Are There Vampires - Yes. Evidence - Alternative View

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Are There Vampires - Yes. Evidence - Alternative View
Are There Vampires - Yes. Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Are There Vampires - Yes. Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Are There Vampires - Yes. Evidence - Alternative View
Video: R-Rated Movies That Took Things Way Too Far 2024, September

Vampires exist

No matter how ridiculous superstitions the legends about vampires and ghouls seem to modern man, such a phenomenon exists in reality! And its basis is still the same multidimensionality of a human being. For example, a too hasty funeral can lead to the fact that a person who is supposedly dead, but in reality fell into a cataleptic state, will wake up already being buried alive. As Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya wrote about this in Isis Unveiled, “Until the astral body is completely freed from the physical, there is a possibility that it can be returned to the physical body by the force of magnetic attraction. Sometimes the astral body can only be halfway out, while the physical body looks completely dead and is buried.

In these cases, the horrified astral body forcibly returns to its physical shell, and then one of two things happens - either the unfortunate victim will writhe in death throes from suffocation, or, if she was deeply material (i.e., soulless), she becomes a vampire. Bi-corporeal life begins; and these unfortunate buried cataleptics maintain their miserable lives by the fact that their astral bodies rob the life-blood of a living person. The etheric form can move wherever it pleases; and until it breaks the thread that connects it to the physical body, it is free to wander, wander around, visible or invisible, and feed on human sacrifice."

In her book, Blavatsky cites the opinions of other people about vampirism, in particular Dr. Pierart, who, arguing with his contemporaries regarding the reality of the existence of vampires, wrote: “You say - blind prejudices? After so many facts, so often attested, should we say that they are no more and that they have always been unfounded? Nothing comes from nothing. Every belief, every custom comes from the facts and reasons that gave rise to them. If no one had ever seen creatures appear in some families that took the form of a familiar deceased and came to suck the blood of one or more people, and if then the death of their victims from exhaustion followed, no one would have ever gone to the cemetery to dig up corpses;and we would never witness the incredible fact that corpses are discovered that have been buried for several years, and their eyes are open, their complexion is pink, a flexible body, mouth and nose are full of blood, and when decapitated, blood flows from them in streams.

Not so distant from us in time, facts of the existence of vampires were cited in his book "Rainbow of Miracles" by A. Haydock. The case described in this book took place in Shanghai around 1937. A Russian emigrant in China, due to unemployment and poverty, got a job as a police officer in the Russian company at the police department of the French Concession. At the service, he became an eyewitness to the incident, which he described as follows: “… I was not on duty and was resting in the barracks at the Jorf post, which was located next to the French cemetery on the street Jorf,” the policeman said. “Suddenly, we were alerted and sent to cordon off the cemetery and not let anyone in there. And for some reason there were many who wanted to get to the cemetery. We soon found out the reason.

But you should first explain what order prevails in the French cemetery. The deceased was only a temporary guest on it. As we know, Shanghai is built in a swampy area. The ground in the cemetery is damp, half a meter from the surface - water is already seeping. Therefore, a waterproof concrete box is first lowered into the pit and then a coffin with the deceased is placed in it. The climate in Shanghai is hot and damp - the dead there decompose very quickly. And the land here is expensive, because after 16 years the graves are torn off, the bones of the deceased are thrown away (I don’t know what they do with them, they’re probably burned) and the place is sold for a new guest.

As it turned out, on the day we were cordoned off, a grave was dug, in which the corpse, after 16 years in the damp and hot land of Shanghai, was not only not decomposed, but long nails and hair grew out. News of this quickly reached the population of the nearby streets, and the curious in groups and one by one rushed to the cemetery. That is why we were called into a cordon.

I made my way through the crowd of curious people to the grave and saw what I had already said. The coffin was pulled out of the grave and laid next to it. The face of the woman in it looked like a living, sleeping. The woman's hair grew back so long that it spread over her legs. The long fingernails curled up like a corkscrew. She could have been about 45 years old. I was terribly impressed by her regrown long nails.

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In general, I hate looking at the dead, they disgust me, so I did not look at it for a long time, and the crowd of onlookers pressed me. Moving away, I got into conversation with those around me and through them I learned what was happening to the deceased. They said they brought a stake; aspen or not - I don't know. This stake hit the deceased in the chest. It was said that the deceased sighed at the same time. After that, together with the coffin, they loaded her onto a camion (that was the name of the small truck serving us) and drove somewhere."

Of course, the existence of vampires raises many questions. Some of them are asked by the clergyman Calmet, quoted in Isis Unveiled, by Blavatsky: “The main difficulty is to find out how these vampires can leave their graves and return there again, without the slightest disturbance of the layers of the grave earth? How can it be that they are seen in their usual clothes; how can they appear, walk and eat?

If all this is just the imagination on the part of those who think that they are annoyed by vampires, then how can one explain that when the graves of the accused ghosts are opened, they find that the corpses do not even have a sign of decay, they are fresh, full of blood and juices? How can one explain the reason that their feet are soiled and dirty on them the day after that night when they appeared and frightened their neighbors, when nothing of the kind can be found in other corpses buried in the same cemetery? And why is it that once they were burned, they never return? And why in this country these phenomena are so frequent that it is impossible to dissuade people, because, instead of dissuasion, experience makes people believe in them. " (H. P. Blavatsky. "Isis Unveiled")

Although, all the incomprehensible facts associated with vampires can be easily explained if we remember the multidimensional nature of the human being and the characteristic properties of the astral and etheric bodies of a person. Dense objects of the material world are not obstacles for the etheric, especially astral forms of matter. The subtle body is able to freely pass through the lid of the coffin and the layers of earth in the cemetery. Another thing is a trace of dirt on the feet of the dead after their night adventures. Is it real? It turns out, yes. There is a process of the so-called disintegration of matter, or, in other words, dematerialization.

The astral body of a vampire is in a disembodied (separated from the physical body) state, but is capable of acquiring a densified form, visible to a living person. He needs such a compacted state in order to feed on the blood of living people - if we talk about vampirism by absorbing the blood of living beings (apparently, more often there is the so-called energy vampirism, in which not blood is stolen from people, but vital energy, and for which the vampire does not be sure to take a compacted form).

Having done its terrible deed, the condensed astral of the vampire must dematerialize in order to merge again with the physical body lying in a coffin in a state of catalepsy. At the same time, the particles of the earth preserved on the legs are able to dematerialize together with its condensed astral, passing through the earth and the lid of the coffin, as well as the blood stolen from people. In the coffin, however, the physical substances brought by the astral body of the vampire to its dwelling again materialize, since the physical body needs blood in a physical, not dematerialized state.

A. Haydock in the book “Rainbow of Miracles” mentioned by us wrote on this score: “… a certain object can be turned into a scattered cloud of atoms, which by the tension of thought-will is directed anywhere by the operator. Such a cloud easily passes through walls and other obstacles, and as soon as the operator stops volitional tension, the cloud of atoms takes on the previous form of the object.

This explains the materialization of objects at spiritualistic seances, since some entities of the other world possess, to a large extent, the ability to disintegrate. There is a known case when in a tightly closed room where a seance was held, freshly picked flowers and twigs from trees with raindrops on them suddenly appeared."

Of course, the phenomenon of vampirism, having become the subject of folk legends and beliefs, was largely embellished with folk fantasy and was overgrown with many non-existent and chilling "artistic details." So, in folk legends it is said that if a vampire sucked someone's blood, his victim will also turn into a vampire - in reality this is not at all the case. A vampire's victim can die of starvation if the vampire visits her regularly - that's true. But even a person who has been attacked by a vampire does not at all have to turn into a vampire himself.

It is believed that a vampire can be destroyed by driving an aspen stake into his chest - in reality, this is far from always effective. The main reason for vampirism is the maintenance of a magnetic connection between the astral body and the physical shell. In some cases, such a connection can be severed by causing significant damage to the physical body, in others this is not enough. The real panacea for vampires is the cremation of the corpse, since in this case the astral body, willy-nilly, is freed from the physical and it no longer has the task of supporting the existence of the latter in such a terrible way that terrifies people. In the end, it should be noted that bloodsucking vampires were much less common than energy vampires. In most cases, vampirism consisted in the abduction of vital energy by the astral bodies of vampires, and not blood from living people. Lying in a coffin in a state of catalepsy to the physical body of the vampire, the stolen energy was transmitted through the same magnetic connection that exists between the biological and astral bodies.

Be that as it may, for the consolation of contemporaries, it is possible only to say that with the current state of medicine, the phenomenon of bloodsucking vampires has most likely already sunk into oblivion or is there. Cases of premature detection of death in our time are quite rare, the bodies of the dead are embalmed before death and quite often cremated (which, by the way, is the best way to destroy the discarded biological membrane). So even low-spirited people who fell into catalepsy before moving to another world are not in danger of becoming a vampire in our time.

N. Kovaleva