UFO From The Inside - Alternative View

UFO From The Inside - Alternative View
UFO From The Inside - Alternative View

Video: UFO From The Inside - Alternative View

Video: UFO From The Inside - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, October

The first thing that surprises the mysterious ships boarded on board is the large internal volume of the room, devoid of the usual pile-up of cables, instruments, pipes, tumblers for a spacecraft.

The entire environment is usually made up of comfortable chairs, a control panel, an overview screen and a star map. … When morning came, Rama sat in the celestial chariot … This chariot moved by itself …

It had two floors with many rooms and windows … When the chariot made its flight in the air, it made a monotonous sound "(the ancient Indian epic Ramayana)." … There were no objects, only ingenious devices and something that looked like a small cloth, all in asterisks and dots, each of which pulsed in its own way "(Alberto Gordoni; Sicily, Italy; May 3, 1753).

One can imagine how unusual such a setting looked for a medieval inhabitant. However, even in our enlightened XXI century, even engineers with higher technical education inside UFOs still feel like ignorant savages … … Looking into one of the windows of a ship that looked like a cone, I saw a wonderful picture.

5 rectangles, similar to television screens, were shining. One of them was very large - I have never seen such in my life!.. In front of the screen in an empty room, a woman with a golden braid was looking at some images - drawings … "(Magda; city of Kranj, Slovenia, Yugoslavia; mid-1960s). "… A strange matte object was the size of a car 2.5 meters high, shaped like a rugby ball (ie an ellipsoidal UFO. - Author). On the side is a door that looks like a sliding door. Nearby were 2 creatures about a meter in height, they had big ears and a hole instead of a mouth …

The lower part of the apparatus was located 50 centimeters from the ground, it rested on a cylindrical tube. The upper part of the device consisted of a transparent (like a plexiglass) dome, so it was clear that there was nothing inside that could attract attention … Both strangers went inside, the door slid down, and those who entered did not make any action or gesture for this … They were perfectly visible through the dome.

Then a dull noise was heard, the apparatus rose about half a meter, the pipe came out of the ground, and the four legs began to rotate clockwise. The device flew downhill with a very high speed and after 50 meters it disappeared altogether (dematerialized?). For about a quarter of an hour the eyewitness could not move … (the peasant Maurice Massa; vine field near the village of Valensole, southern France; 3.45 am on July 1, 1965). Did not notice. He didn’t notice how the second door was closed, but he felt that we were closed from the outer space.

The "leader" put his hand on the remote control and began to press something. The car began to slowly rise upward, simultaneously turning around the vertical axis. Having risen about 40 meters, they stopped … Suddenly I noticed a very fast acceleration upward. There were no overloads, but everything began to rapidly decrease in size "(V. S. Kharitonov; a farm 27 km from Pskov, USSR; January 1978).

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… A rectangular object measuring 3 x 5 m and a height of 2.5 m, similar to a bus, hung at a height of 2-3 meters. There were no seams or rivets visible on its surface, and screw-like rods with a length of 1-1.5 m, resembling a rotating part of a meat grinder These rods rotated at high speed, emitting a quiet hum, then the sheet of metal on the object rolled into a roll and a hatch opened from which a ladder descended.

The strangers gestured to us to climb inside. Inside the spacious room, apart from a kind of a lantern upstairs, a dozen benches near a "black and gray" smooth wall and paralyzed birds lying on the floor, there was nothing else "(Jan Wolski; Emilczyn, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland; May 15, 1978)." … I again began to ask them to return me home and again lost consciousness. I woke up when they flew up to the ship, which was hovering in the air at a short distance from the ground. It looked like an overturned dark gray frying pan with many small bulbs symmetrically positioned around the ship. The lights came on and off …

I woke up inside, in a round hall, sitting in a red armchair without armrests. The hall was equipped in such a way that a control panel (in a circle) with flashing red lamps was installed on all sides. Then THEY entered through a round doorway … (an employee of the military academy; Otradnoye district, Moscow, USSR; August 1989).

"… I am a skeptic and a realist, and therefore at first I mistook the UFO for our spaceship … I climbed the" petal "(ladder?) Into an 8-10-meter egg-shaped apparatus and got into a small shower room, where a foamy liquid was pouring and a warm wind blew … an inner door … There were three armchairs inside, in the center of the round table was the Earth's globe. I looked closely - there were no state borders on the globe, but only some crosses … "(A. Yas, engineer; Belaya Tserkov, Ukraine, USSR; September 1989).

… I grabbed the handrail and found myself in the corridor. It was wider than the opening, the smooth floor was made of some kind of metal, there were no doors, the walls and ceiling formed an oval on top, some reinforcements and fastenings were visible from the back of the casing. On a 7-8-meter corridor I found myself in a large white hall with a diameter of about 20 meters, along its perimeter there were five more of the same entrances, between which there were 5-6 posts with flickering light. The dome of the ceiling emitted a soft diffused blue light.

There was an information screen on one of the walls. Against the other wall was a remote control with a large number of switches with black knobs and rectangular illuminated buttons with painted symbols. The same flashing buttons were on the racks. I did not notice the instruments and scales. Nearby was a long, straight sofa. A gap ran along all the walls in a circle, apparently, the central part of the hall with a remote control and a sofa could rotate and stop at any counter (Oleg K.; Arkhangelsk region, 80 km from Plesetsk, USSR; November 1989).

"… Half a meter from the window there was a small object that looked like two folded plates, from which zigzag (?) Rays - green, yellow and blue - were emanating. The plate became transparent, then it gradually opened up like a shell, inside there were only a computer, keys, the screen, the starry sky on the screen and the same plates. Also there were six white-haired people in identical silvery (even sparkling) suits, one of them was a woman … "(Yuvelina, 8 years old; Sterlitamak, USSR; early 90s).

"… Inside the plate I remembered only one remote control, on which there were 25 buttons: 5 rows by 5 columns …" (Yura K.; Moscow Region, USSR; early 90s). "… Two large luminous balls, each several meters in diameter, descended from above. The white ball remained, but a strange, many-eyed creature taller than a human came out of the red one … We were both" pulled "into the ship. I only remember the seat on which I was seated a flickering screen right in front of the chair … The stranger said that the ship has 4 shapes (?) and is capable of moving at the speed of light … "(Zhenya X., fifth grader; Omsk, Russia; October 14, 1991).

In addition, people who have been inside the alien ships are struck by the abundance of various mysterious equipment and devices. The second common UFO feature that contactees will remember is the abundance of instruments and equipment. As a matter of fact, it cannot be otherwise, if contactees are invited, it is on research ships. Well, on UFOs of other purposes, even if they exist, guests are not taken. And if they are taken (for example to a warship), then they are unlikely to be released …

But we already know that man-made UFOs have large empty internal volumes, which probably makes them very versatile in use. For example, transport ships can easily be converted into research ships - if the internal premises are filled with the appropriate equipment. As a matter of fact, the contactees noticed not only multifunctional or re-profiled premises (a characteristic feature is passageways and corridors cluttered with devices), but also specialized laboratories, workshops, storage facilities, museums, operating rooms and other compartments incomprehensible in function.

"… I was examined with some kind of instruments and devices, like a large needle, on an" operating table "that stood in the center of the room … A humanoid gave me a look at a book, instead of letters there were dots and all kinds of thick and thin, straight and curved lines He crossed the room to the corner of the table, opened some hole in the metal wall and pulled out (unrolled) from there a map with dots ranging from a pinhead to a coin and connecting them with thick, thin, dotted lines … It was a diagram of interstellar paths. " (Barney and Betty Hill; New Hampshire, USA; September 20, 1961).

"… Monet Stafford was lying in a room that looked like an operating room, and around her were 3-4 figures in white coats and surgical masks. She was paralyzed and saw a large" eye "watching her. Elaine Thomas was watched by humanoids 1.2 m tall in an empty dark room, where, apart from the table, there was nothing else "(L. Smith, M. Stafford, E. Thomas; Liberty, Kentucky, USA; January 1976).

"… I woke up in the laboratory. It was a room with white walls, like a classroom. There were all kinds of cars. Everywhere there were luminous dials. Luminous balls the size of an orange were constantly moving around the room" (Franck Fontaine; Cergy-Pontoise, France; 1980).

"… I saw a green room and … myself with loose hair, twisted into something white, but not into my clothes. I appeared, and we - the one that was looking and the one that was on the table - merged. And I I felt a panic fear … No one was in the green room. But I saw a long, 20 centimeters, metal rod, like a pencil. It was as if someone's hands were passing it to each other, like a surgeon's instrument. But I did not see hands … "(N., employee of one of the Moscow scientific centers; USSR; until 1993).

… The lamps were not visible, but it was very light, although the light did not hurt the eyes. And this light greatly contributed to the feeling of comfort … Then all the women were transferred to a nearby smaller room, they stayed there alone, put them on some armchairs, walls - all the consoles, all the interweaving of some tubes through which something seemed to flow. All this is a continuous play of light and color, the movement of light streams. Some of the tubes had suction cups. There was a feeling that these tubes with suction cups were like endowed with the rudiments of reason.

The woman was here and was all covered with these suckers. Moreover, if the sucker flew off from the movement of a person, then immediately it automatically again found the previous point and stuck to it … (woman N.; the case was studied by N. I. Makarova from Togliatti, Russia; late 1994). Referring to the archives of the Russian UFO center, one can easily supplement the general understanding of the situation on man-made UFOs. According to the generalized data of Russian contactees who were abducted and later returned home, the first thing they often see is an elongated hall or tunnel.

In 35 cases described by V. Azhazha, this tunnel was rather long and winding (perhaps the “tunnel” is not material, but is only a visible manifestation of any fields). Then the abductees enter a room that resembles an operating room or a dentist's office. The description of the room is the same in many stories (there are 95 of them). In 29 cases, the UFO space was described as having a circular or domed shape. In 18 cases out of 31 it was dominated by white light, in 11 cases - gray (or metallic). In 3 cases, black walls were mentioned. 32 subjects reported poor lighting on board.

In 25 cases, a very bright room was mentioned, and in 13 cases, a semi-dark or completely dark room. Several subjects met with both options. The furnishings of the room included variations of our usual objects. One or more tables are marked in 52 cases. Usually the table is hard, smooth, rather narrow, on one support. Sometimes the table is raised high, lowered low, or shaped like a reclining chair. Of the other furniture, objects that looked like kitchen shelves, computers, and screens were most often present.

In concrete figures, it looks like this: tables were seen by 52 people; screens, displays - 17 people; computers - 16; chairs - 11; shelves, racks - 10; cabinets - 10; benches - 6. In 18 cases, subjects reported a specific scent that was unlike common odors. Four smelled their burnt hair or body, and six noted an unpleasant smell coming from the aliens. Some were also able to describe some devices present there, intended for certain medical procedures (for example, scanning the subject's body).

It also happens that correspondents do not just describe the cases they heard from hearsay, some see with their own eyes such anomalous phenomena. Here is what, for example, Izvestia's own correspondent in Maputo wrote (number from 27.02.88): “After I conveyed to Izvestia a message about a mysterious object that I saw in the sky from an airplane that took off from Beira came the newspaper Diariu di Mozambique published in that city. There are three photographs of the UFO and a story about how it was observed by many residents of the city.

Observation at the meteorological station was carried out through binoculars, but the naked eye could also see a brightly luminous object hovering motionless over Beira. According to the local station, it was not an artificial satellite or a probe. The oblong body had two “mustaches” and two bright “eyes”. According to the commander of the Boeing-737 passenger plane of the national airline LAM, he saw a luminous UFO from the pilot's cabin and turned on the aircraft headlights, as if attracting his attention. At this moment, both “eyes” of the mysterious object went out, and he began to roll aside, quickly disappearing in the southern direction …"