Those Who Came From The Transcendental - Alternative View

Those Who Came From The Transcendental - Alternative View
Those Who Came From The Transcendental - Alternative View

Video: Those Who Came From The Transcendental - Alternative View

Video: Those Who Came From The Transcendental - Alternative View
Video: ДОКАЗАТЕЛЬСТВО: e и π – трансцендентные числа 2024, July

In November 1952, just as dusk fell on New York, an accident occurred on Broadway: a man was run over by the wheels of a car. Without regaining consciousness, he died. The frightened driver and eyewitnesses of the incident claimed that the victim appeared in front of the car unexpectedly, as if it had grown out of the ground.

The body of the unfortunate victim was taken to the morgue. Investigating the incident, the police noticed that the deceased was wearing an old-fashioned suit, which no one wore in the 50s. This fact alone surprised the detectives. But they were even more amazed by the identity document of the deceased, issued back in 1870. The identity card, as well as several business cards, which indicated the victim's profession - a traveling salesman, as well as a home address, were found by the police in the victim's pocket. When one of the detectives found out that the street on which the unfortunate man lived was absent for more than fifty years, the police were simply shocked by this fact.

Intrigued by the unusual circumstances surrounding the death of the strange subject, the police turned to the archives. After examining the lists of residents who lived in the 70s of the XIX century in the area where the liquidated street was located, they finally "found" a strange salesman: his name and address fully corresponded to the information printed on the business card.

After that, all the elderly people in New York were interviewed who bore the same surname as the deceased. In the end, after a long search, an old woman was found, who told the story of how about seventy years ago, under very mysterious circumstances, her father disappeared: he went out for a walk on Broadway, after which no one saw him again.

Modernity is sometimes visited by newcomers from the past


She took a yellowed photograph from an old album and showed it to the police. It depicted a young man with a girl in his arms. He looked a lot like the man who had died a few weeks ago in a Broadway accident. The date on the back of the picture was April 1884 …

Two years after the incident in New York, something similar happened in Tokyo. True, there were no casualties here. Just in one of the hotels in the city, employees noticed a foreigner who was behaving, as it seemed to them, rather strange. The unusual client was reported to the police.

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Checking the passport did not reveal anything special, except for one, but quite an interesting fact: the passport was issued in the country of Tuared, which was absent even on the most detailed map.

Outraged by such a disrespectful attitude towards himself, a resident of Tuaredia immediately organized a press conference for journalists, at which he stated that his state was located in Africa, between Mauritania and Sudan. After such statements, the Japanese had no choice but to send the "foreigner" to an insane asylum. As for the passport, its secret was never solved …

But the most surprising case of this series happened much earlier - in the summer of 1912 in Great Britain, in the carriage of a passenger train that en route from London to Glasgow. Suddenly, a wildly screaming elderly man appeared on the bench next to the window. At the same time, like a spell, he repeated: "I am Pimp Drake from Chetnam, I am Pimp Drake from Chetnam!" At this time the inspector of Scotland Yard and a young nurse were in the carriage.

In addition to his sudden appearance, the man attracted the close attention of two passengers and his unusual appearance. He was dressed in old-fashioned, worn-out clothes, and from under the triangular hat peeped out black hair, braided in a thin braid. In one hand the man held a whip, in the other a piece of bread.

The inspector, instead of asking the strange visitor a few questions, rushed to find the conductor. Although it would be more logical to send a girl for him. When the representative of the authorities returned to the car, the strange passenger was no longer there, and the nurse was in a deep faint.

At first, the conductor assumed that he was being played. However, when he was shown the whip and cocked hat that lay on the seat, he calmed down. But when the meaning of the story reached him, he, too, almost fainted.

Subsequently, experts from the National Museum confidently attributed the hat and whip to the second half of the 18th century.

The inspector also did not stay idle. Shortly after this incident, he visited the pastor in charge of Chetnem village and asked him to find out if a man named Pimp Drake had ever lived there. In a 150-year-old church book, the priest actually discovered the name of an unfortunate person who had moved for a time to the beginning of the 20th century. In addition, he also found the notes in the margins of the book made by the then pastor.

Judging by these postscripts, being already in years, Drake suddenly began to tell a strange story that supposedly happened to him. From his story it followed that when one deep at night he was driving home in a cart, then suddenly a monster bursting with fire appeared before his eyes, which was pulling several long buildings with many windows. Then Drake suddenly found himself inside one of the rooms. There was a man and a woman. A frightened Drake quickly offered up a prayer to God and a few moments later found himself back in an open field. But the cart and horse were missing. Shocked by the miracle he saw, Drake barely made it home. After this incident, he lost his mind and until his death he tirelessly told the story of the "devil's cart" …

And literally at the end of the last century, or rather, in 1987, one of the Hong Kong newspapers told an amazing story about the time travel of the Chinese boy Jung Li Cheng, who told scientists that he "came from the past." But he could not provide documentary evidence of his innocence. However, the boy spoke well in ancient Chinese, knew well the distant past of China and Japan, knew the biographies of many long-dead emperors. In addition, he was dressed in clothes that were once worn by the ancient Chinese.

The boy could not explain his appearance, and scientists began to compare what he told with the texts of ancient books. Almost everything was the same. But the investigation could not be continued, because the unknown suddenly disappeared.

When the historian Ing Ing Shao began to study the ancient monastic books, he found a record about a man named Jung Li Cheng. It said that he “… disappeared for 10 years and reappeared mad, claiming that he was in 1987. He said that he saw huge birds, large magic mirrors, boxes that reach the clouds, colorful lights that turn on and go out, wide streets decorated with marble. And he also rode in a long snake that crawls at a monstrous speed. He was declared insane and died three weeks later ….

Bernatsky Anatoly