Another Triangular UFO Appeared On The Map Of The Cornish Triangle - Alternative View

Another Triangular UFO Appeared On The Map Of The Cornish Triangle - Alternative View
Another Triangular UFO Appeared On The Map Of The Cornish Triangle - Alternative View

Video: Another Triangular UFO Appeared On The Map Of The Cornish Triangle - Alternative View

Video: Another Triangular UFO Appeared On The Map Of The Cornish Triangle - Alternative View
Video: UFO videos by US Navy pilots, Do 3 videos make it official? | India Upfront 2024, September

A triangular UFO has been observed in Bodmin Moor, a hilly, wetland in the southwest of England that is a frequent anomalous zone within the so-called Cornwall Triangle.

This very strange and unusual place is called the center of ancient magic rituals and cults. Long before our era, many iconic stone circles, burial mounds and figures laid out of stone in the form of zodiac signs appeared here. According to ancient legends, the secret sanctuary of the Knights Templar is located in Bodmin Mura.

In addition, over the past few decades, the inhabitants of this area have been terrified by the mysterious Bodmin beast, which, according to numerous descriptions, looks like a black wild cat - a puma.

Recently, a local resident, who wished to remain anonymous, reported to the Cornwall UFO Research Center about a huge triangular object, which he saw back in 2009. All these years, the eyewitness hid the details of the unusual meeting, fearing to be ridiculed and recognized as insane.

And only after so many years, after more and more people began to talk about triangular UFOs in the form of dorito chips, he decided to open the veil of yet another mystery of the Cornwall Triangle.

“Everything was very strange. Like a Star Trek movie. I've never seen anything like it before. The UFO was not from this planet, but from somewhere else in space and time,”said an eyewitness who, returning from work early in the morning, saw a huge triangle“several football fields”in the cloudless sky.

“I rode and did not take my eyes off him, but he just hung in one place. Then he began to move slowly and did not make any sounds. At the top it had a fin-shaped process, and at the bottom, two elements were also attached, but I don't know what it was. And then he suddenly ran away."

Now there is another star on the map of the Cornwall Triangle by ufologist Lionel Fantorp, indicating special attention.

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So why are aliens showing such interest in Bodmin Moor? Are they intrigued by the mysterious beast or by Moore himself, which is the highest point in the area, where many of the rivers of Cornwall originate, and where are the three stone circles, established in the Neolithic period, one and a half thousand years BC?

In addition, do not forget about the mysterious lake Dozmari Pool. It was here that King Arthur received Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake and, after his death, the knight of the round table Sir Bedivere threw his sword back into that lake.

Or maybe the aliens are really looking for Excalibur, and the Lady of the Lake once handed an alien weapon to King Arthur? Who knows … This is a great plot for a movie and sounds much better than a secret military plane.

Voronina Svetlana