Insider From The Rothschilds: King Mashiach Or Peace In - Alternative View

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Insider From The Rothschilds: King Mashiach Or Peace In - Alternative View
Insider From The Rothschilds: King Mashiach Or Peace In - Alternative View

Video: Insider From The Rothschilds: King Mashiach Or Peace In - Alternative View

Video: Insider From The Rothschilds: King Mashiach Or Peace In - Alternative View
Video: The Illuminati Are About To Make Their Final Move 2018 2019 2024, September

Secret Calendar

In November 2017, the next, 32nd in a row, issue of The Economist magazine from the series "The World in such and such a Year" was released with a forecast of the main world trends for 2018 and a set of multi-colored pictograms to illustrate them.

The pictograms are summarized in a 9-column table, similar to the one used in numerology to establish relationships between letters of the alphabet and natural numbers from 1 to 9.

Since we are talking about a forecast, the table cells must be filled in accordance with a certain system, and we will now see it.

The table contains 63 pictograms. From the point of view of numerology, the six as the first digit of the number 63 is systemic for this table.

At the intersection of the sixth row and the sixth column, there is a pictogram with the symbol of the 2018 FIFA World Cup (let's assign it number 6.6 according to the principle of sixth row, sixth column) Note that the championship starts on June 14, and June is the sixth month of the year, and in the table this pictogram with the World Cup is also in the sixth column.


In the same column, in the first line of the table, there is an icon depicting Trump (we will assign it the number 1.6). As you know, Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, that is, in the sixth month. We fix this fact and move on. Cell number 4.7 shows Frau Merkel, who was born on July 17, 1954, and again it turns out that the number of the month of her birth coincides with the number of the column in the table in which the corresponding pictogram is placed.

Promotional video:

Now let's look at pictogram 3.9. It depicts Kim Il Sung, the founder and leader of the North Korean state, whose 70th anniversary will be celebrated by progressive humanity on September 9, 2018. This means that in this case the month number coincides with the table column number.

The Winter Olympics are scheduled for February 2018. Let's take a close look at the second column. Its first line depicts a round-faced, raspberry-colored, Korean-looking cat with pointed ears. We recall that the emblem of the Olympiad, which will be held in South Korea, is a white tiger cub with round ears. Taking into account the decisions of the IOC that are discriminatory towards the Russian national team, it can be argued that the format of the Olympiad has fundamentally changed, and, obviously, this was reflected in the transformation of a cute tiger into an impudent bourgeois cat. We know from Vladimir Avdeev: cats are four-legged Jews. Yeah …

It is hypothesized that the table in question is actually a calendar. This is true, and here's why.

The editorial policy of The Economist is controlled by the notorious Rothschild family. They are Jews, and Hebrew is written from right to left and top to bottom. In accordance with this rule, pictogram 1.9 in the upper right corner of the table should be considered as pictogram number one. It depicts a passenger who is usually given a seat on public transport, but in this particular case, this is not required, since the passenger is leaving.


We must pay tribute to the self-irony of the editorial staff of the magazine, because the icon 1.9 indicates the release of its first issue of 1843-02-09. In September 2018, the magazine will celebrate its 175th anniversary, which, of course, its editorial staff could not pass by and therefore placed the corresponding pictogram in the ninth column. But that is not all.

According to the Torah, the next day for the Jews begins in the evening of the current day. In 2018, Jews will celebrate their New Year on September 9th. On this day, the year 5778 according to the Jewish calendar will end (therefore pictogram 1.9 depicts an old man leaving), and on the same day, as soon as the sun goes down, the Jews will meet the new year 5779. Pay attention to the last two digits 7 and 9. Seven is the number of rows in the table, nine is the number of columns, that is, there is nothing random here. Qualified Kabbalists are working on the project.

In connection with pictogram 1.9, we will point out two important nuances that must be taken into account in further analysis, especially if you want to do it yourself. Firstly, one and the same pictogram can have two decryptions: open and secret. Secondly, the peculiarity of the Jewish calendar, when the outgoing year and the coming year are superimposed on the same calendar day, makes it possible to expand the table from 9 to 12 columns, thereby turning it into a full-fledged calendar in which the first three months of the year are superimposed on its last three months. From the point of view of numerology, such an operation is quite legitimate, since the columns that are formally absent in table 10, 11 and 12 can be represented in the following form: 10 = 1 + 0 = 1, 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 and 12 = 1 + 2 = 3. Thus, the first column of the table corresponds to January and October at the same time, the second to February and November,the third - March and December. As a result, we get a calendar listing the main events of 2018. Moreover, this calendar contains insider information from the Rothschilds themselves! So, investors of all countries, keep your pocket wider …

Franklin's public key

The Executive Editor responsible for The World in 2018 is Daniel Franklin, who, according to his biography, has strong contacts with the international intelligence community, which arouses particular interest in his predictions.

Daniel Franklin posted a short commentary that provides a clue to the relationship between the magazine cover pictograms and specific events of 2018.

For example, pictogram 1.3 depicts a movie projector, but it is impossible to guess what exactly this symbol means without the corresponding key, no matter how you guess. But Daniel Franklin writes in his commentary that filming is currently underway for Mary Poppins Returns, a sequel to the old 1964 Merry Poppins movie. The release of the sequel is scheduled for December 25, 2018, so the corresponding icon is located in the third column of the table, which is correlated simultaneously with March and December.

Both the sequel and the old film are set in London during the Great Depression. At the same time, Daniel Franklin focuses on the fact that from 2018 many experts and businessmen expect rapid economic growth, however, in his opinion, their expectations are unlikely to come true, since the global economy is likely to face a deep recession, and the return of a citizen with the speaking surname Poppins will be accompanied by the new Great Depression.

Intuition tells us that this negative forecast will come true.

True, there is an obvious positive point here, namely, that the End of the World, which is widely feared, will not come in 2018.

Accordingly, Catholics and Protestants will celebrate Christmas even in spite of the ominous prophecies of the Pope. True, they will be greeted somehow so tolerantly, as evidenced by pictogram 7.3 with the image of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, on which the cross crowning the dome of St. Paul is missing.


In 2018, there will be a number of fateful elections.

In particular, in March, the citizens of the Russian Federation will elect Putin.

However, pictogram 5.2 with the ballot box and the ballot paper is not in the third column, as one might expect, but in the second column of the table. The fact is that this pictogram does not refer to the presidential elections in Russia, but to the midterm elections to the US Congress, which will be held on November 6. Note that the pictogram is executed in crimson color, like the Korean cat, which may hint at an unfavorable result for Trump with all the ensuing consequences, up to and including an attempt at impeachment.

As for the presidential elections in Russia, judging by the table, the Rothschilds do not expect any force majeure, as evidenced by the presence in the fifth column of a pink 5.5 pictogram depicting Putin, which is to be inaugurated in May 2018.

Presidential elections will also be held in Mexico and Brazil. The Mexicans will come to the polling stations on July 1, and judging by pictogram 1.7, they will be completely satisfied with the voting results. The same cannot be said about Brazil, where elections are scheduled for late autumn and will be held in two rounds on October 7 and 28. Pictogram 1.2, obviously, indicates the dissatisfaction of the Brazilian voters and a possible political crisis in this country.

Finally, on May 23, parliamentary elections will take place in Italy. Pictogram 2.5 makes it clear to observers that the political pendulum has decisively gone in the other direction, which means that the center-left coalition in the Italian parliament will most likely be replaced in the spring of 2018 by a bloc of right-wing parties. The color of the pictogram is crimson, that is, during the elections in Italy, something may go wrong as originally planned.

Leaving politicians

Cuban leader Raul Castro will leave his post on 24 February, which corresponds to pictogram 6.2 with a cap with a five-pointed star.

The principal decision to abdicate the throne, although with an open date, was made by the Emperor of Japan Akihito. According to pictorgamma 7.5, it could take place in May 2018.

According to Daniel Franklin, King of Saudi Arabia Salman should also leave his throne in 2018. However, he himself is not going to voluntarily transfer power to anyone. As a result, we have some kind of intrigue and therefore we are carefully studying the table in order to find a pictogram associated with the fate of King Salman. At first glance, such a pictogram is not visible, but it is there, otherwise Franklin would not have raised this topic. Here it is - a dead clown, red icon 5.8.

The ominous figure of a clown first appeared in the 17th century after the execution of King Charles the First of England. The clown parodied the monarch executed by the mob, claiming his "rights" to the crown that had rolled from his severed head. Widespread popularity came to the clown after the French Revolution and the execution of King Louis XVI of France.

Currently, the dead clown symbolizes the slain king. In the case we are examining, the Saudi King Salman, whose violent death is apparently planned by the Rothschilds in August 2018. But God grant that we are mistaken in this interpretation, for we do not wish evil to King Salman!

Note in passing that a pair of tea with a hot drink is depicted diagonally up and to the right of the clown pictogram. Is there any hint here that Salman will be poisoned with poison sprinkled in tea or coffee? By the way, pictogram 3.7 depicts a one-humped camel, which fans of crossword puzzles know as a dromedary. But he also has a middle name - Arabian, and it gives a direct reference to certain events that will take place in the Saudi kingdom a month before the alleged crime.

We also point out that in the table we are considering, information about two more political murders that took place exactly half a century ago is encrypted.

Senator and US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy was fatally wounded in Los Angeles on June 5, 1968 and died in hospital the next day; in the table this event corresponds to pictogram 5.6 depicting the famous Los Angeles Bridge by Vincent Thomas.

Black American preacher Martin Luther King was shot and killed by a sniper with a telescopic rifle on April 4, 1968; This event is indicated by pictogram 7.4 with a crimson telescope.

Let's note a strange feature: pictograms 5.6 and 7.4 are lined up in a diagonal, which passes through the crimson pictogram 4.7 with the image of Merkel. An alarming neighborhood for her turns out … On the same diagonal is the icon 6.5 with the image of DNA, and Daniel Franklin informs readers that in 2018 DNA therapy will begin to be widely used. In connection with the above, obviously, Ms. Merkel should be warned against any therapeutic manipulations with her DNA.

Further, if we extend the diagonal to the right and up, then first we will see the icon 3.8 with the image of a mushroom from a nuclear explosion, which serves as a reminder of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, subjected to nuclear bombing by the Americans in August 1945, and then the same diagonal will end with the icon 2.9 with the image of a crown The Netherlands. The current monarch Harald V is eighty years old and has been diagnosed with cancer. According to the Rothschild prediction, the King of Norway will clean up by September 2018, and they will not need to kill him. Though…

Stream of events

The difficult process of the UK's exit from the European Union, which is due to be completed in spring 2019, is reflected in pictogram 1.8, which says that the final conditions of Braxit can be agreed in August 2018.

2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I on November 11, 1918. This event corresponds to pictogram 4.2 depicting the Elizabethan Tower in London with the famous Big Ben bell. In the summer of 2017, the tower clock was stopped, and the tower itself was closed for repairs. During the repair, at least one of the four dials will be permanently connected to the electrical mechanism, and the clock on the tower will continue to show the exact time, although Big Ben will stop ringing. However, the bell will briefly revive on November 11, 2018 to commemorate the end of the First World War with its ringing of the Day of Reconciliation in Great Britain.

Daniel Franklin predicts that against the backdrop of the crisis in the global economy, the role of central banks will sharply increase, which will respond toughly, quickly and efficiently. Pictogram 7.9 depicts the obverse of 1 English penny minted in the middle of the last century. The modern logo of the Bank of England practically does not differ from it, except for the fact that the Lady of the Sea has noticeably less belligerence on the logo. So, she lost her battle helmet, and laurel branches appeared in her hand as a symbol of peace. Now, it seems that everything can return to normal again, and banks with the beginning of the new Great Depression will try to strip three skins from each of their borrowers. You need to be ready for this and, if possible, put your financial affairs in order in advance.

Daniel Franklin points to a number of upcoming events, which would be impossible to identify at the level of the presented pictograms without his prompts. For example, looking at a camel, one might think that he is trying to escape from Xi Jinping in the neighboring mountains, and from fear of the camel he is bombing the camel. But in fact, this is not Xi Jinping at all, but Kim Il Sung! Therefore, we would rather follow Franklin's prompts than indulge in empty fantasies.

The latest developments in the field of mobile telecommunications, including 5G technology, will be presented at the Winter Olympics. In the table we see the 3.2 icon with the image of the Wi-Fi icon.

July will mark the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Apple Store, which took place on July 10, 2008. This event is indicated by icon 6.7 with the image of an iPhone. Please note that it is red, and the gadget itself is unlocked. This means that the apple corporation and its clients may face serious problems due to hacker attacks, which will negatively affect its capitalization.

Participants in the oil market expect a balance to be achieved on it in the context of the OPEC + agreement to cut oil production. Pictogram 7.2 may indicate that the required balance will be established in November 2018.

On January 3, 2018, the new European Financial Regulations (ViFID2, PSD) will come into effect. This is reflected in the umbrella icon 7.1.

Also in January, it is planned to strengthen the anti-monopoly regulation of the activities of IT giants FaceBook, Google and Amazon in order to achieve greater transparency from them, which is illustrated by pictogram 1.1.

The active introduction of artificial intelligence systems is predicted throughout the year. The corresponding pictogram 5.7 is included in the July column of the table. It depicts a humanoid robot, whose civil rights are already in full swing preparing to defend transhumanists, and even here in Russia. So meet Bolt, James Bolt!

One of the poorest states on the planet, which is the Kingdom of Bhutan, is able to show the world an economic miracle and become one of the fastest growing countries. Bhutan is located among high mountains, its economy is based on agriculture and tourism, the main economic indicator is the level of gross national happiness, and Tantric Buddhism is practiced as the official religion. In 2018, Bhutan will attempt to capitalize on its gross national happiness into something more materially significant. According to pictogram 3.6, this will happen in June. It sounds tempting: national happiness, economic miracle, beautiful mountains, Tantric Buddhism … And here in Russia there is widespread tantric liberalism with the inhuman face of Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina.

In October 2018, in India, it is planned to complete the construction of the grandiose Statue of Unity with a height of 182 meters, not counting the pedestal, which will enter the Guinness Book of Records immediately upon completion of construction. This is the formal interpretation of pictogram 4.1, which depicts Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We will talk about its secret meaning in the final part of our study.

The UN Climate Conference is scheduled for December 3-4. Pictogram 4.3.

The development of IT technologies will provide consumers of entertainment content with direct contact without intermediaries with the suppliers of such content. Pictogram 4.8.

Businesses related to the production, operation and maintenance of drones are expected to grow rapidly. The International Civil Aviation Organization plans to develop and publish an official manual for operators of unmanned aerial vehicles in July. Pictogram 7.7.

The beginning of the era of space tourism with a flyby of the moon in its orbit is announced. The project, of course, is being carried out by an American genius who knows 400 honest ways to take money from NASA, the Pentagon, the CIA and private moneybags, Ostap Suleiman Ibrahim Berta Maria, oh, in the sense not of Bandar Bay, but in the sense of Elon Musk. Pictogram 5.9.

The theme with Elon Musk and his superprojects is complemented by pictogram 7.8, which depicts a gas station for electric vehicles. The pictorgram is located in the eighth column. The eighth month is August. The Bloomberg agency warned everyone in advance back in 2017 that due to a lack of investment, Elon Musk's Tesla company could close by August 6, 2018. True, the Rothschild gas station pictogram is green, so Musk is likely to get out. For example, he will quietly take some money out of his space odyssey. Although after that there is a danger of thundering into prison, after which all his projects will immediately be covered with a copper basin.

Another notable trend in 2018 is gigantism in shipbuilding. Daniel Franklin gives an example of a floating LNG plant called Prelude FLNG. The displacement of this giant ship is six times the displacement of a standard aircraft carrier. Currently, "Prelude" has been delivered to the place of production and is being prepared for launching into commercial operation, which is scheduled for October 2018. Meanwhile, on the Rothschild pictogram 5.1, instead of a huge vessel, a huge liferaft is drawn. It is possible that this is a hint of an accident or even a disaster.

In 2016, the media flashed a message about the preparation of the construction of a floating city for billionaires - the first of a whole network of independent city-states. Such boats will ply in neutral waters, and therefore will not fall under the jurisdiction of any traditional state, which will enable their inhabitants to avoid paying taxes. They did not steal in order to share them with all the rabble. It was reported that by the end of 2018, all legal issues of this project should be resolved. According to Andrey Fursov, the mayor of the first floating city has already been elected. In total, it is planned to build at least 16 of them.

African spring

Daniel Franklin informs the public that, whether we like it or not, the African Spring will begin in 2018. Corresponding pictogram 6.1. is placed in the first column of the table, which includes the events of January and October 2018. Taking into account the current foreign policy situation and activity in the Middle East, Africa may blaze in January. However, we will bet on October, since the Rothschilds have a green pictogram.

Let's give a little comment along the way. For Africa, the role of a detonator is now played by the Middle East, which the Americans and their allies have trampled on. Okay, the detonator went off, but what exactly is going to explode across Africa?

Before answering this question, let's take another close look at pictogram 6.1, look and see a certain oddity: it seems that Africa is flooded with water! This is how a swamp is usually marked on geographic maps. The swamp is the symbol of the liberals: Swamp Square in Moscow, the swamp that Trump called for draining during his election campaign. Here's the key: Africa's continental problem is water, which is sorely lacking there.

Take Egypt, for example, with its nearly 95 million population. It is clustered on only 4% of the territory, since the remaining 96% are simply not suitable for living due to the lack of drinking water. Let us inform for those who do not know: in the resort of Hurghada, local utilities water the scarce urban vegetation with sewage from the sewage system, and local residents and tourists then breathe this beauty.

Egypt receives drinking water from the Nile, and its shortage is now about 20%, that is, in Egypt there are 20% of excess people, which is 19 million people, by the way. So far, neighboring Sudan partially compensates for the shortage of water, and he does it on credit. However, such happiness will not last forever.

And against this background, Ethiopia, which is located in the upper reaches of the Nile, is carrying out a large-scale construction of the Great Renaissance Dam with a huge reservoir and two powerful hydroelectric power plants on the Blue Nile, which is the main tributary of the Nile. The work has already been completed by more than 50%, and upon completion, the constructed reservoir will collect water for 5-7 years, due to which the flow of water into the Nile will decrease, according to various estimates, by 15% or even 30%.

The Nile Basin is a gigantic water system, so the problem concerns not only Egypt, but also many other African countries. If there is an American spring in Africa, and you will not be able to avoid a full-scale war, a war of all against all, a war for drinking water.

Massacre of the innocents

Daniel Franklin delivered another startling revelation. Listing comma-separated the trend for the purchase of sports cars of superior comfort and size, the trend for the development of space tourism, the trend for the construction of giant ships, Mr. Franklin announced that in 2018 we will witness a record reduction in the number of newborns, and the collapse of the birth rate will be noted immediately all over the planet. This thesis corresponds to the pictogram 1.4 with the image of the baby's head.

Running a little ahead, we point out that, according to the Hasidim-Chabadniks, the decline in the population of the Earth brings the coming of Moshiach closer. Mass beating of babies fits well with this misanthropic concept.

Judging by the location of pictogram 1.4, the demographic collapse planned by the Rothschilds will occur in May 2018. Taking into account the 9-month period of carrying a child in the womb, it becomes obvious that the Rothschilds have the relevant statistics as of the third quarter of 2017, and therefore they are among the participants or, rather, customers of the global program for depopulation of the Earth's population.

Along with the destruction of the traditional institution of the family, the depopulation program must necessarily provide for genetic manipulations, in light of which it becomes especially alarming information that some foreign organizations are collecting biological samples from the residents of our country, which President Putin publicly mentioned at the end of 2017.

In the table under consideration, the icon 6.5 with the image of DNA is located directly under the icon 5.5 with the image of Putin and to the left of the icon 6.6 with the image of the symbols of the 2018 World Cup, which, you see, is a little annoying …

Chinese National Socialism

Daniel Franklin argues that China's reforms will have a major impact on the globalization of the world economy.

China is the country with the largest number of cyclists in the world, and it is significant that the Rothschilds placed pictogram 4.5 depicting a bicycle in the very center of the table, which means that it is China that they recognize as the key role that it will play throughout 2018. a year that marks the beginning of America's decline and launches Chinese-style globalization. The new Great Depression coming in 2018 will contribute to this in no small measure.

Liberalism killed the spirit of capitalism, which was based on the Protestant ethics that forced the people of the West to work hard, hard and conscientiously. That's it, capitalism is no longer a tenant, it is leaving the historical stage. At the same time, according to the conviction of the Hasidim-Chabadniki, the world is on the verge of the era of Moshiach.

But the Chinese leadership has a completely different opinion on this matter. The 19th National Congress of the CPC, held in October 2017, publicly proclaimed the beginning of a new era in the development of the state in 2020, which will last 30 years and will end in the achievement of a great unity of Chinese society by building socialism with Chinese characteristics, or, in other words, Chinese nationalities. -socialism.

China intends to open a New era in the history of mankind as a counterbalance to the era of Moshiach, self-proclaimed by religious fanatics, which the Chabad Hasidim of the Lubavitcher flood are bringing closer with all their might in the hope that Moshiach will come to the Jews for the freedom of the principle.

However, as the poet said, “China is an extremely goy country, and nothing can be done about it” (Oleg Borodkin).

A bunch of three forces

Well, and, perhaps, the last instruction from David Franklin, which is extremely important for understanding the essence of the events taking place.

He talks about two opposing political paradigms: Trumpism with its concept of "America first, then everything else" and Macronism with its new social contract within the framework and for the purposes of the globalization project. Such an agreement, on the one hand, is intended to stimulate competition and entrepreneurship, and on the other hand, it is obliged to protect the interests of those who will lose in this competition. At the same time, Macron, partly imitating Trump, seeks to make France great again and then, on its basis, begin to build a new Union of European States, this time in a federation format.

Daniel Franklin compares French President Macron to American President Theodore Roosevelt, whom he associates with an era of progress. At the same time, Franklin makes it clear that Macron is a Rothschild project, and Trump is not.

This revelation can be commented on as follows.

In the course of globalization, the Rothschilds receive their main income through speculation on the differences in the rates of the value of certain currencies, goods, services, that is, they exploit time in its cyclical hypostasis (Cyclos), in the form of circular exchange, or the sequence of events. Now they have relied on Macron.

For the Rockefellers, globalization opens up access to new markets in order to extract super profits from the exploitation of natural resources and lending to business entities at a loan interest. Thus, the Rockefellers use the time factor in the form of its linear duration, or the chronology of events (Chronos). In 2016, the Rockefellers bet on Hillary Clinton and lost, and their patriarch David died completely in 2017 after the seventh heart transplant.

Within the framework of globalization, the Baruchs determine the rules of the game for all participants in the process, including the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, in fact setting the base cost of currencies, goods and services, as well as base interest rates on loans, as a result of which the Baruchs have ridden the wave of change and work in a win-win mode over time. lottery, or guaranteed lucky chance (Kairos). The Baruchs have relied on Trump, and they are unlikely to be disappointed in him.

Trump became President of the United States in Hebrew 5777, when he was 70 years old, 7 months and 7 days old. The number 7 in Judaism is associated with the cleansing of the peoples of the world before the liberation of the Jews, which will be brought to them by none other than Moshiach.

It is clear that the conventional Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Baruchs are collective images that are used to describe a bundle of forces (money changers, interest-earners and appraisers) operating in the modern world and setting the resulting vector of its transformation in the "time-money" mode. This bundle of forces serves as an energy basis, a mover, a motor for driving the mechanisms of the world government, which capitalizes time into money. It capitalizes in the sense that it steals time from humanity, sucks out all the juices from it and prepares the way for the coming of Moshiach-Antichrist.

We will talk in detail about Moshiach in the final part of our study, and now we will make a small digression. Lyrical.


Arthur Rimbaud has a sonnet called Vowels. In the translation of Yevgeny Vsevolodovich Golovin, it sounds like this:

A - darkness, E - whiteness, I - purple, U - green

Oh - blue. The secret birth of every vowel:

A - black velvet flies - divinely beautiful

They hum over the carrion insatiably.

Ominous water of a hopeless lagoon.

E is the secret of glaciers and white kings.

And - purple, blood spitting. Contemptuous lips

In a crimson fury, they shine more cheerfully.

U is a wondrous ocean of greenish prairies.

Spring of alchemy. Wrinkles of distrust

On the forehead of seekers of mysterious things.

Oh - the sharp sound of the trumpet and the blue smell of snow.

Silence of stellar abysses. Omega, Oh - the purple blossoming of Her eyes.

Let us also cite a paraphrase of this mysterious sonnet:

A - black, E - white, I - red, U - green, O - blue: vowels, I want to tell your birth secrets one day:

Ah, black hairy corset of dazzling flies

Whirring around the cruel stench

Cove of darkness …

E, the whiteness of clouds and tents, Spears of proud glaciers, white kings, trembling flowers …

And, purple, bloody spit, beautiful lips laugh

In anger or redemptive intoxication …

Cycles, the divine vibration of the green seas

A world of pastures dotted with animals, a world of wrinkles

Which alchemy puts on the high foreheads of scholars …

Oh, the highest trumpet, sounding piercing revelations, Silence crossed by worlds and angels:

O - Omega, the violet radiance of Her Eyes!

Now let's take a close look at pictogram 1.6, which depicts Trump. In the figure, he articulates the vowel U, the secret of the origin of which Rimbaud told us. The color palette of the vowels A-E-I in alchemy symbolizes the stages of the Great Work of nigredo-albedo-rubedo, or work in black-white-red. In a sense, an analogue of such work is the passage of the fabulous hero of Fire, Water and Copper pipes. President Trump apparently passed these tests, after which the Rothschilds put the vowel U in his mouth. The green color and alchemy associated with this vowel are associated with the American dollar and the alchemy of finance. Given the location of the Trump pictogram, the possibility that the US dollar and American stock indices will collapse in July 2018 cannot be ruled out.


Moreover, in 1988, the 306th issue of The Economist magazine was released, in which a new single world currency was announced under the code name Phoenix. As its symbol, the capital Greek letter Phi was indicated, stylized as a crossed out zero. This zero character is commonly used by programmers to distinguish it from the letter O.

The editorial board of the magazine argued that the phoenix will be introduced into circulation in exactly 30 years, that is, in 2018. And here it is a miracle: it was in 2018 that China decided to introduce a new non-cash currency based on blockchain technology to implement a two-circuit system of monetary circulation, retaining the existing yuan for cash payments (second circuit), while China decided to provide its new first circuit cryptocurrency with gold and called her … a phoenix!

If the Chinese phoenix reaches the level of the world currency, and this is more than likely, it will definitely push the US dollar, and soon after that, you see, on foreign currency accounts denominated in US dollars, you will have to cross out the extra zeros.

Here it would be appropriate to talk about the fate of bitcoin, since we are talking about cryptocurrencies, but this will lead us far away from the main goal of this study. Let's keep the intrigue and we will not expand on this topic, but let us hint that the icon 3.5 does not represent a Chinese factory, but a cryptocurrency mining farm.

Fruit of Liberty and the Third Temple

Until this moment, we considered only the table and did not pay attention to the announcements of publications that the editorial staff of the magazine put on the cover, placing them at the very top. The first to be announced is an article by US Senator John McCain entitled "The Fruits of Freedom", and in addition, an article by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "High-tech diplomacy" is included in the announcement block.

Now is the time to recall that on May 19, 2018, Israel will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Independence Day. It is for this reason that pictogram 1.5 with the Statue of Liberty ended up in the fifth, "May" column of the table.


The Statue of Liberty depicted on this pictogram screams heart-rendingly, shouting out the vowel A, which is associated with black color, black flies, black water, darkness, stench, stagnation, low-frequency rumble, like Anchar destroying all living things. These are the actual fruits of Freedom! In this case, strictly according to the counterpoint, the color of the pictogram is white.

Pictogram 6.3 depicts the symbols of the three Abrahamic religions: Islam, Judaism and Christianity, which can symbolize Jerusalem. The red color hints that large-scale hostilities could begin in March 2018 due to a territorial dispute between Israel and Palestine. This assumption is also supported by Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which at the very end of 2017 added oil to the smoldering fire of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, forcing it to flare up with renewed vigor.

At the very beginning of the study, we mentioned the number 6, calling it the backbone for the table under consideration. Let's talk a little more about the six and its derivatives.

The table contains 63 cells. According to the rules of numerology, 63 = 6 + 3 = 3 + 6 = 36. number 6 in Jewish Kabbalah, in particular, symbolizes a house, number 36 - a single church, number 63 - a functioning temple. In the context of the foregoing, such symbolism clearly indicates that the construction and opening of the Third Temple in Jerusalem is planned for 2018!

Pictogram 5.3, depicting a column with three vertical ribs, points to December 2018, which, apparently, is planned to begin services in the Jewish temple, rebuilt on the Temple Mount, including on the site of the Al-Aqsa mosque. By that time, the mosque will be destroyed during the hostilities. At the same time, it is not necessary to destroy the Dome of the Rock: according to the explanations of the Jewish sages, it can be integrated into a new temple and calmly used for worship. This means that just one "random" rocket launched by "Palestinian terrorists" will be enough to clear the construction site.

The Jews firmly believe that the long awaited Moshiach will be brought into the built Third Temple and crowned in it. At the same time, the Hasidim-Chabadniks are convinced that back in 1995 a man of flesh and blood appeared, and that he would soon come to the land of Israel from abroad, where he would reveal himself as Moshiach. It should also be noted that each generation of Jews has its own head of generation, who is also the Moshiach of this generation and bears the title of King of Moshiach.

By the way, if you look at the situation from the eschatological point of view, it becomes clear the reason for choosing Emanuel Macron (pictogram 6.9) as the future pan-European leader.

The fact is that Macron is also a prince, or rather a co-prince (they rule there together) of Andorra. On the state emblem of this principality there are two red cows - according to the number of co-princes. And it is the red cow that must be sacrificed by the Jewish priests to receive ashes from it, which will be used in the ritual of cleansing during the coming of Moshiach. So Macron is destined for a very interesting fate, because the Hasidim-Chabadniks are such inventors, such inventors, that they cannot be told in a fairy tale or described with a pen.

King Narendra

The sum of numbers from 1 to 36 is equal to 666. If we return to the table in question and count 666 pictograms, starting with the first pictogram 9.1 and moving in Hebrew from right to left and from top to bottom, then the 666th in a row (666 = 63 * 10 + 36) there will be pictogram 4.1, which shows the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi.


Unexpectedly … But let's still try to deal with this revelation of the Rothschilds.

The name Narendra is compound and includes the word "nara", which means "man" (in the sense of "man"), and the name of the god Indra. Semantically, the name Narendra in Hindi forms two lines: King-Prince-Lord, the first, and Magician-Sorcerer, the second.


In his early youth, Narendra Modi joined the right-wing radical party Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (Union of Volunteer Servants of the Motherland), one of whose militants later committed the murder of Mahatma Gandhi.

Prior to becoming Prime Minister of India in 2014, Narendra Modi served four consecutive terms as Chief Minister of the Indian state of Gujarat and in 2002 committed a massacre of the Muslim population, as a result of which over 2,000 Muslims were brutally killed and many of them burned alive. which Narendra Modi still does not regret and does not regret. Narendra Modi went to the elections under nationalist slogans and after the victory began to pursue an extremely tough right-liberal policy, which surprised and even strained his Anglo-Saxon consultants, who did not expect such pressure from him. In particular, the newly minted prime minister has started a radical monetary reform, which in the near foreseeable future will almost completely deprive more than a billion of India's population of cash.

And one more unusual fact for an elderly man born in 1950: during the premiership elections, Narendra Modi sent his numerous holograms on a tour to meet with a multimillion electorate and eventually won, because the holograms campaigned for him simultaneously throughout the country.

With this in mind, it seems that yes, Narendra Modi is a worthy candidate for the role of Moshiach, who must come to the land of Israel from abroad, especially since he has experience in organizing pogroms of Muslims and avoiding responsibility for this. But for the role of the Antichrist, Modi clearly does not pull, because he is too old for her! The latter means that King Moshiach Narendra Modi may be just the Moshiach of Berl Lazar's generation and nothing more. Accordingly, it is too early to talk about the End of the World, we will live with you.

However, you cannot relax.

The brilliant Islamic thinker Heydar Jahidovich Jemal, speaking about the Dajjal (an analogue of the Christian Antichrist in Islam), said that an amazing feature of the Dajjal is his third eye, and that this feature indicates his Buddhist origin. In the Indo-Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the peoples of the world professing Islam are called "mleccha" peoples, and at the same time there is a legend that an army will rise to war with them, led by the 25th Emperor of Kalachakra, after he leaves the legendary underground Shambhala. It is this 25th Emperor of the Universe that is Dajjal.

According to the "Royal Abridged Kalachakra Tantra", the decisive battle with the world of Islam should take place 1800 years after its appearance on the historical scene, that is, not soon (Islam emerged at the beginning of the 7th century).

Meanwhile, in the 13th chapter of Revelation, John the Theologian speaks of two beasts, the first of which comes out of the sea. Today the sea is the symbol of Anglo-Saxon civilization. The first beast has seven heads and ten horns. One of these heads was mortally wounded, as it were, but the mortal wound was healed. The text of the Apocalypse in Greek indicates that this wound was inflicted with a knife (the word "mahaira" is used, which in modern language means a knife, and in ancient Greek, along with a knife, it also referred to a curved sword with a short blade).

We look at the photos of Narendra Modi. On one of them, a foundation is applied to his forehead, which almost completely hides the scars, and on the second, they are clearly visible, and this is not photoshop!


Narendra Modi is a native of India, from where Shambhala is a stone's throw away. No, he is not Dajjal, although he is “near, at the doors”.

The Antichrist-Dajjal is the second beast that will come later and come out of the earth (from the earth). By miracles and false signs, he will deceive the people living on earth, and make them bow to the first beast, and they will make the image of the first beast, after which the second beast will impose the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name - the number of men on their right hand or forehead., number 666.

Since there is every reason to believe that we are now living in pre-apocalyptic times, so far we are all not just witnesses, but direct participants in the disclosure in the world of the mystery of the iniquity of the children of the devil, who fiercely took up arms against the children of God and lustfully count down the last days to the beginning of the Battle of the End, setting the task is to draw Russia into it at any cost …

Thank God that just before the New Year 2018, Vladimir Putin withdrew our troops from Syria!

Memento mori

In conclusion, we would like to remind Daniel Franklin of The Economist, the Rothschild family, and the entire current generation of King Moshiach of the Hasidic Chabadis that, in cases like the one described above, the Orthodox Jewish sages say:

- "Let the soul fly away from those who calculate the timing of the arrival of Moshiach!"


In the course of our research, we looked at most of the pictograms, and you can reflect on the rest on your own. The corresponding keys have been handed to you. Post the results in the comments. And we put a full stop here, so as not to overload the already large text.

Alexey Nevsky