Heavenly Ghosts - Alternative View

Heavenly Ghosts - Alternative View
Heavenly Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Heavenly Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Heavenly Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: Just Like Heaven (7/9) Movie CLIP - Omigod, It's Her (2005) HD 2024, October

Judging by the descriptions of numerous encounters of a person with ghosts, the latter exist only in a very thin layer of surface space - in the same one where we live, in the same geometric plane. And therefore we have the opportunity to look them in the eyes or face without lifting our heads.

But what if you still have to raise it, directing your gaze to the heavens in order to look closely at the image that has arisen in the near or distant skies? And with surprise to see something unidentified in the sky - hanging or flying?


Can this something be classified as a ghost? I think so, since both ground and heavenly ghosts have much in common.

People have been familiar with such phenomena for a long time. Without going too deep into history, let's say that they all follow the same scenario, as it were.

For example, on October 3, 1843, a certain Charles Cooper, who was working in a field near Warwick, England, suddenly heard a rumble in the sky, looked up and saw a strange cloud above him, under which three completely white figures seemed to float, calling him “loud and sorrowful voices."

Other witnesses - some in a nearby field or six miles away - also claimed to have seen an unusual cloud in the sky, but not all noticed the figures floating below or heard the sound of their voices.

The same or similar encounters occur today. For example, in 1991 the scientific and informational bulletin "Anomaly" published a very curious message from the president of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown" AE Semyonov. It is called "Who are you," virgins of heaven "?" and contains descriptions of encounters with two unidentified images hanging in the sky.

Promotional video:

One of them took place in early October 1990 in Moldova. The eyewitnesses were passengers of a bus on its last flight from the village of Vadu-Turkului to Rybnitsa. This is how it looked:

“It was getting dark, and in the southeast direction, against the background of a cloudless sky, a gigantic female figure became visible. It was half the sky, orange in color. The "heavenly maiden" (as the observers called her) seemed to sit loosely in an armchair or lay down on a sofa invisible to people.

The outlines of a pretty profile, lush hair, loose over the shoulders, and high chest were clearly visible. It seemed that the legs were covered with a light, falling down shawl. This was observed for about half an hour, after which only a yellowish spot remained on the sky.

Another meeting took place on June 20, 1990. Ekaterina Chuprina from Odessa tells about her.

On that day, at about half past seven in the evening, she went to the window and saw in the sky a large horizontal cloud of gray in the shape of a bean, from which beams of golden sun rays emanated in six radii. The observer walked away from the window a couple of times, and when she again approached him, the picture changed:

“The gray cloud split in half to create a notch. In it sat in a chair or on a throne a woman, all dressed in gold. She was visible to her full height, in a long dress, with a crown on her head. Her right leg was put forward, her left leg was behind her, her hands rested on the railing of the chair … For about fifteen minutes I looked at the woman, admiring this spectacle.

Then the eyewitness had to leave the room again. When she returned, there was nothing but small white round clouds scattered across the blue sky.

The same "Anomaly" later reported on another collective vision in the skies, observed on June 22, 1941 by residents of the city of Kotelnich, in the Kirov region:

“Toward noon, a whitish cloud appeared in the sky, seemingly unremarkable, which slowly floated in the blue of the sky. Above the spire of the church on Kotelnicheskaya Gora, the cloud froze, thickened and suddenly began to intensively change its shape.

Before the eyes of the amazed audience, it soon took the form of an oblong dish with a human head lying on it. The sculpting was done with great precision, observing three-dimensional proportions.

Details were clearly visible, in particular antennae, oblique comb of hair on the frontal part of the head. People looked, crossed themselves … After a few minutes the image began to deform, blurred and soon again acquired the form of a shapeless cloud, which continued to move."

According to one observer, the similarity of the celestial portrait with photographic and poster images of Hitler was striking and was perceived as a prediction of the outcome of a great confrontation.


Several similar messages were published in 1994-1995 by the St. Petersburg newspaper Anomaliya.

So, on October 10, 1967, an employee of the geophysical station saw over the Tiksi Bay “some incredibly alien and, at the same time, something familiar, beautiful face, formed from red and yellowish rays. As if made of sparkling stones, it looked at me with starry eyes."

And yet the phenomenon was accompanied by a strange voice, as from a receiver. Witnesses of our time sometimes compare such voices with “synthesized”, “metallic” ones. But two hundred years ago they were also called "metal" and "iron", emphasizing the artificiality of their origin.

And on November 23, 1983, over Srednekolymsk, they saw a "portrait" of a man of about fifty, which hung for more than three hours.

The newspaper "Sovetskaya Moldova", in its issue of October 11, 1991, reported that at the beginning of that month in the cloudless sky over the warring Transnistria, an image of a giant female figure with loose hair appeared and held for about half an hour.

But something like this has happened more than once in the past. For example, during one of the battles during the Crimean War, when in the battle at Bash-Kadyk-Lara, a detachment of Russian soldiers of 9000 people defeated an army of 36,000 Turks with 46 guns. It was November 19, 1853.

Later, the captured Turks showed that when the entire Russian army was brought into the battle, they saw a bright female figure descending from the sky, with a banner in her hand, accompanied by two Russian soldiers:

"The light from her was so bright that it was like the sunshine, and no eye could withstand it."

The vision sowed terror among the Turks, they fled and lost the battle.

The Russian soldiers did not see the phenomenon:

“By divine providence, our alien enemies have borne witness to this. The Turks claim that in their army they saw all this with horror and everyone knows about it, but their superiors, on pain of death, forbade talking about it and tried to overshadow this event."

A foreign magazine wrote about the same event in the 19th century:

“The defeat of the Russians seemed inevitable, when suddenly the Turks were seized by panic and they gave in to flight. Taking advantage of this, the Russians pursued them and took many prisoners. Subsequently questioned about the reasons for the flight, the Turks unanimously claimed that they saw a huge female figure in a white robe, formed before their eyes in the air and, as it were, floating above the Russian army.

A huge radiant cross appeared over the figure. Taking this vision as a sign of the miraculous intervention of higher powers in favor of the Russians, the Turkish soldiers fled. This was confirmed by the Russian prisoners of war and officers who returned to their homes.

St. Petersburg researcher Mikhail Gershtein, collecting evidence of all kinds of heavenly signs, noted that an image similar to the Transnistrian phenomenon appeared in 1987 in the sky over Grushevo, a village located in the Dragobych district of the Lviv region. It was mistaken for the appearance of the Virgin Mary, which caused an unprecedented mass pilgrimage to this village.