Burrow To The Future. Are UFOs Piloted By Our Descendants? - Alternative View

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Burrow To The Future. Are UFOs Piloted By Our Descendants? - Alternative View
Burrow To The Future. Are UFOs Piloted By Our Descendants? - Alternative View

Video: Burrow To The Future. Are UFOs Piloted By Our Descendants? - Alternative View

Video: Burrow To The Future. Are UFOs Piloted By Our Descendants? - Alternative View
Video: Former Air Force Pilot Breaks Down UFO Footage | WIRED 2024, July

Modern physicists admit that tunnels between worlds and time travel are not fantasy inventions, but reality.

“In the central part of our Galaxy there may be a space-time tunnel - a wormhole,” - said in an article by an international group of cosmologists, published in the authoritative journal Annals of Physics. "Wormhole" (another variation is "wormhole") is a scientific term. Something like a short tunnel connecting two points in space, bypassing … this very space. How is this possible?

Other worlds

Imagine that our world is two-dimensional. That is, we live on a flat sheet of paper, and everything in this world is flat, including ourselves. From point A to point B, let's say, a million kilometers. Far away. But if you bend a sheet of paper, bringing points A and B closer to each other, the distance will be reduced to several kilometers. And if you connect them, it will become zero at all!


But is it possible to "bend" the world in which we live ?! That's just it, that is possible. This follows from Einstein's general theory of relativity. And not only a flat sheet of paper is capable of bending (more precisely, bending), but also the three-dimensional space we are used to.

This means that in the same way points A and B can be brought closer to each other by laying a short tunnel between them. This is the "wormhole". Moreover, the tunnel can connect both two points of our space, and our space with some other, parallel!

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“It's hard to believe, but today scientists are already trying to imagine what the sky of another Universe looks like and what can generally be seen through this tunnel between the worlds,” says Kirill Bronnikov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences. "And on the pages of reputable scientific publications, they seriously discuss not only tunnels in space, but also the time machine."

The question is, what does she have to do with it? It turns out that the "wormhole" makes it possible to travel in time. This is a kind of tunnel between space and time, and not only between points A and B. The fact is that the curvature of space occurs due to gravity: the stronger it is, the more space is curved.

The force of gravity of a "wormhole" is comparable to the gravity of a black hole, from which, as you know, even a ray of light is not able to escape. The difference is that the path to the black hole is a one-way ticket, but from the "wormhole" it is quite possible to return. And return to the past, because gravity slows down the passage of time! This follows again from Einstein's theory.


Simply put, if we enter one mouth of the "wormhole" (point A), then, leaving the other (point B), we will find ourselves not only in another corner of the Universe, but also in a different time - both past and future. It would be tempting to use such a portal, wouldn't it? And what if our descendants can do it?

UFO guests

“Wormholes, or wormholes, are created by black holes,” says Vadim Chernobrov, coordinator of the Cosmopoisk research association. - Their existence in our Galaxy was debated at the end of the 20th century. The very thought of such a close and terrible neighborhood then seemed shocking.

Now, by indirect evidence, it has been established that a "wormhole" is hidden in the very center of the galaxy. I think it can be used for interstellar travel, long-distance travel. Of course, humanity will have to solve a problem, how to get into it and how to get out of it then alive."

Some ufologists are convinced that civilization will certainly solve this problem. And the proof of this is the numerous cases of UFO sightings! According to the hypothesis, unidentified flying objects are piloted by our descendants, who have mastered the technology of time travel using a "wormhole". They visit the past for research or even tourism purposes. There are arguments in favor of this version.

Firstly, UFOs almost always try to remain unnoticed, do not make contact. This is done in order not to "inherit" the past, because any changes in it are fraught with consequences for the future, from which "guests" come to us.

Second, remember how aliens are usually portrayed. Thin body, big head, huge eyes, strange skin color. But this is exactly how, according to some anthropologists, a person will look in hundreds of years! Lack of physical labor will drain him, intellectual activity will increase the volume of the brain.


There is a possibility that it will become impossible to live on the surface of the planet (global warming or cooling, a dump of nuclear or other waste) and people will move underground, which will eventually make their eyes huge, and their skin gray or green.

Flights in the "barrel". An encounter with a UFO can open up new abilities.

Finally, UFOs are said to have been present at many significant historical events: they were seen during military battles, during the Chernobyl accident, and other disasters. Recall at least the recent fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

On the video, the experts saw the interference of a foreign object, which destroyed the falling "car" in the air. Thus, according to ufologists, the descendants seek to protect us, sometimes interfering in the course of events.

And although science does not recognize the UFO phenomenon, it is worth recalling: tunnels between worlds also recently seemed like science fiction.

Dmitry Vladimirov

Weekly "Arguments and Facts" No. 8 2015-02-18