The Mystical Generalissimo Stalin - Alternative View

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The Mystical Generalissimo Stalin - Alternative View
The Mystical Generalissimo Stalin - Alternative View

Video: The Mystical Generalissimo Stalin - Alternative View

Video: The Mystical Generalissimo Stalin - Alternative View
Video: Stalin 3: Generalissimo. ITV/WGBH trilogy 1990 2024, July

The personality of Joseph Stalin is perceived ambiguously by modern historical science. There are many opinions regarding this person. Some believe that the leader of the Soviet Union was a real dictator who sought to gain hegemony over the entire globe. Others come to the opinion that this man saved the country's population from destruction by Nazi Germany. Thanks to his tough measures, the country did not lose in the Second World War. In difficult post-war times, he was able to direct the entire scientific potential of the USSR to create nuclear weapons and neutralize the threat of a nuclear attack from the allies. There are many theories and mysteries around Joseph Stalin.

Researchers pay special attention to the last month of the leader's life.

Most recently, the secret journals of physicians who were involved in the treatment and then the autopsy of the generalissimo were declassified. Historians were immediately attracted by some inconsistencies found in medical journals. This gave rise to a whole series of different theories regarding the events of March 1953.

Medical journals

On March 5, 1953, at the age of 74, the leader of the Soviet Union Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin died. An autopsy was performed 4 hours after his death. Pathologists are very meticulous and meticulous about the body of the deceased. This fact is not surprising, because their lives directly depended on this. Autopsy historians were surprised that the reports said nothing about the two known individual traits that the deceased had.

Even when the future Great Leader was an ordinary criminal and was engaged in banal robbery, a special criminal card was put on him. It was noted in it that Dzhugashvili had fused second and third toes on his left foot and a damaged elbow of his left hand. It is surprising that the official medical report does not mention these two unique signs.

Modern scientists have suggested that they actually opened the double of the leader. Some historians come to the conclusion that on March 9, 1953, another person was buried instead of Joseph Stalin.

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Today it is already reliably known that Stalin was distinguished by extraordinary suspicion and caution. He spent most of his time at his dacha in Kuntsevo, spent the night in one of three identical rooms, which were opened only from the inside using a complex mechanism. The road from the dacha to the Kremlin was guarded daily by over 1,200 people.

It should be noted that since 1939, the special organs of the NKVD have received secret orders to search across the country for people similar to Stalin.

Leader's doubles

The number of doubles of the leader of the Soviet Union is not known for certain. However, one of the most famous people portraying Joseph Stalin was the Ukrainian Evsevy Lubnitsky, who died a natural death in 1981.

In 1935 he was recruited by the OGPU and transported to Moscow. After six months of training, he mastered all the nuances of the character and behavior of Joseph Stalin. The exam was taken personally by the Secretary General of the USSR. He was pleased with the result and even drank several glasses of cognac with his double. After that, Lubnitsky took part in various receptions and meetings. It even happened, sometimes during solemn events, stood on the pedestal of the Mausoleum next to Beria, Malenkov and other leaders of the country.

Another understudy was a man named Christopher Golshtab. It is known from declassified sources that the resemblance to Joseph Vissarionovich was achieved after some surgical manipulations. He had enough acting skills to attend some meetings and receptions. The further fate of this person is unknown.

Historian from Canada Greg Sinko claims that he managed to find documents confirming the presence of at least two more Stalin's twins. One of them was an uneducated peasant from the North Caucasus named Rashid. Sinko claims that Rashid was killed in 1943 in an unsuccessful attempt on the life of the father of all nations. It is impossible to verify the statement of the Canadian historian, because the latter does not provide the original documents with which he allegedly worked.

Stalin unknown mystic

It may seem strange, but in a country with an atheistic regime, the political nomenclature was quite interested in various religious and occult practices. You can even compare the classified work of the NKVD in this direction with the activities of the occult Nazi society "Annenerbe".

From the declassified documents of the thirties, it follows that the NKVD was engaged, on Stalin's personal instructions, in the search for various mystical artifacts. During the political struggle of 1930-1933 in the highest echelons of power, Stalin was engaged in the fact that, as party secretary, he placed his people in all leading positions and methodically collected various mystical things.

Do not forget that Stalin was a student at the Tbilisi Theological Seminary and was familiar with religion firsthand. The orthodox interpretation of the Holy Scriptures clearly did not suit him. Suffice it to recall the episode in history when Joseph Vissarionovich read Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita and was very pleased. It should be noted that in the novel of this author, Jesus Christ is not God, but simply a man. Deity, as a creature, is generally deleted from the pages of the novel, instead of him there is a devil, who has omnipotence and some attributes of justice. The romanticized image of Satan was exactly what Stalin liked.

Also quite interesting is the episode when Joseph Vissarionovich, in a personal conversation with the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne Sergius (Starogorodsky), held in 1944, quoted some passages from the Gospel of Judas and the Tibetan Gospel.

From this we can conclude that the leader was carried away by mystical and occult interpretations of the Gospel events. According to the Tibetan Gospel, Jesus Christ was not crucified on the cross, but saved by his disciples, and after that he went on a journey to Tibet. In one of the mountain monasteries of Himis, he died. In modern unorthodox historical science, there is an opinion that Stalin decided to repeat the path of Christ and end his life in Tibet.


In the archives of the NKVD, which was recently declassified, there is a mention of a secret operation that Stalin personally instructed Beria. The operation was to send a group of scientists to Tibet. There are no records of the tasks that were posed to the scientists. The operation was codenamed "Journey to the Himalayas." It is interesting that 10 people were sent on the expedition, but when historians began to analyze the technical equipment and equipment that were given to the researchers, they found that clothes, provisions, equipment were supposed to be given out to 11 researchers. A natural question arises, who was the 11th member of the expedition?

Six months later, a research group sent to Tibet returns to Moscow, the number of returned people is 10. There is no information on the 11 secret member of the operation. There are no reports. There is a note in the case file that 10 kilograms of gold was spent to buy an object near a monastery called Himis.

After that, the behavior of the leader changes rapidly. He becomes even more withdrawn and suspicious. As the security officers from the internal security who survived the repressions note, Iosif Vissarionovich began to spend all his time in his office, leaving only to proceed from his dacha to the Kremlin. Between 1952 and 1952, he methodically destroys all people who could identify his body.

During these two years, the following were eliminated: General Vlasik, the head of personal protection, personal secretary Poskrebyshev, doctor Vinogradov and even paramedic Yegorov and many others who often saw Stalin.

This is followed by even greater seclusion. The leader does not leave his room for several days. All negotiations are conducted exclusively by phone. Doesn't admit anyone to him. This continues for several months. All this alternates with monthly shifts of security and service personnel.

The story ends with the body of the late Stalin being first buried, but then very quickly cremated. Some scholars and historians are sure that cremation was a necessary measure, because rumors appeared among the party nomenclature about the replacement of Stalin. The leader himself could move to the mountains of Tibet, to a place prepared in advance and there live to die, practicing occult practices to move to Nirvana. There are a lot of mysteries in this case, but, unfortunately, it will never be possible to find out the truth.