George Nuri: Alien Aid To Humanity. Interview With Emery Smith - Alternative View

George Nuri: Alien Aid To Humanity. Interview With Emery Smith - Alternative View
George Nuri: Alien Aid To Humanity. Interview With Emery Smith - Alternative View

Video: George Nuri: Alien Aid To Humanity. Interview With Emery Smith - Alternative View

Video: George Nuri: Alien Aid To Humanity. Interview With Emery Smith - Alternative View
Video: GAIA (2020) | FULL [4KHDR10+] FILM (Extended Director's Cut). 2024, October

DN: Welcome to Cosmic Disclosure! Emery Smith is with us. Has humanity ever worked side by side with aliens? Emery, welcome back to the program.

E. S.: Thank you for the invitation, George. Nice to be here.

DN: In most of the projects in which you participated, you had to cooperate with aliens. Please talk about camaraderie.

ES: In projects, especially in those in which I worked … To begin with, let me say this: every day in corporations and all over the planet, thousands of aliens work among us. They look like us. It is unlikely that you will notice that the passer-by on the street is an alien.


DN: I see.

E. S.: Most of the aliens I have worked with look exactly like us, well, maybe with a few differences. The location of the eyes, cartilaginous body parts such as the nose and ears may be slightly different. I would like everyone to know this first-hand.

DN: I see.

Promotional video:

E. S.: Aliens are very sympathetic. Some are here voluntarily. Others have crashed. Still others were shot down. The fourth were once sent here against their will. Or maybe they themselves decided that it is safer for them to stay in projects and help us promote different technologies, talk about their civilizations, how they live, and their belief systems. Of course, one of the most wonderful things about working with aliens is their telepathic language.

DN: Wow!

E. S.: I believe that very soon, in the next decade, something new will appear in our society. I mean, the ability to communicate just by looking at someone, which we are already starting to do now. People are becoming more sensitive. They are better able to “read” other people.

DN: Absolutely.

E. S.: People understand whether they are sincere with them or not. People enter the room and immediately feel the atmosphere reigning there: joy and happiness or not. By looking at someone, you can immediately tell how he or she is feeling, especially if you spend a lot of time with him or her. For example, your loved ones. All I had to do was look around the room. And I always knew if I did something wrong. That's for sure. A very peculiar feeling. It all starts with …

Telepathy is not exactly what people see in movies when, say, I mentally say “Hello George” and you hear my voice in your head “Hello George, this is Emery.” This language is more about emotions. The most important thing that I learned for myself, being in projects and working side by side with the alien specialists, is that their scientists are like ours, their doctors are like ours. I noticed that in many ways they are very similar to us. They also have a sense of humor, which commands respect. They know that they were once us, so they treat us with great compassion and empathy.

The first thing to do … When I knew that on a certain day I was going to work with an alien, that day I tried to cleanse myself of all negative emotions. You know, you have to cleanse yourself, say, for example, from yesterday's quarrel with your son or daughter. You need to be grounded, focused and ready to go.

DN: Why?

E. S.: Because if you enter a room and you are upset, even if you are upset inside and do not realize it yourself … You can say hello in a soft and pleasant voice, but for aliens it will sound as if you are saying a greeting in anger. In general, they have already caught your emotion. Therefore, no matter how tone I greeted, they instantly caught my inner emotions. They sense when something bothers you or when you are upset. And if they are not sufficiently developed, this can create obvious interferences in communication.

DN: Emery, why are they here? Why don't they return to their planet?

E. S.: First of all, I'm not sure if we allow them to come back.

DN: Ha ha!

E. S.: I'm not sure about that. All I know … One of those with whom I worked was happy and happy to be here, to teach us new things and help us develop.

DN: If the aliens are happy here and everything is going well for them, then it doesn't look like they were captured?

ES: Well, like the most amazing volunteers in the world in the ranks of the Red Cross … We also sacrifice ourselves, going to the third world countries suffering from hunger and war.

DN: That is so, but in this case, this is our decision.

E. S.: Of course.

DN: And you say that aliens are being captured. This is a big difference.

E. S.: Only a few. No, it's just that I put it “some”. I know that some of the aliens have been captured. But then they made their OWN decision to stay here and help us. I suppose this indicates the scale of the loving consciousness and compassion that they have, and we do not have until we have.

DN: If they wanted, could they come back?

E. S.: I'm not sure. I think if the aliens really wanted this, they could. But they don't tell us that. You know, I wasn't involved in securing those projects. I'm just talking about what I've heard from the aliens, communicating with them telepathically. And even then only because he asked questions. Of course, the first questions are: "How did you get here?", "Are you happy here?" You know, they are not allowed to tell too much anyway. They also have limitations on what they can say and what they cannot.

DN: That is, aliens are also limited?

E. S.: Yes. I guess they set the limits themselves. For example, don't give out too much information. Because we as humans will receive information - well, as our listeners and readers - and assimilate it for positive or negative purposes. When people listen to one of these programs, it is difficult to grasp how this or that information will be used, since each person is at his own level of development.

DN: Are the alien spaceships hiding somehow?

E. S.: Oh, yes! Ships and aliens are everywhere. We already talked about this in the previous episode. Many people think that the best place to hide is in the oceans. Of course, this is so, because the ocean is a vast space. But, the fact is that the spaceship can be the size of a ball, just the size of a glowing ball. And since the aliens have mastered the physics of changing atomic structures … An entire civilization can be in such a ball. Such a small, shining object can house a crew of 500.

But if they want to show their ship in its real form, then you will see what you see in the films - a giant spaceship, which is kilometers long, similar to those that are now thawing in Antarctica. That is, there are three-dimensional aspects of the materialization of such spaceships. A giant ship emerges from the light. It should be understood that there is a whole science behind how this works.

DN: What types of ships? Like a mothership around the planet?

E. S.: Perhaps. You know, there are spaceships that keep out of … you know, near planets. There are ships near Saturn, 53 km in size.

DN: Lord!

E. S.: There are other ships that keep a short distance from the Earth. They are watching us to make sure we don't blow up the planet or do something else. I don't think the ships that people see around the world and in the oceans have any evil intentions. They are not on display. If the ships demonstrate anything, it is only the reluctance that we use nuclear bombs. They don't want us to do such things.

Considering all of the above, we can assume that there are many alien spaceships around the planet all the time. Such a ship may be directly above us, at an altitude of 12192 meters, but we cannot see it, since it is disguised. Aliens have this ability. Or, say you can see lenticular clouds, and the alien ship might look like a Boeing 747. You wouldn't even know that. Ships can fly around, observe and demonstrate in a safe manner.

DN: What projects are the aliens working on? What are they doing here?

E. S.: Oh, Lord. They are doing reverse recovery, helping us recover spacecraft and devices back. Of course, they are docs in genetic programs. The aliens worked in my programs, during which we just collect samples.

DN: Without their input, could we do what we do?

E. S.: No, this is impossible.

DN: Ah!

E. S.: I mean that from the horse and the cart we reached the landing on the moon. I think that throughout this time they helped us. Whether we were rebuilding something back or they were sharing technology with us, meeting with various world leaders or whatever, we were definitely assisted in science and technology here on planet Earth.

DN: What types of technology have aliens passed on to us, the types that we use in everyday life?

E. S.: Well, just look around: cameras, lenses, infrared technology, thermal imagers.

Alien technology
Alien technology

Alien technology.

You know, these are all back-to-back technologies. Everything that you see today, containing electronics, we would never have created ourselves. The amazing thing is that, firstly, we can restore something back from something that we have no idea about. Second, with the help of aliens working with major corporations, engineers, and underground projects, new technologies are emerging all the time. If you've noticed by studying scientific journals, you can see how quickly new technologies are emerging, literally overnight. You can insert something into your phone, and if you like, scan an entire room and print it in 3D.

I mean, amazing things are coming, especially in the medical technology arena. Tables capable of scanning your entire body through holography, as if turning it in the right directions. Surgeon…

Alien technology
Alien technology

Alien technology.

DN: And is it all related to aliens?

E. S.: It's all thanks to them.

DN: Tell me, do aliens eat? They are sleeping? Are they getting paid?

E. S.: Yes, the question of payment is a good question. This is one of the questions I was asked a long time ago. Of course, in some way everything is compensated, but I do not know how exactly, since aliens do not use Earth's money, unless they work “on deck,” as we call it. As far as nutrition is concerned, they eat some. Food for them is more a manifestation of sociability. If they want to eat, as we do, they can do it, but higher beings have the ability to transform food into their system and assimilate everything that is necessary.

DN: Without even eating food?

E. S.: Right, without even eating.

DN: Wow!

ES: That's why you see that many aliens … Sometimes you see images of aliens with very small mouths. They are not…

DN: The cracks.

E. S.: Yes, small gaps, since they gave up the traditional eating of food a long time ago. The bodies are getting smaller and the heads are getting bigger.

DN: Are they sleeping?

E. S.: Yes, they are asleep, because they want to do what we do. In fact, they don't need sleep. It all depends on how much the alien wants to be like us. Do you want to eat healthy foods or junk food? Aliens do not need one or the other, but they do it because they are trying to acquire what we call "human experience." They want to feel. It is a great honor for them to be here, to gain human experience and play a role … By the epithet “human” I mean modern man. To play their part is both an honor and a pleasure for them.

You see, in the course of their development, they lost a lot. First of all, feelings and sensations are weakened. Well, imagine a person waking up in the morning to the smell of a bouquet of fresh roses next to the bed. Aliens care about very different things. We are developing in a different way.

DN: Where do they live here on Earth?

E. S.: Aliens live in our underground structures. They are very nice. Also, it all depends on where the alien came from and what their structure looks like. You see, the alien can be 2.4 meters tall, so we cannot settle them in one of the regular barracks. They need their own section.

DN: We know that for a long time aliens have genetically altered people or species that could live on the planet. Are we THEY?

E. S.: I am convinced that the aliens working with us now did nothing genetically with us. But I admit that the ancient race definitely did it to us.

DN: They are our gods, aren't they?

ES: Some people call them Nephilim, Anunnaki.

DN: Aha! The aliens that are here now - you said there are thousands of them - how many different types or races are there?

E. S.: Well, I don't know the exact number. I cannot say that. Heard that it might be 10 or 20 different races. Perhaps there are many more of them, aliens from different systems. Also, it should be understood that this is a joint effort of many civilizations working together. For example, if I was asked, “Emery, what is your ancestry? What is your background? " You know, I could give you 10 different answers. The same can be said about aliens. What is your background? "Are you Arcturian or Pleiadian?" It doesn't work that way. Most people have crossed themselves already. There are many different aliens based on bloodlines.

What's really interesting is that all the aliens I've worked with have human DNA. That is, they are partly human, partly someone else in terms of their genetic lineage.

DN: How do you know that we can trust aliens?

ES: The only thing I can tell people about this … Let's see what they have demonstrated so far def. For me it’s simple: “I trust you because for a period of time you demonstrated this and that”. Trust is earned by …

DN: Absolutely.

ES: … what are you demonstrating. What have you done to express your love and compassion to this society and planet? I hate the word "judge", but that's how I look at things. I judge how a person or a creature behaves. It is only on the basis of how they behave that I can approve of them or not. They must demonstrate how they fit into our society and how they intend to become productive members of society.

DN: The audience of our program is tuned in exactly to this approach. She understand. But what happens if you start telling someone outsider that there are thousands of aliens living on the planet? That they work with us? How will you convince people of what is happening, and will you do it at all?

E. S.: Of course not. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. I am here to share my experiences and make it the best I can. And it's all. Many people would like to kick the tires of a UFO, but that doesn't work that way. This is what I say to everyone: “Don't believe anything you hear, see, read and observe, because all of this can be manipulated.”

DN: Undoubtedly.

E. S.: It is necessary to investigate everything ourselves, as I and many others did. Ask other people questions and watch how their stories fit together. In general, become a researcher. Listen to your heart, not your head. Do not remain in the dark and open up to the possibility that life could exist outside of planet Earth.

I believe now most of the world's population is REALLY moving in this direction. I believe people are becoming smarter. They do their own research and find the information they think is most important to them.

DN: You worked side by side with aliens. Have you made friends with any of them?

E. S.: Yes, of course.

DN: Did you communicate with them at all?

E. S.: Not in the broad sense of the word. You know, in projects I have never found myself “on deck” with aliens. Once you leave the project, you are not allowed to continue to maintain friendships with those who remain in the projects. You are not allowed to contact those you know from working together. You are prohibited from doing something like that.

As I said, most of the staff remains in underground facilities. I have never seen any of them on the surface. They have their own places. I have never been to them in any of these places. I only know that they have their own place. To get to my place of work, I used certain devices, they certainly did the same.

DN: Do aliens have names?

E. S.: Yes, they have names as well as numbers. They themselves prefer to be addressed by numbers. You already know that in our projects we never had badges, only bracelets, which contained most of the information about us. We knew where we were all the time. Of course, this may not sound very funny, but when you meet an alien, it is like meeting a co-worker. They appear with common English names.

DN: For yourself?

E. S.: Yes, for myself. Oh, it's not just Ted, Jack or Jill. They have names because it makes it easier for us to communicate with them. And it's not about security at all. I guess it's more, “Hi, I'm just like you, so don't treat me like someone special. And at the same time, if you have any questions, I will be glad to help.”The aliens are very welcoming and deserve respect.

DN: You mentioned that they communicate through telepathy. Aliens speak?

ES: Yes, most aliens speak perfect English and many other languages easily. It's strange to hear someone speak so many languages. Their intelligence, IQ and intelligence far exceed ours.

DN: It must be great.

E. S.: Being next to them, you all the time feel like a child.

DN: Do the heads look like ours?

E. S.: Yes, absolutely.

DN: So they come here. Do we go to them to help?

E. S.: Well, there were such rumors. But I don't know firsthand. Someone told something about how people also left for other civilizations. But this is second-hand information, and I cannot confirm it.

DN: Emery, when you worked with them, what did you learn about them? What did they teach you?

E. S.: Well, they taught me a lot. Not only me, but also many others in projects. You will learn a lot because you are dealing with someone from, say, another country. You will learn about their habits, what amuse them, and about their hobbies, while always being taught lessons in love and compassion. Most of the time, good-natured banter doesn't … Well, you don't sit around and ask, “How was your day? What movie did you watch last night? As children?" It's more, "This is what we're working on today." We tried to stick to this. It's funny that in response they always say, "I'm sorry about what happened last night."

DN: Do they know?

E. S.: Aliens always know everything, there are no secrets for them. I think this is one of the biggest rewards - working with people with whom you can be yourself, and not someone else who you are not, not pretend and not strive to appear better. You can be yourself, and the aliens accept you, because everyone has secrets. Both good and bad coexist in every person.

Aliens will immediately know everything about you, especially if you are thinking about something. Memories of the past when you were a child, good and bad situations, and so on. They will know about it instantly. And it's funny. Let's say you're late at work on Friday and you have a date. You want to get out of there as soon as possible in order to be in time, but they chuckle quietly and rejoice, as if they want to say: "I hope everything goes well in the evening." They have a great sense of humor and carefree acceptance of each other.

DN: Have you ever seen aliens lose their temper?

E. S.: Never.

DN: So never?

E. S.: No.

DN: Is it not typical for them?

E. S.: Never.

DN: What do they want?

ES: I think the aliens, at least those who are here, really want to help. They want to be part of the history of the bloodline of humanity. To be honest, I think they have something to do with our future. They are here to help us stay on track and make sure we don't do anything that could ruin the planet and each other.

DN: Aren't they struck by our belligerence as a species? We're always at war.

E. S.: Yes, we are always fighting with something. We are too belligerent, and our aggressiveness is based on fear. Where the aliens came from is nothing based on fear. They don't care about wars, they don't care about money, they don't care about diseases. If we could get rid of all of the above, which we will soon do, we could become a much more productive race, capable of doing amazing things. I think everything will be so. I believe there will be a major break in the chain over the next few years.

DN: From which planetary system do the aliens come?

E. S.: I don't know exactly. They don't say exactly where they are coming from. I can only assume that from the systems of Arcturus and the Pleiades, it is possible that from Bootes. This is the only thing that comes to my mind. They never say, "Well, I'm from this place." Because the star system … It's like saying: “I am with …

DN: The third star in …

E. S.: Yes. Do you understand what I mean? It doesn't work that way. It never happened to me that they looked at me and said: "I am such and such and came from there and from there." Rather, they were discreet and casual conversations.

DN: Do you remember the first time you met an alien?

E. S.: Yes.

DN: How did you feel?

E. S.: Well, I was not informed that one of the members of our team was an alien until he started telepathically communicating with me. In appearance, he was no different from us. I asked the commander for confirmation, and this was the end of my work on that project.

DN: Did you believe?

E. S.: Yes. Because when we were introduced to each other, I felt with all my heart: "Glad to meet you." I just looked and said, “Nice,” but I said it inside.

DN: Inside yourself?

E. S.: Yes.

DN: And he understood?

E. S.: Oh, instantly. The only thing I envied was the fact that they knew everything about me, but I was not taught to learn everything about them.

DN: I see.

ES: And the aliens also have a kind of block that they may be closing or opening; it is in this way that they only miss certain aspects of communication in general. That is, there is something missing that would allow me to connect and see what they see.

DN: If the world knew what you know that aliens are here and watching this program, how big would the shock be?

E. S.: I think when this happens and there is something tangible, like the arrival of ships and creatures …

DN: Something obvious.

E. S.: Something so obvious that the media cannot hide. I suppose the shock would be mild and people would accept it. I don't think … Of course, there would be skeptics and fanatics …

DN: As usual.

ES:…”this is bad”, “these are the demons of Satan” and all that. And that's not a bad thing, because, as I said, to build credibility, you need to watch what the aliens are doing. You should see what this new race is, give it a chance and wait until it demonstrates its true intentions.

DN: In general, do you have high hopes?

E. S.: Yes, of course. When this happens, it will be a positive development. It will help us become a technologically advanced civilization, end hunger, homelessness, disease, ocean poisoning, and so on. Literally overnight, technology would be revolutionized. The aliens would show up and ask, “How can we help you? How can we help your planet? And, believe me, they wouldn't want our gold, sperm and eggs. No. They already have enough of this good.

DN: I see.

E. S.: ETs can do it in any form they want.

DN: At any time he wants.

E. S.: Right. Therefore, I do not see anything that would interfere with their ministry.

DN: Probably, for this to happen, some kind of agreement between governments and aliens is required. In your opinion, how could it be concluded?

ES: Well, I don't think that aliens need any agreements to stay here. They are so technologically advanced. If they didn’t want to … Aliens don’t even need to be told that they are here. Even in this room, an alien may be on the crew right now. And you would never know about it.

DN: But someone, somewhere, had to establish a working relationship with them.

E. S.: How would this someone know that he was dealing with aliens?

DN: And indeed. How are aliens hired? How do they get into the project?

E. S.: As I said, they came and integrated into all earthly societies. At first they just watched, working just like ordinary individuals. I mean, they lived like ordinary people.

DN: Do they reveal that they are aliens?

E. S.: No, absolutely not.

DN: Are you sure?

E. S.: Yes. Nobody knows that they are aliens.

DN: Wait. Are you saying that none of their colleagues knows that they are aliens?

ES: I'm talking about aliens “on deck” working in large corporations and in political governments.

DN: And no one knows that they are aliens?

E. S.: Nobody.

DN: That is, they have infiltrated?

E. S.: Definitely, they did it, and they did it in an amicable way.

DN: Emery, is it “good” that they don't want to reveal who they are?

E. S.: You know, they are like parents watching children. Is it bad for parents to track their children by phone?

DN: Well, I don't know.

ES: Parents need to know that their children are safe and do not commit bad deeds. Aliens collect information, measure the levels of consciousness and energy of society. They walk among us in many ways, which means … This does not mean that all aliens are billionaires and run large corporations. There are aliens who wash dishes in a restaurant, and there are those who run large corporations. They are here, integrated and watching.

DN: You mentioned that they live underground. This seems to me to be an organized situation. What is happening there?

ES: Again, as I said, aliens are either captured, or crashed, or simply volunteer to be here. They feel safer working on projects underground rather than being “on deck”. Here's what I want to say: if you are visiting another planet, and “on deck” there is complete confusion, your face is known to the government and the military, and you are an alien … You know, after all this it is elementary unsafe for you to be on the surface. Therefore, the aliens want to stay underground. They want to help with their technology. They want to prolong our existence and cleanse the planet.

DN: Do you know anything about their spirituality, their faith in God?

E. S.: Yes. I studied various sciences with which I was not familiar. It became truly … Their belief system was no longer alien to me. Here's the best way to put it: we are eternal. Yes, there is such a thing as death, physical death, but in reality you never die. Each of us has an energetic part, call it a soul or spirit. Now, this part lives forever. There is little control over where you choose to go in your next life.

That is, aliens believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe in eternal life. If you choose to live for a thousand years, please. Aliens have that choice. We do not, as we fall under a terrible control program through disease and aging. The Cabal does not want anyone to live on the planet for more than 135 years. Although if we had technology, and in particular suppressed medical technology, then we could easily live several hundred years more.

DN: Tell me, did you like aliens as individuals?

E. S.: Yes. I've never met someone I didn't like.

DN: How do they get into positions where they can work with incredible technologies? I mean, how are they … They don't just jump out of nowhere, do they?

ES: Well, wherever the aliens come from, they turn to the project and communicate with the management. And then the management decides that someone is a good engineer in the field of engines, someone is an expert in the field of antigravity, someone in biology, someone in genetics. I mean, aliens already have a predisposition and brilliant training, so they are multifaceted and occupy many important positions. Today they can help in the reverse recovery of an alien spacecraft, and tomorrow they can work in the operating room.

This is a very interesting dynamic. They have different skills. I never learned from any of them how they walked step by step towards being next to me. All I know is that there are many job positions that they could hold.

DN: Emery, thank you for sharing this information with us. I am very grateful to you.

E. S.: Not at all, George.

DN: This is the Cosmic Disclosure program. Thank you for attention.