The Black Ghost In The Castle Of Wales - Alternative View

The Black Ghost In The Castle Of Wales - Alternative View
The Black Ghost In The Castle Of Wales - Alternative View

Video: The Black Ghost In The Castle Of Wales - Alternative View

Video: The Black Ghost In The Castle Of Wales - Alternative View
Video: Ghost Stories & Makeup - GRWM PT2 2024, September

The Glen spouses, who recently visited Kidwell's Castle in Wales, managed to photograph the world famous black ghost living in the ancient fortress.

Kidwellley Castle was founded in 1115. Soon it received from King Henry the First the right to be called a city. The first townspeople here were French, English and Flemish immigrants - farmers and merchants who united with the Normans to defend themselves together against enemies. The castle was repeatedly attacked by the Welsh who did not want to put up with this state of affairs. Sometimes their attacks ended in success, and then the invaders killed and plundered the unique fortress city in plenty.

According to local legend, sometime in the twenties of the thirteenth century, Kidwell came under attack, and the Welsh were particularly aggressive. A priest from the local Church of St. Mary, noticing how the enemies mock the young girl, interceded for the innocent victim and let her escape. The invaders decided to severely punish the daredevil and tore him in two, tying the hands of the priest to the oxen and forcing the animals to run in opposite directions.

Several dozen people witnessed this execution. When the Welsh had enough fun and left with the loot, the castle was rebuilt and fortified again. At the same time, rumors spread in Kidwell that at the city wall, where the priest saved the girl's life, they began to notice a dark silhouette resembling a man in black vestments. Obviously, the townspeople immediately thought of the ghost of the shepherd.

This legend is still alive, as the black phantom continues to be seen here to this day. And with the invention of photography, a native of the other world began to often get into pictures.

Apparently, Alan and Tara Glen were lucky enough to get the last such image. The spouses were leaving the castle and the wife, looking back, took the last photo. When the couple returned home, they noticed that a black human silhouette was standing behind the gate in the picture, as if looking after her. The British have no doubts that this is the ghost of a priest killed in the thirteenth century.

A photo with a phantom, posted by Tara to the social network Facebook, has already collected over a hundred thousand likes.