Hitler Belonged To The Rothschild Dynasty? - Alternative View

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Hitler Belonged To The Rothschild Dynasty? - Alternative View
Hitler Belonged To The Rothschild Dynasty? - Alternative View

Video: Hitler Belonged To The Rothschild Dynasty? - Alternative View

Video: Hitler Belonged To The Rothschild Dynasty? - Alternative View
Video: The kidnapping campaign of Nazi Germany | DW Documentary 2024, June

Official history is just a veil designed to hide the truth about what really happened. And when this veil is lifted, again and again you realize that everything stated in the official version is fiction, and sometimes even one hundred percent lie. Take, for example, the Rothschilds, a dynasty formerly known as the clan name Bauer. One of the interesting topics associated with him is the connection between the names of the Rothschilds and Hitler.

About the Bauer clan

The Bauers were notorious in medieval Germany as the darkest occultists. They became Rothschilds in the 18th century - the dynasty of financiers was founded in Frankfurt by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who collaborated with the Hesse family, who were involved in the secret society of Freemasons. It was then that a red shield appeared on the coat of arms of the Rothschilds (in German, rotes Schild).

It is believed that the name Rothschild is associated with a red shield and a hexagram - the Star of David. These symbols adorned the Rothschild home in Frankfurt.

The Star of David or the Seal of Solomon is an ancient esoteric symbol that became associated with the Jewish people only after the Rothschilds appropriated it to their dynasty. This symbol has absolutely nothing to do with the biblical David and Solomon, researchers of Jewish history are absolutely sure of this.

Guy de Rothschild, who belongs to the French branch, led this dynasty until 2007. He is the most grotesque specimen of a man with a fevered imagination, at least in the opinion of those who have been seriously affected by his sick fantasies. I would not like to use the word "evil", but if evil is the other side of life, Guy de Rothschild is its true embodiment. He opposed life. He is personally responsible for the deaths of millions of children and adults, provoked directly by him and his henchmen.

Organizations like the Anti-Defamation League and Bnei Brit were created and continue to be funded by the Rothschilds. It's just a coincidence, isn't it? Bnei Brit means "Sons of the Union", this organization was created by the Rothschilds back in 1843 for intelligence activities and spying on honest scientists. Bnei Brit is known for its ability to defame and ruin the careers of those who try to tell the truth.

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Many of their representatives openly supported slavery during the American Civil War, and they still try to convict some black leaders of anti-Semitism and even racism. Every year, the Anti-Defamation League presents its "Torch of Freedom" (a classic symbol of Masons) to the one who, in the opinion of the organizers, best serves their common cause. It was once honored by a certain Morris Dalitz, a friend of the infamous Meyer Lansky, head of the crime syndicate that has long terrorized America.

Hitler's patrons

Of course, the anger that fanns the fire of hatred against anyone who is falsely accused of anti-Semitism is reminiscent of the persecution of the Jewish people by the Nazis and by Adolf Hitler himself. Anyone who denounces or questions the activities of the Rothschilds or any Jewish organization is a "Nazi" and an "anti-Semite." Such a shameful label has been hung on many scientists for the sole purpose of discrediting and preventing them from making public statements. All this is due to the reluctance of the radicals to think a little and try to understand the situation.

According to some theories, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were brought to power and supported financially by the Rothschilds. This is evidenced by many scientists and researchers.

It was they who organized through the German secret societies of the Freemasons bringing Hitler to power. These are the Thule and Vril societies, well-known in fascist Germany, organized by the Freemasons through their secret agents; it was Rothschild who financed Hitler through the Bank of Great Britain; funds also came from other British and American sources, for example, from the bank Kuhn & Loeb, owned by Rothschild and financed, as you know, the revolution in Russia.

At the heart of Hitler's war machine was the chemical giant IG Farben, which had an American subsidiary run by Rothschild's lackeys, the Warburgs.

Paul Warburg, who through cunning manipulations achieved the establishment of the privately owned central bank of America, the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, headed the American branch of IG In fact, Hitler's IG Farben, in whose charge the Auschwitz concentration camp, was one of the corporation divisions Standard Oil, officially owned by the Rockefellers, but the Rockefeller empire arose and existed thanks to the Rothschilds.

During both World Wars, the Rothschilds also owned German news agencies and also controlled the flow of "information" to Germany and other countries. Incidentally, when the Allied forces entered Germany, it was discovered that the factories of IG Farben, the focus and flagship of Hitler's war industry, had not been destroyed during the massive bombing raids. The enterprises of Ford, another giant, completely absorbed by the Freemasons and supporting Hitler, did not suffer either. And this despite the fact that all factories and factories located nearby were practically razed to the ground by bombs.

So, the power behind Adolf Hitler and acting on behalf of the Masons was embodied in the Rothschild dynasty, this "Jewish" family, which has always declared the support and protection of the Jewish faith and the Jewish people. In reality, they are using and abhorrently mocking Jews for their own purposes. The Rothschilds, like the rest of the Freemasons, treat the Jews with outright contempt.

Blood ties

Jews, like other peoples of the world, are just cattle that must work for the sake of the powerful of this world to continue to pursue their policy of global control. They are ready to entwine the whole world with their web, everywhere to put their representatives, marked with the seal of their mysterious clan - the clan of Freemasons.


Indeed, the Freemasons are so obsessed with blood kinship, the bonds of a single family, that it would be simply impossible for someone other than Hitler, who was also one of the branches of this sprawling dynastic tree, to come to power. Anyone who is interested in this can easily find evidence of how one family seized power in almost all areas - their representatives are in the royal, aristocratic dynasties, in the financial field, in politics, among the highest military ranks and the owners of the most famous media. And so it goes on literally for many hundreds of years.

This dynasty became the ancestral home of all forty-two presidents of the United States, starting with George Washington, who took office in 1789. A native of it became the winner in the 2000 elections. This is George W. Bush.

The leaders of the Second World War, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, were also representatives of this clan, but apart from that, they were Masons and # the word was deleted #. Through monstrous manipulation, they took their positions, and the war in which their countries participated was financed by the Rothschilds and other clans of Freemasons.

Could it be believed that the secret society that financed the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, which created his war machine, would have allowed him, a leader of extreme importance, to represent some other dynasty of rulers?

Hitler of the Rothschilds?

Could it be that Hitler was a member of the same family clan as, say, the Rothschild? It is known that Rothschild ranks himself among the protectors and patrons of the Jews, while Hitler brutally destroyed them, as he destroyed the communists, gypsies and everyone who dared to resist him. After all, the Rothschilds belong to the Jewish people, they never did that.

According to the famous psychoanalyst Walter Langer, stated in his book "Hitler's Soul", he not only received help from the hands of the Rothschilds. Hitler himself was one of the Rothschilds.

This fact perfectly matches the nature of the activities of the Rothschilds and other clans of Freemasons, who made Hitler the leader of the nation and a bloody dictator. He was also supported by the British royal family, the Windsor (and in fact the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty), which included the "war hero" Lord Mountbatten, a member of the Rothschild family.

Their august relatives in Germany would hardly be supporting an ordinary guy from the street. And yet there was support, and the most enthusiastic. Of course, they knew who Hitler really was. Anyone who is familiar with the history of freemasons and knows how obsessed they are with the idea of community, will have no doubt that Hitler was one of them.

Langer writes: “Adolf's father, Alois Hitler, was the out-of-wedlock son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. The following point of view is well known: the father of Alois Hitler (Schicklgruber) was Johann Georg Hiedler. However, a number of people had doubts about the paternity of Johann Georg … There is one Austrian document proving that Maria Anna Schicklgruber lived in Vienna at the time of conception. At that time she was hired as a servant in the house of Baron Rothschild. But as soon as the noble family found out that the maid was pregnant, the girl was immediately sent home, where Alois was born."

Langer obtained all this information from one of the high officials of the Gestapo, Hans-Jürgen Köhler, who published it under the title "Gestapo: An Inside View" back in 1940. He writes about a study of Hitler's biographical data collected by Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss, who has long studied archival material about Hitler.

Koehler had the opportunity to see copies of the documents Dolphuss collected. They were provided to the Austrian chancellor by Heydrich, the head of the Nazi secret service. The folder, handed to him, "caused such confusion in the soul, which has never been experienced."

Here is another excerpt from his book: “The second envelope from the blue folder contained documents collected by Dolphuss himself. The Austrian chancellor could learn a lot about Hitler from these documents. His task was not difficult: he easily found all the personal data about the family of a person born in Austria … From the scattered certificates, registration cards, protocols that were contained in this folder, the Austrian Chancellor managed to put together a general picture, more or less complete. A poor young girl (Hitler's grandmother) came to Vienna and joined a wealthy family. But, unfortunately, she was seduced and became pregnant. They sent her to give birth to her native village … But who did this girl serve in Vienna? It turned out to be quite easy to find out.

Common ancestors

A very long time ago, mandatory registration with the police was introduced in Vienna. Both the employee and the employer were required to comply with this rule, otherwise a very substantial fine was imposed on them. Chancellor Dollfuss was able to locate such a registration card. The young maid worked in … the Rothschild mansion. Here, in this stately house, one should probably have looked for the unknown grandfather of Hitler. That was where Dolphuss's folder ended.”


Is Hitler's intention to invade Vienna by all means connected with his desire to destroy all evidence of his origin?

Why would Hitler go to Vienna?

A correspondent who studied this issue deeply enough writes: “It seems that Hitler was well aware of his family ties long before he became chancellor. Just like his father, he went to Vienna when things went wrong. Hitler's father left his native village in his youth and went to Vienna to try his luck. When Hitler was orphaned, after his mother's death in December 1907, he also went to Vienna, almost immediately after the funeral.

But, apparently, he fell out of sight of the authorities for ten whole months. What happened during this period of time, history is silent. It can be assumed that it was at this time that his affiliation with the Rothschild dynasty was established, that it was then that he met his relatives, acquired the necessary connections, increased his own potential for future activities and for promoting the cause of his clan."

Rothschilds, like true Masons, have many children born out of wedlock as part of their secret breed improvement programs; these children are brought up in foster families and have different names.

Like Bill Clinton, who most likely belongs to the Rockefeller family, these "ordinary children from ordinary families" become extremely successful in their chosen field of work. And Hitler himself had illegitimate children who continued his branch, perhaps some of his heirs are still alive today.

Which Rothschild was Hitler's grandfather?

Alois, Hitler's father, was born in 1837, during the period when Solomon Mayer was the only Rothschild to live in the Vienna mansion. Even the wife did not want to stay with him: their marriage was bursting at the seams, so she chose to live in Frankfurt. Their son, Anselm Solomon lived and worked in Paris, practically never leaving him, occasionally visited his mother in Frankfurt, but stayed away from Vienna, where his father lived.

It seems that Solomon Mayer, who lived alone in the large mansion where Hitler's grandmother served, is the first and most obvious candidate.

In 1917, Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of the senior clerk Solomon Mayer, wrote a book in which his father's patron was just mentioned: “by 1840 he developed some kind of reckless passion for young girls …” and “he glanced lustfully at young young ladies, the police were told to keep silent about his adventures.

Could Hitler's grandmother, a young servant who lived here, under the same roof with a libertine, become the subject of Solomon's passion?

This maid got pregnant while she was working at the mansion. And her grandson became the Chancellor of Germany, who was financially supported by the Rothschilds, who unleashed World War II, which was so necessary for both the Rothschilds themselves and the Freemasons. We know that Masons are obsessed with kinship unity, they are used to bringing their people to power and placing them on both sides of the conflict. And the key figure in this dynasty is the Rothschilds. Are there too many coincidences?