddenly stop working. In the resulting gap in the "time of dreams" the savage could make an attempt to find a way out of the confined space. “The outer wall is very massive, it was five meters wide. But the most mysterious and surprising is the ring of the inner wall. It is much more massive than the outside. With a width of 3 meters, it reached 7 meters in height. This wall has no passage, except for a small break in the southeast. So the 25 inner dwellings become practically isolated from all by a high and thick wall. So it turns outthat in a well-protected inner circle there were those who possessed something that should not have been shown even to their own, living in the outer circle, not to mention external observers”K. K. Bystrushkin The people of the gods. Yekaterinburg. 2000.

The second circle of premises, where the already half-ennobled daughters of these "ladies" settled, also had to be reliably protected. Captive hybrid women didn't have to know what was happening outside.

The scientists were puzzled by the houses of very strange architecture built along the perimeter of the outer wall of Arkaim. Absolutely identical two-storey buildings had an area of 200 sq.m. Each of them had a well, an oven, a food cellar, and a refrigerator-ice box for meat. The dwellings had a small courtyard and a storm sewer. Even for our time, these are very large rooms. And in terms of livability they surpass many modern rural houses. They were intended for large families of hybrid women in labor, the daughters of the savages imprisoned in the inner castle. They are depicted by numerous statuettes of "Paleolithic Madonnas" found by archaeologists. In these "kindergartens" all conditions for "work" were created for hybrid ladies. They had to give birth to mestizo children in large numbers. More developed than hybrids,mestizo children were taught the simplest work skills. Not far from Arkaim, on the slope of the river floodplain, specially constructed terraces were discovered where millet and rye were grown. Terraces are also copied by the Aryans from the mountain terraces of their island. They are still in the same place as many thousands of years ago. The population produced by a group of priests provided themselves with food and at the same time learned the skills of farming. The principle used in almost all structures of this purpose. The population produced by a group of priests provided themselves with food and at the same time learned the skills of farming. The principle used in almost all structures of this purpose. The population produced by a group of priests provided themselves with food and at the same time learned the skills of farming. The principle used in almost all structures of this purpose.

From the incubator, who had reached the age of majority and trained in various labor skills, children were resettled to satellite towns, where they made up families. Here they were taught more complex professions. The remains of blacksmiths and pottery workshops were found. Ceramics made in a local workshop often feature the swastika sign, the symbol of the constellation Ursa Major. The swastika testifies to the belonging of the maternity hospital and the agglomeration of towns to the Aryans of the Sagittarius tribe. Consequently, the skeletons of a nearby burial ground should be dominated by brachycranial (round) skulls. Especially among those men who are buried with the chariots. There are probably few of them. Since these were the Aryans themselves, the creators of this complex. In general, the number of female and children's burials in this burial ground should significantly prevail over male ones.

The savages imprisoned in the inner castle and the hybrid mothers of the outer circle were constantly pregnant by the priests and gave birth like machines. Mixed girls, obtained from hybrid mothers, already had only a third of the blood of savages. Programs for girls, incorporated in such complexes among many peoples, have been preserved to our time. Their descendants, after several thousand years, even repeat the recipes for some dishes. For example, the same Central Asian flatbreads are baked in tandoor ovens, analogous to those of Arkaim. There is nothing to say about the original program of giving birth to many children. It still works without interruptions in the same republics.

The carefully planned maternity hospital existed for 100 years and was burned by the Aryans themselves (just like Jericho). The short period of existence of the agglomeration can be explained by the fact that the Aryan leaders transferred the ready-made tribe to another place, combining pensioners-relatives with other farms. Archaeologists testify that people left here in an organized manner, calmly collecting things. This resembles a sudden departure in the 3rd century. from their towns, half of the Meotian population of the Kuban. Or the strange disappearance of the population of the Dyakovo culture and some others. “Great Migration” never happened by accident. They were necessarily led by someone who knew geography perfectly.

The experience of the previous times was concentrated in the maternity complex Arkaim. This is evidenced by its carefully thought-out layout to the details. This very comfortable farm assumed the release of "products" of a significantly higher level than that given by the wild and semi-wild women in labor, which were raised by the Aryan Santa Claus.

M. Nikulina! Now you understand why “No jewels, masterpieces of ancient art, unknown writing, a nuclear reactor or a spaceship were found in the excavations of Arkaim. Only shards of broken pottery, bones of domestic and wild animals, rare stone tools and very rare bronze ones. But even these ordinary things are very few on Arkaim. The collection of "artifacts" is so poor and inexpressive that it is impossible to make a museum exhibition befitting the occasion "?

according to the book. Alexandra Piskova "Legacy of the leaders of Atlantis"

Part 1
