How Does Our Memory Work? - Alternative View

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How Does Our Memory Work? - Alternative View
How Does Our Memory Work? - Alternative View

Video: How Does Our Memory Work? - Alternative View

Video: How Does Our Memory Work? - Alternative View
Video: How does your memory work? | Head Squeeze 2024, September

How does our memory work? What does it depend on? Why fail? There are many more questions in this area than answers. However, at first glance, everything is simple: we put information into it, and then, when necessary, extract it. And even if we have forgotten something, there are ways to remember - under hypnosis, for example.

Any psychologist will tell you that when we remember the deeds of bygone days, we mostly fantasize. We are not describing the real picture at all. The mechanism for "retrieving" information in memory is very fragile and unreliable. It often fails.


Figuratively speaking, what we put into memory does not necessarily lie where we put it. Our memories differ significantly from the original. Memory never gives us an accurate "photograph" of the past.

In Cambridge, psychology students are necessarily shown such an experience: a group of subjects is shown a drawing and asked to reproduce it from memory. A day later, they again offer to display the drawing, and a few days later again … So week after week. As a result, all the pictures are laid out in front of the students in a row. And what do they see? Each next image is different from the previous one, and the last one has nothing to do with the original. But they portrayed what they saw with their own eyes! And yet…

This means that memory is a creative reconstruction, and the older the information, the more it is “rewritten” in the brain.

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Scientists believe that false memories can be implanted into the brain, moreover, deliberately. If they are suggested to you, then later you will not be able to distinguish the "false information" from the true one. These "embedded memories" will seem real to you. Moreover, in the course of experiments it turns out that even a lie detector does not distinguish fantasy from truth in this case. Moreover, even under hypnosis, which until recently was considered almost the most reliable way to restore events forgotten by a person, people do not so much remember as invent.

Yes, you, for sure, and by yourself know how sometimes, talking about a movie you saw once, you mix up episodes from different pictures and your fantasies. Remembering an event experienced in your youth, you and your old friends will certainly give different versions of it. And in everyday life this, of course, does not matter. But when does the police collect evidence? It can be very annoying: five, for example, witnesses of one incident give five different re-enactments of the event. And everyone talks as honestly as possible.

And all because our memory is still a mystery to scientists. And whoever comes close to solving it, it seems, will receive the Nobel Prize. Hurry up …


The brains of men and women organize memories differently. Women think mainly with the frontal lobes of the brain. And they are responsible not so much for logic as for intuition and emotions. Therefore, the fair sex is better at remembering everything that caused them some feelings. Men, when memorizing, include logic, they have six times more gray matter, which is responsible for intelligence, and memories form primarily "think tanks". Therefore, their memory easily assimilates numbers and schemes.

Artists, actors, writers and other creative personalities, as a rule, have a developed female, associative type of memory: they remember emotions, color, smell …

If human memory is compared with computer memory, then hardware will lose. The largest amount of memory in modern computers is about 10 trillion bytes (a number followed by 13 zeros). The human brain, as recently found by scientists at Harvard University, can accommodate the number of bytes with 8432 zeros.



Answer the questions using four options:

never - 0 points;

rarely - 1 point;

sometimes - 2 points;

often - 3 points.

1. Does it happen that you forget the last name or first name of a person with whom you often communicate?

2. Do you find it difficult to follow the action of a movie, TV show, book, because you forget what happened in the beginning?

3. When you enter a room, do it happen to you to remember painfully why, in fact, you came?

4. Does it happen that you forget about important planned things for you, for example, to pay a bill at Sberbank?

5. Do you find it difficult to remember the phone numbers you regularly use?

6. Do you find it difficult to remember what happened yesterday?

7. Have you ever got lost in a familiar place?

8. Do you have difficulty remembering where you put this or that thing?

9. Does it happen that you forgot to turn off the gas, light, close the front door when leaving the apartment?

10. Do you happen to say the same thing several times, causing bewilderment to others?

11. Do you find it difficult to remember the names of popular people or the names of famous places?

12. Do you have to write everything down because you don't rely on your memory?

13. Is it difficult for you to memorize new recipes, addresses, phone numbers?

14. Are you losing things?

15. Does it happen that you instantly forget what you have just been told?

Calculate the result

From 0 to 7 points - you have an excellent memory that can only be envied.

8 to 15 points: You should start training your memory. Here crosswords, memorizing poetry, logical tasks will help.

More than 15 points: your memory is, alas, in a deplorable state. It is very useful to consult a specialist.

Margarita Manoskina, psychologist