Energy Pillars - External Energy Centers Of A Person - Alternative View

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Energy Pillars - External Energy Centers Of A Person - Alternative View
Energy Pillars - External Energy Centers Of A Person - Alternative View

Video: Energy Pillars - External Energy Centers Of A Person - Alternative View

Video: Energy Pillars - External Energy Centers Of A Person - Alternative View
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If most people, one way or another, have heard about the Chakras, then not everyone knows about the existence of energy pillars. Even a few of those who study everything related to energy practitioners, or are an adherent of esoteric knowledge, know about them. And many of those in the know have only scant data, transmitted by word of mouth and from a few written sources. And now I would like to tell you about this hidden and integral part, the energy of each person.

If the Chakras are the internal energy centers of a person, and regulate the internal cycle of energy flow, then the energy pillars, or “Pillars of Power” as they are also called, are our external energy centers. There are 4 “pillars of Power” in total, and no matter how commonplace they are, they represent the energy of the primary elements, namely: Fire, Water, Air, Earth. The latter in our body is presented in the form of gold energy. Since gold is a metal, which means it is earth, since it is mined from it in the form of ore, but in addition to this, it is also a carrier of the energy of jewelry, vitality, wealth, and protection.

Energy Pillars perform a function similar to the chakras, they receive from outside a certain type of energy and accumulate it in themselves, as well as they receive the energy of our body and convert it into one or another energy of the external environment. Thus, when we influence the world around us, we act through our Pillars of Power. The primordial energy of the elements in the universe, and especially on our earth, is very important, because everything that existed, exists, or is just about to be generated, will be based on these elements and their combinations. Communicating with her, we in one way or another communicate with the world, and having learned to manage it, we get the opportunity to manage everything connected with them. The pillars can look differently, but most often they are presented in the form of carved stone or wooden pillars, of different colors, depending on the element, consisting of many small sections,each of which has symbols corresponding to the energy of the column. At high levels of meditation, you can notice how the sections of the pillars begin to rotate, this indicates an increase in the action of energy.

Pillar of fire

The Pillar of Fire is one of the most important Pillars of Power. It plays a colossal role in our body and its reflexes, as well as in the structure of muscles and other things. As a representation of the primordial energy, on the basis of which this whole world was created, and not only, this pillar regulates the basis of our life and our energy.

1. Located: At a distance of 20 cm, behind the back

2. Controlled by: 1st and 2nd chakras.

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3. Controls: Strength, endurance, body muscles

4. Regulates: bursts of adrenaline, norepinephrine and other hormones

5. Provides: Safety

6. Emotions: Rage, omnipotence, omnipotence.

7. Feelings: Anger, Greed, Prudence

8. Color: Red (Raspberry Red with garnet glitter)

9. Element: Fire

10. Superpowers: hyperactive reaction, increased strength, accelerated movement.

Working with a Pillar of Fire is absolutely safe and cannot lead to negative consequences. All effects of the energy of Fire are beneficial for the human body. Meditations based on the effects of the pillar of Fire help to mobilize strength and cope with diseases and ailments.

Pillar of Gold

The Pillar of Gold is an important element of our impact on the physical world. And also his energy helps in affairs, business and attracting wealth.

1. Located: At a distance of 20 cm, on the right hand

2. Controlled by: 3rd chakra.

3. Controls: Hardness of muscles and skin, strength of bones

4. Regulates: Bone building, healing and recovery processes

5. Provides: invulnerability, firmness, as well as wealth, prosperity, and security

6. Emotions: Joy, euphoria.

7. Feelings: a sense of superiority and wealth, absolute power.

8. Color: Yellow (Golden color, bright fresh polished gold)

9. Element: Earth (metal, gold)

10. Superpowers: Insensitive to pain, quick regeneration, invulnerability

Working with the Pillar of Gold is useful for improving your financial situation, attracting wealth and prosperity into your life, as well as strengthening the body, bones and health.

Air Pillar

The Pillar of Air is a manifestation of our sensory sphere. He is responsible for emotions, behavior, feelings, and spiritual perception. The energy of the air column is one of the easiest, and therefore one of the most difficult to perceive.

1. Located: At a distance of 20 cm, on the left hand

2. Controlled by: 4th and 5th chakras.

3. Controls: Heart and lungs. Ease and airiness of movement.

4. Regulates: Respiratory and Hearing functions, and partly cardiac activity.

5. Provides: Lightness, airiness, both in character and in movements and in relation to life. It also helps to maintain a harmoniously developed body and harmony.

6. Emotions: Lightness, airiness.

7. Feelings: Radiance and satisfaction.

8. Color: Blue (blue with green and white moon tints)

9. Element: Air

10. Superpowers: Controlling the elements of air, levitation, moving through the air and regulating the weight of one's own and objects around.

Working with the Pillar of Air is helpful in improving sensitivity and cognition. Helps to find ease in business and life.

Pillar of water

The Pillar of Water is the Second of the most important Pillars of Power. The human body is 80% water, and all the water in our body is controlled by this very column of power. It is most important in everything related to purification and change, since the restructuring of the body begins with the restructuring of the energy of water.

1. Located: At a distance of 20 cm, in front of the face

2. Controlled: sometimes by the 6th, but mainly by the 7th chakra.

3. Controls: everything related to the flow (water, blood, energy) and water in the body, which means all the processes of blood, secretion and excretion.

4. Regulates: The circulatory and secretion systems, one way or another, affects the entire body and every cell.

5. Provides: cleansing and restructuring

6. Emotions: Sublime joy, harmony and serenity.

7. Senses: Exaltation, omniscience, clairvoyance, simultaneous feeling of focus and relaxation

8. Color: Blue (Dark Indigo blue, with tints in purple)

9. Element: Water

10. Superpowers: Clairvoyance, clairvoyance, communication with the other world, and out-of-body travel. All hidden functions of the brain and subconscious. published by

Roerich A. V.