Who Are The Ancient Maltese Dwarfs? - Alternative View

Who Are The Ancient Maltese Dwarfs? - Alternative View
Who Are The Ancient Maltese Dwarfs? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Ancient Maltese Dwarfs? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Ancient Maltese Dwarfs? - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Maltese Temples, Archaeologists Have Discovered HUGE Oddities That Cant Be Explained 2024, October

For a long period of time, scientists around the world have been trying to solve the riddle: is it possible that ancient people lived under water and is it true that ancient human civilizations died due to the onset of the ice age?

These and many similar questions arose after huge ancient temples were discovered and explored in Malta. According to the assumptions of scientists, they were erected by some unknown civilization that lived on Earth about 5 thousand years ago. After that, this civilization disappeared without a trace for unknown reasons.

The huge temples that scientists have discovered in Malta are the most ancient structures preserved on our planet to this day. In terms of their external characteristics, these structures are very similar to the English Stonehenge, built of geometrically regular stone blocks. Inside the temple there are many rooms, figurines of stout women, carved altars and various kinds of mysterious images.

I must say that there are a lot of similar temples in Malta: Hajrat, Ta, Mnajdra, Skorba, Tarshien. In addition, scientists have discovered the underground sanctuary of Hap-Salfieni. The level of development of modern science is quite high, but this did not help scientists to say for sure which race and civilization these religious buildings could belong to. In the temples themselves, no traces of human presence were found. The people who built the temples simply disappeared.

As noted by the British researcher, Professor R. Kemmler, who has been excavating in Malta for more than ten years, science has long been lost in conjecture. At the moment, many various versions and theories have been put forward. Perhaps the only thing that the supporters of these theories agree on is that the builders of ancient temples represented the most ancient civilization on our planet, that is, they were actually the progenitors of mankind. On the other hand, scientists cannot say exactly which state it was. And it is completely incomprehensible how in ancient times, when the level of human development was extremely low, these people managed to erect structures up to 6 meters high from stone blocks, each of which weighed about 5 tons. And most importantly, where did these people disappear to?

It should be noted that the ancient structures in Malta were found in 1776 by accident. French artist J.-P. Guell was engaged in earthworks, during which he unearthed the stone altar of one of the richest premises, Hajar Ima. Approximately 50 years later, the British official G. Bouverie drew up a fairly detailed plan of the entire temple complex. This made it possible to establish that the representatives of the ancient civilization built their temples to worship the gods according to a strictly defined scheme, and not at all chaotically. This scheme resembled a clover leaf, divided into two parts, each of which had 4-5 petals. Each temple had its own stone altar, on which, in addition to milk and wine, they also poured human blood. Moreover, all the rooms inside were painted red, and a fire was burning in the center. One of the hypotheses saysthat all together it served as a symbol of the mother's womb.

The Hajar Im temple, which is the largest of all discovered, consists of a courtyard, a defensive bastion, an altar, a separate room for women, and a place of ablution. According to the Maltese historian E. Jovene, in addition to the temples, small houses were also found, in which a small child could hardly fit. All this provided the prerequisites for the emergence of the theory that the ancient civilization that lived in Malta consisted of dwarfs.

But that's not all. During excavations near the Ghar Dalam temple, scientists discovered many skeletons of dwarf elephants and hippos. During life, the growth of all these animals reached about 1-1.5 meters. These findings, quite naturally, gave rise to many fantastic hypotheses. In particular, one of the most widespread was the theory that in ancient times there was a Lilliputian civilization in Malta, not even a civilization, but a whole world in which everything was small: people, animals, plants. In this regard, scientists also recalled the "hobbits" - dwarfs, whose skeletons were discovered in one of the caves in Indonesia in 2004. These creatures did not exceed a meter in height and died during a volcanic eruption about 12 thousand years ago.

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About the same period of time, a professor from Australia, M. Morwood, suggested that in ancient times other worlds were present in the human world, mainly on small islands. According to his version, the Indonesian dwarfs were far from the only representatives of the dwarf civilization that lived on our planet in ancient times.

According to Professor Kemmler, it is generally accepted in the scientific world that dwarf elephants and hippos became extinct about 180 thousand years ago. On the other hand, after analyzing some of the skeletons found in the Ghar Dalam cave, it was established that these animals could well have lived in Malta during the construction of megalithic temples there. Scientists suggest that dwarf elephants were a kind of pets of representatives of ancient civilization. Thus, the hypothesis that Lilliputians inhabited the Earth in the Stone Age received some additional confirmation.

Professor Kemmler also notes that the level of development of these ancient earth inhabitants was quite high. This, in particular, is evidenced by the underground sanctuary of Khal-Saflieni, consisting of 34 rooms and in shape resembling the mother's womb. These rooms are interconnected by tunnels and stairs. In all these rooms, you can clearly hear it from the male voice, but the female voice is almost not heard here. In other words, the sanctuary was erected in such a way as to prevent men from entering it. You must admit that people with a low level of development could not think of this.

As a rule, the ideas of modern people about the Stone Age boil down to the fact that ancient people were dressed in animal skins and ran with axes. But if the theory of the existence of the Lilliputian civilization finds its confirmation, then, scientists believe, it is quite possible that in ancient times the same Malta was a planet on which small people lived with the same small animals, but at the same time they knew how to build such huge structures.

Of course, at first glance, this may seem impossible and fantastic. But the fact is that there are a lot of such incomprehensible facts related to midgets. One of these facts is, for example, the fact that after the analysis it was established: each of the ancient temples in Malta was built for about 8 hundred years. The buildings had observatories for weather prediction and stargazing. And if the construction of the Egyptian pyramids required tens of thousands of slaves, how many people were needed to build the Maltese temples? What power and what resources did this civilization have?

It is also interesting that some of the temples scientists have found in the water. Moreover, it was established that they were originally built there. But do not forget that in ancient times there were no ordinary scuba gears, not to mention special equipment, for carrying out such work.

It is noteworthy that the ancient roads built at that time, which were discovered, led to these ancient underwater temples …

The discoveries found under water plunged scientists into a real shock. First, there was a theory that underwater temples appeared as a result of a natural cataclysm, possibly an earthquake, after which part of the land and all buildings on it went under water. But this theory was refuted by the discovery of paved roads going under water. Ultimately, most scientists assumed that the civilization that lived in Malta had gills to breathe underwater. Simply put, the ancestors of modern man were half-humans, half-fish.

It is worth saying that the hypothesis that the first people appeared in water existed for a long time. This version is adhered to by supporters of the theory of the "Missing Link", who believe that humanity originates from dinosaurs (supposedly, the ancient dinosaurs did not become extinct, but evolved to humans).

Professor Jovene believes that the hypothesis of the existence of people with gills in ancient times, or even an entire underwater civilization, looks too fantastic. But the scientist cannot answer the question of how ancient people were able to build temples under water. Thus, from all of the above, it follows that ancient people were much more developed than modern science can imagine.

And finally, one more important observation: an uninitiated person in Maltese temples can see only a heap of ruins, but in fact this is completely wrong. During the Middle Ages, when the concepts of the value of temples and holiness had no meaning, people dismantled ancient buildings into stones, which they used for their own needs. And then it turned out that the ancient builders erected their temples using special technologies, without the use of mortar for cementing stones. In addition, when comparing ancient structures in Malta, Peru and Easter Island, it was found that the stonework is very similar. That is, it can be assumed that a single civilization existed on Earth about five thousand years ago. But what happened to her, and why did she disappear without a trace?

There is no evidence that the ancient civilization that lived in Malta died as a result of a natural cataclysm. During the excavation, all the temples were intact. No traces of the epidemic or viruses were found that could destroy it. The hypothesis that the civilization of dwarfs could be destroyed by barbarians who sailed on ships also has no evidence, because the ancient Egyptian chronicles say that at the time when the Egyptians settled on the island, all the temples were empty and completely abandoned. According to preliminary estimates, the ancient civilization in Malta disappeared in about 2-2.3 thousand years BC.

In addition, after conducting radiocarbon analysis, it was found that the temples could be older. Therefore, some scientists believe that highly developed ancient civilizations could exist during the Ice Age, but became victims of changing climatic conditions, the occurrence of powerful earthquakes and tsunamis. It is impossible to say with certainty that this theory is correct, since, as mentioned above, no traces of natural disasters were found in Malta.

That is why the Maltese ancient civilization continues to excite the minds of scientists. Perhaps, over time, they will be able to determine what kind of race it was and where and for what reasons it disappeared.