Brain Aging Products Named - Alternative View

Brain Aging Products Named - Alternative View
Brain Aging Products Named - Alternative View

Video: Brain Aging Products Named - Alternative View

Video: Brain Aging Products Named - Alternative View
Video: Cognitive and Brain Aging in Older African Americans 2024, May

Scientists at the University of Illinois (USA) have found that the consumption of dietary fiber helps to reduce the risk of inflammatory processes in the mammalian brain with age. In the human case, this may help reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's and other cognitive impairments. This was announced in a press release on EurekAlert !.

It is known that dietary fiber, which is found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, cereals and bread, promotes the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines. Bacteria recycle food components that are not digested by human's own enzymes and produce short-chain fatty acids, including butyrate.

In the study, the researchers used mice that were divided into groups according to age and the proportion (low or high) of dietary fiber in the diet. Experts assessed the level of butyrate in the blood, as well as the concentration of pro-inflammatory substances in the intestine. A diet high in fiber was found to significantly increase butyrate levels and reduce intestinal inflammation in older rodents.

They also evaluated the activity of inflammatory-related genes in microglia, immune cells in the central nervous system. It turned out that under the action of butyrate, the amount of proteins that could harm neurons decreased.

Scientists believe that a similar mechanism exists in humans, but more research is needed to confirm its existence.