UFOs Interested In Launching Vostok? - Alternative View

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UFOs Interested In Launching Vostok? - Alternative View
UFOs Interested In Launching Vostok? - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Interested In Launching Vostok? - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Interested In Launching Vostok? - Alternative View
Video: What Disabled Missiles at Malmstrom Air Force Base? 2024, October

Testimony of 170 witnesses

The scale of the phenomenon was impressive. On the vast territory of the northwestern part of Russia and Karelia, unwitting observers have discovered an amazing picture of the movement of bright luminous objects. On the first day, the official bodies received about 170 reports on the observation of a certain phenomenon. The newspaper Socialist Industry reported: “A huge 'star' flashed in the night sky, impulsively sending sheaves of light to the earth. It was slowly moving towards Petrozavodsk, spreading over the city in the shape of a huge jellyfish, hovering, showering the city with many thin ray streams."

Looking ahead, we note that the effect of the above-mentioned "ray jets" was not in vain for the townspeople: after the disappearance of the UFO in the double glass of some houses in Petrozavodsk, neatly melted holes with a diameter of 5-7 millimeters were found. The glass samples, which were poisoned for examination in Moscow, surprised the scientists with the unusual structure of microcracks and the presence of crystals on the sections. And this is with the amorphousness of the window glass! It would be impossible to do this even with a laser! In the direction of the holes, scientists estimated the distance to the UFO emitting "ray streams", which turned out to be about 14 kilometers.

It should be noted that the miraculous in the night sky was seen simultaneously by workers of the hydrometeorological service, civil aviation, the navy and police officers - everyone who, for whatever reason, on the night of September 20, 1977, did not sleep and could observe the starry sky. Many residents of Petrozavodsk said that on that memorable night they went to bed with a feeling of unusual anxiety.

The people demand an explanation

Naturally, the shocked townspeople turned to the local authorities for an explanation of what was happening, and they, in turn, sent a request to the USSR Academy of Sciences. By the way, requests on the same issue were also sent from Norway and Finland. As a result, the president of the Academy of Sciences A. P. Aleksandrov wrote a letter to the government with a proposal "to organize scientific work on the study of anomalous phenomena."

And the government of the USSR gave the go-ahead, connected the scientific institutes of the Ministry of Defense to the research and put the stamp "secret" on the work.

Promotional video:

But even then, hot on the heels, official science reassured the people: what they saw is nothing more than a consequence of the launch of the Vostok spacecraft and the launching of the Earth satellite Kosmos-955 into orbit.

In 1997, when the veils of secrets were removed from the launch of spaceships and direct media contacts were established with the Plesetsk cosmodrome, scientists again stated that no phenomenon was observed in Petrozavodsk. And again it was just about the "light effects" caused by the launch of the ship.

What does Vostok have to do with it?

But for some reason, the pundits were not interested in "egregious" facts that did not fit the official version of the event. However, it is clear why.

According to the testimony of the flight attendant of the Leningrad squadron VG Lazarev, who was flying from Leningrad to Riga in those “wonderful” hours, at an altitude of about 10 kilometers he saw “a disc-shaped glowing UFO that was moving towards the plane”. Then the ship's commander made a request to the dispatcher: "Who is in the air besides me?" And I got the answer: "There is no one." However, in order to avoid a head-on collision with a strange flying body, the commander was forced to make a maneuver and bypass the UFO.

Director of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences VA Krat commented on the episode with the "luminous body" as follows: "The Pulkovo astronomers also observed a bright fireball that rapidly drew the sky from south to north."

And two hours before the start of "Vostok" something unimaginable was noticed in neighboring Finland. The correspondent of the UPI news agency reported from Helsinki that a fireball flew over the Finnish side, which "caused intense radio communications on the territory of the USSR at a time when the air is usually calm."

In addition, numerous UFO landings have been reported. Here is one of such testimonies: “At the 70th kilometer of the Petrozavodsk-Leningrad highway, 30-40 meters from the road, I saw a white spherical body 15-20 meters in diameter, clearly sinking into the forest. Fir trees growing on the hill where the UFO landed simply disappeared from the field of view, as if absorbed by the sphere, and then reappeared, as if passing through it.

Engineer A. P. Novozhilov near the village of Kurki-Yoki on the western shore of Lake Ladoga observed the following: “A luminous ball flew out from the stern of the mother ship and went north perpendicular to its movement. The ball first moved horizontally, and then sank behind the forest. His landing caused a bright glow, against which the forest was clearly visible."

The expert has doubts …

Not only these, but also other facts collected by an expert on ufology, a full member of the Russian Geographical Society Valentin Golts, made us seriously doubt that the "seen" is of natural origin and is a consequence of the launch of the Vostok launch vehicle, as the cosmodrome specialists tried to present "Plesetsk".

For example, witnesses claimed that before the launch of Vostok at 0300 and 0330 hours, they observed "something", you cannot tie it to the glow that appears when the launch vehicle is launched. Thus, over the village of Namoyevo, 30 kilometers south of Petrozavodsk, at 3 am, a "lenticular object with eight nozzles" was observed, and half an hour later, over Primorsk, "two luminous spherical objects that turned 90 degrees and went north" were seen.

The conclusion drawn from the established facts by the expert-ufologist Valentin Golts is unambiguous: “On September 20, 1977, from 3 to 6 am over Karelia, along with the light effects accompanying the launch of the spacecraft“Kosmos-955”, UFO flights and landings were observed, the nature of which has not yet been explained."

After the government's decision, scientists also paid serious attention to the "Petrozavodsk phenomenon". So, at Petrozavodsk University, a research work was carried out, called “Localization of the object. Determination of the spatial position of the light object ". The work was approved for execution by the Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. V. Migulin, who from the beginning of the events adhered exclusively to the scientific version related to the consequences of the takeoff of the Vostok spacecraft.

Balloon over Pulkovo airport

What happened near Leningrad three hours before the launch of Vostok reinforces the idea that the flight of the launch vehicle is itself, and the series of UFO sightings is a completely different story. And it is likely that both of these stories are related to each other.

Let us turn to the testimony of Boris Nikolayevich Svintsov, an engineer at Pulkovo airport: “I worked the night shift. At about one in the morning, while on the airfield, I saw a brightly luminous object moving at an altitude of about three kilometers along the runway (course of the runway 279 degrees) and in a direction transverse to me. The object was perceived as a kind of material body in the form of a sphere of large diameter (visible dimensions near the lunar disk at the zenith). There was a feeling that the body was low enough above the ground. The contours of the ball were clearly visible, the glow was own and very bright. The object's radiance resembled that of welding. In addition, he was surrounded by a light halo."

Horoscope as a research tool

As an astrologer, I decided to compose and analyze the horoscope of the takeoff of "Vostok", as well as the meeting of the plane with a UFO. What did you find out?

Of course, both horoscopes with an event difference of three hours have a similar structure, but the rise of "East", as expected, takes place in the "scientific" sign Virgo and is ruled by the planet of intelligence Mercury. A UFO plane chase takes place in the sign of Leo under the auspices of the Sun, and this indicates those who were in the UFO: they are "full of dignity, energy and will, do what they want, and intervene when not asked." Well, what is not a portrait of the Pulkovo "fireball" that jumped out onto the oncoming course of the plane? In addition, it turns out that the intelligence of a UFO is associated with a trip with the aim of contacting brothers and a desire to explore the country, to show intelligence while traveling, where the home (the UFO itself) is a place of intellectual activity. This is the secret work of loners, hiding their plans and intentions, showing an interest in spiritual cooperation and seeking to patronize the whole world.

The essence of UFOs is indicated by the beneficial aspect of Mercury, Mars and Uranus, behind which stands "a derivative of electronics, physics, atomic energy, modern science." The same aspect (which is quite natural) is observed in the horoscope of the launch of "Vostok", but the tone of the horoscope is different: these are analytic practitioners, dexterous mechanics of devices, extremely concerned about … making money.

How will the heart calm down?

In 2002, the secrecy label was finally removed from the state program for the study of anomalous phenomena and, in particular, the nature of UFOs. What has emerged? On June 6, 2002, an interview on this matter was given by Yuliy Platov, a leading researcher at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, and concurrently the head of the Academy of Sciences' expert group on anomalous phenomena (1978-1996). The scientist testified that in the 60s, directions arose for the search for extraterrestrial civilizations and communication with them. For 13 years of studying "anomalies" about three thousand messages were studied, 95% of which were quite understandable. In some cases, as the consequences of man-made human activities, in others, as rare natural phenomena. The scientist had no choice but to declare about the "Petrozavodsk phenomenon"that “the phenomenon was a trace of the artificial Earth satellite“Kosmos-955”launched from the“Plesetsk”cosmodrome.

And here is the final statement: “So far, scientists have not been able to prove that some part of UFOs are alien ships. But they did not prove the opposite: that aliens do not exist at all. Indeed, over the years of our work, many phenomena have remained a mystery. The question of the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization remains open. So what can you do? Wait for the further development of technology, with the help of which humanity can, for example, discover life on other planets."

And yet, let us note that the situation is changing for the better: earlier, official science could not and did not want to study UFOs, but today it still cannot, but wants to learn the inexplicable.