Who Created The Universe? The Point Of View Of Theologians - Alternative View

Who Created The Universe? The Point Of View Of Theologians - Alternative View
Who Created The Universe? The Point Of View Of Theologians - Alternative View

Video: Who Created The Universe? The Point Of View Of Theologians - Alternative View

Video: Who Created The Universe? The Point Of View Of Theologians - Alternative View
Video: Sadhguru - Great Religions of the World can't Withstand 2 Logical Questions | Mystics of India #MOI 2024, October

Religion appeared before science. In ancient times, she was given the role to answer the most global questions about the Universe. And even the most exotic cult includes the image of a creator God. It is usually masculine. And this is how the ancients imagined God who created the universe.

Among the Egyptians, Atum was the God of creation. He created himself from the primordial Chaos-ocean. He was depicted as a giant man, often an old man with a double crown on his head.

In ancient China, the Universe was created by God, who bore the name - Pan Gu. His body is the entire surrounding world. His breath is the wind, and his gaze is sunlight. Hands and feet are mountains, and people were considered insects on the body of the supreme god.

Another ancient civilization in the world, India called the creator - Brahma. He looked like an old man with a white beard; had four heads, four faces and four arms. He was often painted with red skin and red robes.

In Christianity, the universe was created by a creator who was portrayed as a gray-haired old man sitting on a cloud.

Who Created the Universe?

However, telescopes and external probes have not found any bearded old man in the sky or even in deep space. Therefore, with the development of cosmonautics, faith increasingly gave way to scientific theories. The basis of our knowledge about the world was the idea that the universe was created by itself, and man appeared, independently developing from a monkey in the course of evolution.

But the further science advanced, the more facts appeared that did not fit into these concepts. It was then that the hypothesis appeared that the entire Universe could be controlled from one superintelligent source. Because in every physical process in the Universe, traces of a well-organized system and even indirect evidence of intelligent interference are clearly visible. It is mathematically proven that the chance probability of life on Earth is one in a billion to the billionth power!

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Moreover, the planet itself and its inhabitants with unique DNA turned out to be ingeniously calculated. It is worth changing any parameter of our planet and there will be neither us, nor the sky over our heads. Moreover, only with these parameters can life arise.

As the study of the world around us, more and more facts appeared that pushed scientists towards the hypothesis of an intelligent beginning of the Universe. First of all, this evidence was provided by our planet itself.

The Earth moves around the Sun at a speed of 30 km / sec. If this value was less, it would have come very close to the Sun and overheated, more - it would have frozen. In either case, life on Earth would not be possible. We are just the right distance from the Sun for the water to be liquid. Water is common in the universe, but most of it is in the ice state. Liquid water is essential for the creation of life, because it is only in liquid that DNA can appear.

The Earth's magnetic field is precisely such that no lethal radiation from space would harm the inhabitants of our planet. The gravity is enough to keep the atmosphere dense just enough for the falling meteorites to burn up in the upper layers. Oxygen in the air is 21%. If there were less - we would not know what combustion is, more - we would not be able to extinguish a single fire.

Moreover, there are a huge number of circumstances that, with incomprehensible accuracy, seemed to coincide by chance, so that conditions arose for the birth of the first simplest cell, although according to the theory of probability this is no longer possible.

The deeper the science penetrates into the secrets of the world order, the more humanity becomes more and more affirmed in the idea that the world was purposefully and consciously created by a great power - the Lord God. Moreover, we will be able to know this wonderful world only by combining the efforts of science and religion.