7 Real-life Empires You've Never Heard Of - Alternative View

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7 Real-life Empires You've Never Heard Of - Alternative View
7 Real-life Empires You've Never Heard Of - Alternative View

Video: 7 Real-life Empires You've Never Heard Of - Alternative View

Video: 7 Real-life Empires You've Never Heard Of - Alternative View
Video: THE BOOK OF REVELATION // Session 27: The Mighty Angel With a Voice Like a Lion 2024, July

To paraphrase the classics, we can say: Empire - it sounds proudly! Remember at least the Roman Empire - the only state in history to which the entire Mediterranean coast belonged. And the British Empire was at all the largest state that ever existed in the history of mankind with colonies on all inhabited continents. But, there were other empires in history, not so great, not so big, not so famous.

Central African empire

This empire lasted only three years from 1976 to 1979, and its sole ruler was Bokassa I - one of the most eccentric rulers of the 20th century. De jure, the Central African Empire declared that a dualistic monarchy was established within the state as a form of government, this is when the power of the monarch is not omnipotent, but limited by the constitution. De facto, Bokassa I ruled as an absolute monarch. Striving for unlimited power, he finally broke the link between people and the state. The agrarian economy fell into decay, the authorities did not provide absolutely any support to the village provinces, only collecting taxes and suppressing riots.


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The last straw was the decree according to which all students in Bangui were required to come to school only in a special uniform, the price of which was beyond the means of many parents. The unrest that arose was brutally suppressed, which caused a great resonance in the country and abroad. In April 1979, more than a hundred schoolchildren and students were killed in the capital's prison. Not wanting to put up with the lawlessness, France decided to arrange an operation with the aim of a coup d'état in the CAI. On September 20-21, 1979, during the absence of the emperor, a detachment of French paratroopers landed in Bangui and occupied the presidential palace without meeting any resistance. All the property of the imperial family was confiscated, and the monarch himself fled to Côte d'Ivoire, where he received political asylum. The Central African Empire ceased to exist.


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Trebizond Empire

This Greek state was formed on the Anatolian coast of the Black Sea in 1204. At the same time, the dynasty of the Great Komnenos was established in the empire, who ruled the country for two and a half centuries. But the state did not achieve great glory. At first, they did not very successfully fight the Seljuks, then they completely became tributaries of the Mongol Empire for the first time under Guyuk, the second under Tamerlane himself. In general, by the 15th century the Komnenos dynasty had completely degenerated, turning the court into a hotbed of terrible crimes, unnatural vice and complete moral savagery. And after the fall of Constantinople, the Trebizond Empire lasted only 8 years. In the end, they became tributaries of the Ottoman Turks and Trebizond was turned into an ordinary Turkish city.


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Gallic empire

The Gaulish Empire is a separatist entity that arose on the territory of Roman Gaul during the crisis of the III century. The empire lasted from 260 to 274. and included the provinces of Gaul, Iberia, Britain and Germany. The main task of the Gallic emperors was to protect the Rhine border from the raids of the Germanic tribes. The internal political situation in the separatist empire did not differ much from the general atmosphere of the crisis in which the entire Roman world was at that time. The Gallic state was often shaken by rebellions, none of the emperors died a natural death. In 274, after 14 years of existence, Emperor Tetrik, after preliminary negotiations, surrendered to Emperor Aurelian, leaving his troops behind. The resistance of the Gallic troops, left without a centralized leadership, was suppressed and the western provinces again became part of the Roman Empire.


Source: dic.academic.ru

Kyrgyz great power

The Kyrgyz Kaganate existed from 840 to 924. It was a fairly powerful state entity in Central Asia and South Siberia. It was led by the Yenisei Kyrgyz, who defeated the Uyghur Kaganate. Probably, part of the population lived mainly settled, as a variety of agricultural crops were cultivated. Sources contradictably note that there were cities in medieval Khakassia. In addition, trade relations were very wide - caravans came to Khakassia from the cities of East Turkestan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, China and Tibet.


Source: lib.vkarp.com

Vietnamese empire

A completely ridiculous, puppet state that existed for a little more than 5 months during the spring and summer of 1945 in Vietnam. By the beginning of 1945, the Japanese armed forces had suffered a number of serious setbacks. And to enlist the support of the Vietnamese, Japan announced that it was returning power over Vietnam to the legitimate representatives of the Nguyen dynasty. The treaty of June 6, 1884, which turned Vietnam into a French colony, was denounced and nationalist forces immediately emerged from the Vietnamese underground, which were mainly focused on Japan. However, the century of the newly appeared "empire" was not at all long. Already in August, immediately after Japan's announcement of a cease-fire, the Vietnamese emperor abdicated the throne, thus proclaiming the end of his empire.


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Brazilian empire

As a result of Napoleon's occupation of Portugal, the Portuguese royal family moved into exile in Brazil, the most important of the Portuguese colonies. After that, Brazil received self-government under the rule of the Portuguese dynasty of Bragança. The return of power to Lisbon following the liberation of Portugal from Napoleon sparked protests, and Brazil gained independence from Portugal, albeit under the rule of a branch of the Portuguese royal family. After the declaration of independence from Portugal on September 7, 1822, Brazil became a monarchy, the Brazilian Empire, which existed until the Republican government was approved on November 15, 1889.


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Empire of Haiti

In fact, the Haitian Empire is the coolest on this list, if only because there were two of them. The first from 1804 to 1806 and the second from 1849 to 1859. On January 1, 1804, the former French colony of San Domingo declared its independence, and on September 22 of the same year, the Governor General of Haiti, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, proclaimed himself Emperor of Haiti, Jacques I. The emperor's coronation ceremony took place on October 6. However, two years later, on October 17, 1806, Emperor Jacques I was killed by two members of his administration. His death led to a split, as a result of which two states were formed at once: the Republic of Haiti and the State of Haiti in the south and north-west of the island, respectively. Almost half a century later, in 1849, an empire was re-proclaimed on the territory of Haiti, led by Emperor Faustin I. It existed for 10 years. Since then, there has been only republican rule in Haiti.


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