Sandford Orcas Estate, England - Alternative View

Sandford Orcas Estate, England - Alternative View
Sandford Orcas Estate, England - Alternative View

Video: Sandford Orcas Estate, England - Alternative View

Video: Sandford Orcas Estate, England - Alternative View
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The Sandford Manor began its history five centuries ago, during the reign of the Tudor dynasty. It was named after the village in which it was built. The village itself has been mentioned in chronicles since 1086.

As the local population assures, the attractive outside Sandford Manor, located among the picturesque countryside of the countryside, is covered with terrible secrets from the inside. Rumor has it that 14 ghosts live on this estate. Many tourists come here from all over England, but few of them were able to see at least one of the ghosts. All creepy stories about evil spirits can only be heard from local residents.

Bringing the priest is one of the spirits dwelling here. They say that in this house he killed the sleeping owner of the estate and several other people. Another ghost is the spirit of a lackey, who very much during his lifetime loved to snatch women and transferred this habit to the other world. Another ghost appears in the image of an attractive lady in red robes, periodically emerging from a picture hanging on the wall.

The next ghost is a cloaked gypsy who walks from time to time in the garden of the estate. If any of the daredevils tried to approach her, she immediately disappeared, carrying away the white air cloud of her cloak.

And the most famous ghost was the ghost of a young cadet who, in a strange way, killed his friend. Everyone thought he was crazy. He was taken home to the Sandford estate, where he was locked in one of the rooms. In this room the young man died. Currently, he can be seen here, he still has not calmed down, walks and frightens everyone who gets in his way.