In 2018, The Russian Federation May Start Growing Artificial Organs - Alternative View

In 2018, The Russian Federation May Start Growing Artificial Organs - Alternative View
In 2018, The Russian Federation May Start Growing Artificial Organs - Alternative View

Video: In 2018, The Russian Federation May Start Growing Artificial Organs - Alternative View

Video: In 2018, The Russian Federation May Start Growing Artificial Organs - Alternative View
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In 2018, experiments on growing organs in artificial conditions may begin in Russia. This conclusion was made by experts after the adoption of a law called "On biomedical cell products."

This law is the first document to regulate the growth of human organs in laboratories. It comes into force at the beginning of 2017. But in order for scientists to have the opportunity to fully grow organs, it is necessary to develop and adopt additional 60 acts related to bylaws, which will regulate the storage and transportation of cellular materials, as well as work with donor organs.

The scientific and technical capabilities of Russian specialists made it possible to start growing organs at the beginning of 2017. But all related processes must first be regulated by law.

At the same time, as many believe, there is no need to rush into the adoption of the necessary acts. Deputies together with scientists must carefully consider every step that will be taken in this area, especially since this branch of medicine is completely new not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world.

Andrey Severny